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Skin Pigmentation
and Improving
the Quality of Your Skin

By Dr. Channy Muhn
and Dr. Nathan Rosen

Article printed on page 10 in the December 5-6, 2009 issue of
The Mississauga News under the feature: Health, Wellness & Beauty, Medicine Matters
Guest Column by Dermatologists in Dr. Kujtan's Medical Matters.
Dr. Channy Y Muhn, MD, FRCPC, Dermatologist, Google image from http://faceinstitute.ca/assets/editorialboard/Muhn.jpg
Dr. Channy Y Muhn,
  Dr Nathan Rosen, MD, FRCPC, Dermatologist, Google image from http://faceinstitute.ca/assets/editorialboard/Rosen.jpg
Dr. Nathan Rosen,

As consumers, we get inundated with a plethora of lotions and potions that claim to vanish wrinkles and create miracles with regards to sun protection, skin texture and tone. The truth of the matter is that generic skin care programs do not have the ability to live up to these claims. To fix the problem, you need to address the cause, and pouring non-specific creams on the face that you bought on sale or that has a branded name that you recognize, may not be the best approach. Our skin is exposed to pollution, smoke, external chemicals, sunlight and internal factors such as ingested chemicals, nutritional status and stress.

When protecting and treating the aging skin, one is hoping to correct the damaging effects of the sun including sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles. Thus, a sunscreen, SPF 45 or higher with broad spectrum protection, including UVA, is necessary. In addition to this, a good skin care program will continue to protect the skin and prevent further damage.

Skin TX is a unique program that combines the best of the prescription topical therapies with natural and over the counter treatments. It is designed to improve the overall tone of the skin, remove unwanted hyperpigmentation and minimize acne. It is a program that we find encompasses all of these elements into one complete program. The effectiveness of the system lies in the fact that it is a medicated skin care program that uses prescription strength active ingredients to correct the skin. Patients who begin the program soon see a noticeable reduction of fine lines, sun spots, acne scarring as well as an improved texture to the skin.

In addition, Skin TX is a physician despensed program that is customized to each individual client. You can purchase this product at many places, but a critical component is the prescription aspect. Most importantly, using these product lines requires a partnership between physician and client, since most of the work is done at home, by you. There are many other creams available, and not enough time or space to talk about each. These are concerns that you should identify with your dermatologist and their team.

Over the last several years, many different types of lasers have emerged that correct different types of skin conditions. Lasers have gained popularity in recent years due to their effectiveness, predictability of results and the ability to correct the skin with decreased downtime. But like creams you see in boutiques and pharmacies, it is difficult to sort through the data and figure out what you need.

Intense Pulsed Light or Photorejuvenation therapies correct sunspots, redness, blood vessels and rosacea, as well as simply improving the overall texture and tone of the skin. Usually, a series of treatments are recommended and there is often little or no downtime associated with these procedures. There are minimal, if any, side effects of this procedure. When done properly, these can have excellent results; and when done improperly, are either ineffective or can damage your skin. Again, choose your treatment well in partnership with your doctor.

Fractional lasers are the newest lasers to emerge that correct overall skin texture, including fine lines and acne scarring. These types of lasers can vary in intensity and downtime based on the amount of correction needed. There are different types of fractional lasers, some break the surface of the skin and some do not. Each has a specific purpose including the treatment of fine lines, pigmentation and acne scars.

Finally, the most effective way of erasing wrinkles, sun damage, acne scarring, pigmentations, moles and improving the overall skin quality is the use of Laser Resurfacing. Downtime ranges from 2-7 days following the procedure. Laser Resurfacing should only be performed by an experienced physician, and in the opinion of most cosmetic leaders, there should be no exceptions to this rule when it comes to laser resurfacing.

Visit www.dermetics.ca.

Related resources:

Laser resurfacing from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Laser Resurfacing from Mayo Clinic. Laser resurfacing is a facial rejuvenation procedure that uses a laser to improve the skin's appearance or treat minor facial flaws.

Skin Resurfacing & Peels. Understanding Facial Peels and Laser Surgery from American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS).

Laser Resurfacing from MedicineNet. Explains How Laser Skin Resurfacing Work. Includes a Cosmetic Surgery Before & After Pictures Slideshow.

Your Complete Guide to CO2 Laser Resurfacing by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst, Medically reviewed by Cynthia Cobb, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAANP, Healthline, July 22, 2022. How it works, Benefits, Safety, Recovery, Choosing a dermatologist, Cost, Takeaway. How does CO2 laser resurfacing work? C02 laser resurfacing uses pulses of laser light.

Topical treatments and skin‐resurfacing techniques for skin ageing. Monitoring Editor: Cochrane Skin Group, Aug 19, 2021. ● What to Do If Bad Plastic Surgery Happens to You by Natalie Kita, Medically reviewed by William Truswell, MD, June 1, 2022.

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