Seniors Activities at a Glance

Older Adult Centre
Winter Activity Guide:
January, February, March 2011

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South Seas Cruise: The Musical |
9th Annual Variety Show Television

For all 2011 Spring Programs see: 2011 Spring Brochure in PDF 13.3MB.

Message from the President:
Seniors' Month:

June was Seniors' Month and I trust that our members had an opportunity to attend some of the many activities sponsored by Older Adult Centre, the Cit of Mississauga and various Retirement Residences.

Partner Events:

On June 7, 2010, Sue Hesjedahl and I attended the 39th Annual General Meeting of Family Services of Peel. Sue presented a gift from the Centre to retiring Executive Director, Paddy Ramsingh. Family Services of Peel is a strong partner with Square One Seniors Wellness Services as they provide the professionals that facilitate our Information and Support service, Circle of Friends group and the Health Lecture Series.

On june 18, 2010, Tessie Buena and I attended the "Diversity Symposium" sponsored by the United Way of Peel Region, Immigration Canada and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The speakers acknowledged the growing diversity in Peel Region and discussed ideas to promote an integrated Peel Region where all citizens oif Peel can participate in Peel's growth. The symposium was educational and informative.

Board of Directors:

At our Annual General Meeting (Stub Year) on June 29, 2010, we acknowledged that we still have 2 vacancies that the Board is recruiting for: Director of Facility and Director of Special Events and Fundraising.

The Board of Directors and Staff will meet in August to work on the Strategic Plans for Older Adult Centre and Square One Seniors Wellness Services. Some of the items to be discussed are: future direction and vision, programs, services, finances, policies and procedures and future offsite locations.

Hats Off to:

All members and staff who made the Tree of Sharing project such a successful fundraising event. Donations totalled $4,735.00 A warm "thank you" for you generosity!

~ Esther Williams, President

Message from the Executive Director
Upcoming Fundraisers:

Please join us for our annual Walk-a-thon fundraiser on Friday, October 1, 2010. This is a very important fundraiser for the Older Adult Centre and Seniors Wellness Services. Last year, we raised over $20,000! Thank you to those who have supported us generously over the past several years. Please join us again this year as we are sure to have a great time.

December seems far off, but we are already planning our annual Gift Wrapping fundraiser in Square One. Last year, we had our most successful year raising over $23,000 through the hours and hours of hard work of many volunteers to wrap countless parcels for the Square One shoppers. Please contact Karmela if you are interested in volunteering this year.

Facility Update:

We have installed lockerettes in the men's and ladies' washrooms. These were purchased using a Special Projects Grant through the Elderly Persons Centres Grant of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. The lockerettes allow our members to secure your personal belongings while attending programs and events at the Centre. We ask that you sign out a key in the Administration office. Lockerettes must be emptied before you leave each day.

Thank You!

Thank you to those members who participated in the member survey over the summer. We appreciate and value your opinions as they help us to plan for the future. We are researching a possible satellite location and want your help in deciding which programs or services to offer in the possible new location.

Thank you to our many Corporate Sponsors, Donors and Service Clubs who continue to support the Centre in so many ways. We could not keep up our good work without your help.

~ Sue Hesjedahl, Executive Director

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Older Adult Centre
Family Services of Peel

        Family Services of Peel Logo


Free Information and Support for Adults 50+

Every FRIDAY from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Free Counselling * Confidential * Private

Please call Lina Zita at 905-615-3207 to book
your FREE individual appointment with a social worker
or for more information.

Empowering Adults 50+
Free Drop-In Group Session

FRIDAY from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Bi-weekly group discussions on:

Caregiver Stress * Support Services * Elder Abuse
Grandparenting * Investment Loss * Depression

Telephone Google image from
5 minutes can make all the difference!

Telephone Reassurance Program

This program is designed to provide daily contact for adults 50+ who live alone in the Mississauga area and have some concerns about their safety and isolation.

Pick up your Client Application Form at the Administration Office or call 905-615-3207 for more information.

In the privacy of your own home.

Daily at a mutually agreed upon time.

To alleviate some of the fears of living alone, as well as to provide social contact.

There is no cost involved. You do not need to be a member of the Older Adult Centre for this service.