Seniors Activities at a Glance

Older Adult Centre
Summer Activity Guide
July - August 2007

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HOME | Seniors Activities at a Glance |
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City of Mississauga Older Adults | Active Aging |
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Twitter | 8th Annual Variety Show |
At the Majestic | 20th Century: The Musical |
South Seas Cruise: The Musical |
9th Annual Variety Show Television

Summertime - Lyrics
Summertime and the living is easy
Fish are jumping and the cotton is high
Your daddy's rich and your mama's good-looking
So, hush, little baby don't you cry

One of these mornings you're gonna rise up singing
Then you spread your wings and take to the sky
But until that morning there is nothing can harm you, no no no
With your daddy and mommy standing by

Older Adult Centre
Summer Activity Guide
July - August 2008

Sorry, this Guide has been deleted due to its being Mobile Unfriendly.