Seniors Activities at a Glance

Older Adult Centre
Members News

Volume 11, Issue 1, Winter 2010

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A centre, operated by and for Mississauga's Older Adult Residents who are 50+ years of age, which provides social, health, educational and recreational opportunities to enhance their quality of life.

100 City Centre Drive, P.O. Box 2214,
Mississauga, ON L5B 2C9 Canada



Happy New Year to all. We welcome 2010 with some exciting news. It is official: the Ontario Government has approved Square One Seniors Wellness Services as a Registered Charity. We will officially launch the Charity over the next couple of months.

Both Older Adult Centre and the new Square One Seniors Wellness Services are under the same leadership of the current Board of Directors and Staff. They both have the same head office at Square One - 100 City Centre Drive in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. By creating a charity, it allows us to offer more of the much needed health and wellness services to seniors, in our community. It also opens new funding opportunities for us to tap into.

We want your input. We have developed two logos for Square One Seniors Wellness Services (SOSWS) and we would like you to vote on which one you like better. You will find an insert in this newsletter showing two logos for you to choose from. Please take a few minutes to review them and choose your favourite. Drop the ballot into the Centre before March 5, 2010 for a chance to win a prize for taking part. This is your Centre and your new Charity. Please be a part of it by sharing your vote with us.

Older Adult Centre received special funding fromt he Ministry of Health last year to purchase some new items for the Centre. We received $10,000 in the form of an Elderly Person Centre Special Project Grant. This money was approved to go toward the new security camera system we put in over the summer, some plumbing and electrical repairs we did, a new phone system which is now up and running, new program equipment, new tables and chairs for the Auditorium and new lockerettes which will be installed in the washrooms over the next few weeks.

Many of the new items we purchased are to improve safety and security for our members. It is very important to us that our members and guests feel safe. We have also purchased and installed retractable belts that we are using at the top of the two stairways leading into the Auditorium We are trying to prevent anyone from falling ont he stairs as they line up for programs and events. We look forward to an exciting 2010 as we embark on new wellness programs and services.

~ Pat Fyffe, President
~Sue Hesjedahl, Executive Director


Pat Fyffe - President
Shirley Corbett - Past President
Esther Williams - Vice President
Robert Lomon - Controller
Alice Dods - Director, Administration & Secretary
Marion Duff - Director, Facilities
Judy Willson - Director, Programs & Cafeteria
Sasha Zivkovic - Director, Special Events & Fundraisers
Shirley Corbett - Director, Travel
Jean Michaels - Director, Volunteers
Lewis Lawrence - Vice President, Facility Operations (Emeritus)
Wendy Murdock - Ex-Officio Director, City of Mississauga

Linda Keen-Lausberg - Ex-Officio Director, Square One Shopping Centre

View photos of current Members of Board of Directors

Older Adult Centre STAFF

Sue Hesjedahl - Executive Director
Laura Surman - Program Coordinator (with responsibility for Centre Supervision)
Anne Goldspink Norman - Administration and Facility Coordinator
Lina Zita - Marketing and Community Development Coordinator
Karmela Buzdon - Volunteer Coordinator
Joan Crews - Saturday Receptionist
Genni Iwanski - Saturday Receptionist

Peter Hammond, LL.B. - Legal Consultant (Volunteer)

Older Adult Centre presents ...

Fundraising Event

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Festivities start at 12:30 p.m.

We will be screening: "Up in the Air"
Nominated for 6 Academy Awards

The Red Carpet Gala includes:
hot and cold d'oeuvres stations, dessert bar, swag bags, refreshments, personal photograph memento at the event, movie admission, Joan Rivers impersonator, silent auction and more.

The festivities will be held in the Empire Theatre (inside Square One Shopping Centre).
Ticket Price: $25.00 (adults only)
Dress up event or come as your Favorite Movie Star.

For more information, please call 905-615-3207.

Square One Seniors Wellness Services Presents ...
At Older Adult Centre

Thursday, March 25, 2010 from Noon - 3:00 p.m., and
Friday, March 26, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Free Admission ~ Open to the Public

35 different senior service exhibitors each day, program demonstrations, free refreshments, entertainment by painist Roy Purdy, blood pressure reading, blood sugars and blood cholesterol checks at the free Health Clinic on Thursday, free Foot Care Assessments on Friday, everyone will receive a participant bag full of great resources and there will be daily chances to win a variety of door prizes.

Presentations on Thursday: 12:30 p.m. Seven Steps to Health by the Canadian Cancer Society, and at 1:30 p.m. Taking Charge of Your Brain Health by the Alzheimer Society of Peel. Presentations on Friday: 10:30 a.m. Bone Health and Osteoporosis by Osteoporosis Canada and at 11:30 a.m. Vital Information of the New HST.


Telephone Reassurance program provides FREE check-in and friendly phone calls to seniors who are in need of someone to touch base with them to ensure their well-being and/or to have a friendly conversation on a regularly scheduled basis. For more information, please call Lina Zita at 905-615-3207 extension 107.
Funded by Mississauga Halton LHIN in partnership with Peel Senior Link.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010, departure: 9:00 a.m.

Polish up your tasting spoons! Revel in all things syrupy, including sap-collecting demonstrations and taffy tasting, wagon ride and delicious all-you-can-eat pancakes with maple syrup for lunch. Coffee stop if time permits.

Early bird ticket price: Members: $50.00, Guests 50+: $55.00.
Effective March 1, 2010, ticket price: Members: $55.00, Guests 50+: $60.00.


Enjoy some special intergenerational programs over the March Break Week:

Paint Your Teddy Workshop

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
$8.00 Members, $4.00 for Kids

Wii Bowling Tournament

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 - 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
$4.00 Members and Guests


Join us today on our journey together to build a stronger Volunteer driven Centre. We are inviting energetic and innovative individuals to share their skills and expertise with ut.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Wii Program Leaders
Cafeteria Support
Choir Instructor
Tea Party Gals Leader
Craft Leader

Make a difference at your Centre - "Become a Leader today by Volunteering".
Time commitment: One day per week / approximately three hours.
Please see Karmela Buzdon, Volunteer Coordinator for more details, or call Karmela at 905-615-3207.

Older Adult Centre

Supported by The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Affiliated with City of Mississauga