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000-099 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 Teaching Aids & Devices Webquest Sites |
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Dewey Decimal System Webquest by Jenny Cook, for Grades 3-5. Curriculum: Technology. This WebQuest will help you to understand the ten subject categories of the Dewey Decimal System. You will also learn about the inventor and why he invented the system.
The Dewey Decimal System WebQuest. This WebQuest was created by Austin Stroud in June 2010 as part of the Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis School of Library and Information Science course. More than 200,000 libraries worldwide in 135 countries use the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) to keep their collections organized. Let's get started on the journey to learn more about the Dewey Decimal System and how you can easily remember it! Site includes valuable resources on DDC.
DeweyWorld ... A Dewey Decimal System Webquest by Cindy Adamson, for Grades 4-6. Your job, as one of the theme park experts ... is to design a theme park using the Dewey Decimal System as a guide. Last update: April 29, 2010.
Melvil Dewey: A kidcyberQuest aims to introduce you to the inventor of the Dewey Decimal System, Melvil Dewey, and to lead you on an investigation of how the system works in a school library. Resources for the kidcyberQuest are all online and the response sheets and evaluation response need only to be printed. This webquest will help you understand how the Dewey System works so that you can more easily find items in your library. You will also find out about the inventor and why the system was invented. Writers and publishers of kidcyber are Shirley Sydenham, a primary teacher, and Ron Thomas, a primary teacher-librarian, in Australia.
A Webquest for Library Students. Who Was Dewey? Author: Marsha Johanning, Sullivan Elementary, Sullivan Schools. How will learning this numbering system help me throughout school and adult life? You will learn about each of the main categories, subcategories, and subdivisions and be able to locate a specific book when you finish this Webquest.
Plagiarism: A WebQuest for High School Students designed by Group 9, (Group Members: M. Bowman, D. Coulson, M. Halliburton, K. Hancock, C. Justus, D. Morales, S. Smith, E. Winkelmann), Collierville High School, Shelby County, Memphis TN.
Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it by Wendy Torres. Students will learn what plagiarism is and practice paraphrasing skills. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Technology. Wendy Torres
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by Ali Dunn. Webquest designed for elementary students to get an idea of what the ancient world was like by exploring the main highlights, the seven wonders of the ancient world. Ali Dunn's webquest was inspired by Mr. Donn's History Pages. See also Free Video Clips & Movies - 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.
Twenty-five great ideas for teaching current events. Newspaper Lesson Plans from Education World.
Ancient Chinese Philosophies. WebQuest by Jay Marston. This webquest is designed to be used in an academic-level 11th grade World Cultures course. "Confucianism and Daoism developed in ancient China around 2,500 years ago, and Legalism shortly after. Buddhism was introduced to China around 2,000 years ago as more of a 'true religion' than the first three philosophies. Communism was introduced to China in the early 20th Century, and took the form of Maoism after the 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution. All of these philosophies continue to exist at some level in Chinese culture today. This webquest will ask you to review the histories of all these Chinese philosophies/religions, explore their role in present-day Chinese culture, and evaluate how you feel towards each."
Ancient Greek Philosophers. WebQuest by Tiffany Taylor. Grade Level: 6-8. In this WebQuest, you will explore the history of Ancient Greek philosophy and the men who made it great. You will delve into the lives of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, learning about who they were and their contributions to Ancient Greece as well as their effect on the thinking of modern day society.
Greek Philosophers Webquest by Karen Walsh. Travel back in time to Ancient Greece and learn about the philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Your class just won a time machine! You take a vote, and decide to go back in time to Ancient Greece, around 300 BC! The Athenians will expect you to know the three great philosophers of their time: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. To prove your knowledge of these three great minds, you must answer some questions about their lives before you embark on your great journey!
A Journey into the Transcendental Spirit. Honors American Literature/Contemporary Composition. For your mini-research project, you will be researching a transcendentalist author and his/her works, and apply these perspectives to your own life.
Philosophy. WebQuest by Matthew Edwards. Throughout this webquest, you will learn what a philosophy is, what makes up a philosophy, and why having a philosophy is important. You will be looking at 3 different ancient Chinese philosophies throughout this webquest. The three philosophies are Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. You will see that each one was created to deal with certain problems in society at that time. At the end of this webquest, you will be able to create your own philosophy dealing with issues you believe our current society has. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Social Studies.
Philosophy: Questions and Theories for Grade 12, University Preparation, from Curriculum Services Canada (CSC). Unit 1: Metaphysics, 7 activities.
Understanding Philosophy. Webquest by Joni Gilman. "Throughout this webquest, you will learn what a philosophy is, what makes up a philosophy, and why having a philosophy is important. You will be looking at various Eastern philosophies originating in China, India and the Middle East. You will see that many of these philosophies were created to deal with certain problems in society at that time. At the end of this webquest, you will become a philosopher yourself by creating your own original philosophy which deals with issues that you believe our current society has."
Understanding Experimentation in Psychology: A Web Quest for Psychology 101 designed by Bernard Schuster.
Explorations from iwebquest.com. A Webquest to Inspire Good People Through the Exploration of Ancient Greek Mythology.
Exploring Greek Mythology. GEMS Mythology Web Quest by Rachel Rydzewski and Sallie Piotrowski, Waunakee Middle School, Waunakee, WI. Within this webquest, you will learn:
1. Each Greek god/goddess represents a value of the ancient culture.
2. Greek mythology reveals what behaviors were rewarded and which were punished within ancient Greek culture.
3. The choices and actions of the Olympians usually affect or explain the world.
4. Many companies and advertising campaigns rely on Greek gods and/or myths.
Within this webquest, you will be able to:
1. Identify the names of famous Greek figures, as well as what each is known for.
2. Recall background, details, and/or stories about one Greek god or goddess.
3. Analyze the values of our society today, in order to create a modern "god or goddess" that holds power in our culture.
Greek Mythology. A Webquest for 7th Grade English, designed by Erin Giacomelli, Slideshare.
Greek Mythology. A Webquest for 9th Grade English, designed by Brian Lancaster, Slideshare.
Greek Mythology Webquest by "Greek Mr. Lewis". "For this Webquest you will be doing some individual work along with working in a small group. Individually, you will be looking up information on a character from Greek Mythology to create their own Facebook profile."
Greek Mythology WebQuest by Wellsboro High School Library Media Center Staff. Greek Mythology Scavenger Hunt.
A Look Inside the Greek Mythology Site. This e-issue Teacher's Guide, gives students a bit of background on Greek lore and mythology while also providing insight into some popular cultural references and icons.
It's All Greek to Me! WebQuest by Matthew Carver. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Social Studies. History, Greek. Much of Western Civilization is impacted by the thoughts and world views of the Ancient Greeks. This impact can be seen in everything from religion, politics, science, to entertainment and much in between. In this WebQuest you will be gathering information and defending your interpretation of Greek impact on our culture from one of the categories assigned to you.
It's All Greek to Me! WebQuest by Cynthia Starnes. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Social Studies. Keywords: Greece, shipping, trade, ancient, Greek food, democracy, Greek tragedy, timeline, mapping, government. Students will map shipping and trade routes between Greece and America during the early 1900s. Students will research the history of olives and olive oil in Greek History. They will research on the Internet and find a simple recipe that uses grapes, olives or olive oil with Greek origins.
It's All Greek to Me! WebQuest by Grtetchen Gegenheimer. Grade Level: 3-5. Curriculum: Art / Music. Ancient Greece, Greek, Mythology. Description: Student will become an archeologist who will help design an exhibit for a local museum.
Making Your Way Through Greek Mythology. This webquest is designed for students in Grades 5-8. For this webquest, you will be making your way through Greek Mythology. By the end of your quest, you will understand the relationships between many of the Greek gods and goddesses.
Myths WebQuest from Rockford Public Schools. Webquest worksheets: Part 1: Greek gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades). Part 2: Ancient Arcade. Part 3: The Myth of Hercules. Part 4: The Myth of Narcissus. Part 5: Adventures in Ancient Greece
Webquest: Homer's Odyssey. Subjects: English Language Arts, Reading, Informational Text. Grades 6 to 10. This online activity will help students build their knowledge of Homer, literature terms, life in ancient Greece, and Greek mythology.
Buddhist Studies for primary and secondary students. Including Handbook for Teachers.
Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers. Hundreds of high quality Lesson Plans for K-12 arranged alphabetically by title of Web sites, Teaching Strategies include everything you always wanted to know about how to put students online in your social studies classroom, Online Activities for K-12 include hundreds of Webquests arranged alphabetically by title of Web sites, Teaching Current Events Via Newspapers, Magazines and TV connects you to newspaper, magazine, and television Webquest activities sponsored by major corporations and educational institutions. Site also offers valuable links to Other Social Studies Resources.
Media Literacy Webquest from Create WebQuest. Media literacy is the ability to analyze and evaluate the messages we see in movies, television shows, magazines, newspapers, online, and in other forms of media. Your job in the WebQuest is to expand your media literacy. You will learn about advertising techniques and investigate their use. You'll take a look at stereotyping as one type of bias in advertising.
Bully Free Zone. Webquest from Zunal. Designed as an anti-bullying lesson. Students will discover the definition of a bully and how students, schools and teachers can ensure their school is bully free. Grade Level: 6-8, Curriculum: Life Skills / Careers.
Bullying WebQuest designed for Grades 6-8 by Christine Young. An InstantWebquest from InstantProjects.org.
We Want Vicenza Elementary School to Be Bully Free. Webquest from Zunal. This webquest will ask students to do research on bullying, become a "task force", and write a proposal to administration to stop bullying at their school. Grade Level: 6-8, Curriculum: Life Skills / Careers.
Webquest on Cyber Bullying designed by Brittany Fraley, Slidshare.net.
9/11 Memorial Lesson Plans. Foundational Lesson Plans: K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12. About 9/11 Lesson Plans. Teaching Guides: A Place of Remembrance, Tribute Art & 9/11, The Spirit of Volunteerism. Talking to Children about 9/11, View Webcasts, 9/11 Primary Sources.
Classroom Lesson Plans: Helping Teachers Teach History from History News Network (HNN).
September 11th, 2001 Webquest - September 11 Webquest Activity by Mr. Campione. To learn about, or review, the tragic events of September 11, 2001, you will visit the provided website individually or with a partner and answer 13 questions.
September11 Webquest by Paula Laurita, Guest Author. This webquest for middle and high school students requires critical thinking skills, and asks students how they want to remember the day that changed their lives.
Remembering September 11. Lessons and Resources.
Remembering September 11th - Opening Days of School for young children. Free PowerPoint Presentations on September 11 include:
● Microsoft PowerPoint - 9-11.pptx
● 11- The Truth Will Set You Free
● Understanding Sept 11 - What is terrorism ppt
● Terrorism
For Teachers:
● 2001- The Day That Changed America
● A Guided Exploration of the Events of 9-11
● 11, Social Studies, Glencoe
● Remembering September 11
● Free Clipart
September 11 Lesson Plans by Alicia Johnson. By interviewing family members about 9/11, students can provide material for deep and meaningful discussions. Long Lasting Impressions and The Power of Words Daily Lesson Plan from New York Times.
September 11: Lessons and Resources for Classroom Teachers from Education World.
Teachers can Mark 10th Anniversary of September 11 Attacks with Free Online Lesson Plans and Activities from PR Web. Educational Materials Created for Student Population Too Young to Remember Terrorist Events.
Teaching Sept. 11 to Students Who Were Born After the Attacks Happened. 15 years later: The Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks.
A Virtual Visit to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum from EDSITEment! a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
A Look at the Population Density of the United States. Lesson Plans, Grades 9-12. This lesson focuses on the spatial distribution of the population density of the United States at different levels of scale.
Can You Afford to Retire? From PBS FRONTLINE, for Grades 9-12 Social Studies, American Government, Current Events, Language Arts, Economics.
Encyclopaedia Britannica's Guide to Black History.
Famous African Americans WebQuest for Grade 2. Created by Carrie Bradley. Essential Understanding. One person can make a difference.
Freedom of Speech Webquest With Answer Key! This 18 question History.com webquest will help students learn all about freedom of speech as protected by the first amendment!
How to Teach About the First Amendment by Brian J. Buchanan, Managing Editor/Online, First Amendment Center. Lesson plans. "The most basic liberties guaranteed to Americans - embodied in the 45 words of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - assure Americans a government that is responsible to its citizens and responsive to their wishes.
These 45 words are as alive and important today as they were more than 200 years ago. These liberties are neither liberal nor conservative, Democratic nor Republican - they are the basis for our representative democratic form of government."
Peace and Freedom WebQuest from Veterans Affairs Canada.
● 1. Qualities of a Peacekeeper: As a group, identify at least 10 qualities you think a peacekeeper needs to have. Think about your classroom and what each of you need to do to keep your classroom peaceful. Create a small poster that illustrates what a peacekeeper would look like and include it in your coffee table book. Write a song describing some of the skills that people need in order to get along with one another and which also sends the message that it is not cool to bully or ridicule.
● 2. The United Nations
● 3. Canada and the United Nations
● 4. Peace Begins with You!
● 5. Dealing with Conflict
● 6. Childrenw's Rights
● 7. Was the Korean War Worth It?
● 8. How the Korean War Reinforced Canada's Reputation as a Peacekeeping Nation
● 9. Canada's Involvement in Peacekeeping
Religious Freedom? Webquest by Kathy Wilson. Do we have the freedom to follow our own religion without fear of oppression? Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Social Studies.
What is the purpose of the freedom of speech? Webquest by Geoffrey Curran. Students will do research online and from their texts or assigned reading books to discover what the freedom of speech means to their own lives. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: English / Language Arts.
Work Station 3: Freedom of the Press from Create Webquest. Freedom of Speech is a political right guaranteed in democratic societies. It is to be protected by governments but might also be restricted when necessary. This Sub-WebQuest to a greater one by the title Defending Democratic Rights: Freedom of Speech in the aftermath of attacks on Charlie Hebdo will prepare you for the main task, in which you will simulate the decision making process at an editor's meeting, negotiating the printing of a few controversial cartoons.
The Progressive Era. Background: In the late 1800s and early 1900's, America was plagued by a multitude of societal ills and injustices. From the abuses of the working class and their poor working and living
conditions, to the excesses of the wealthy, to the denial of women and minority rights, many people demanded reform.
Task: You and your group's task will be to investigate key issues of the Progressive era by completing
the following:
1. Research and define some background information on the Progressive Era itself
2. Each member of your group will research a different aspect of the progressive era and complete the
assigned tasks for each topic.
3. As a group you will come together and discuss/ debate the following essential questions. Together
you will write a short editorial that answers all of these questions:
A. Of the many reform movements occurring during the Progressive Era, which reform
movement had the most positive, lasting impact on society to this day?
B. What evidence exists in today's society to support your opinion?
C. Who were the key personalities related to this movement.
Women's Suffrage WebQuest from Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP).
Women's Suffrage WebQuest from Historical Society of Pennsylvania. This WebQuest is a cooperative learning activity, requiring students to take on roles as journalists.
Election WebQuest from Education World. WebQuest is designed to familiarize students with the candidates and issues that are central to the coming election.
Highway to the White House. The Election in AMERICA
American Slavery Webquest from Change Our Story.
● Slavery WebQuest. This Webquest is going to take you through the beginnings of slavery in the Americas and detail what the journey was like for the slaves from Africa to the Americas.
● Slavery Webquest. Google webquest sites.
● Slavery in the "New World" Webquest from Springfield Public Schools, District 186. This assignment can be found at www.mrstreit.webs.com under the ASSIGNMENTS tab. "Slavery predates writing and can be found in almost all cultures and continents. Historically, most slaves were initially captured in wars or kidnapped in isolated raids but some were sold into slavery by their parents as a means of surviving extreme conditions. African American slavery however, is unique though in that it was based not on any of the traditional reasons for enslavement. Instead, African American Slavery was based on a new concept called race."
Slavery in America Web Quest. Created for Mr. Altobelli's U.S. History I class.
Slavery: Scars from the Past WebQuest by Lisa Denning, from Zunal.
American Slavery Webquest. It's More Than Just History. Slave Life: Use the following websites to discover what life was like for slaves on a southern plantation. The information from these sites will help you complete the How Slaves Were Used in the 1800s and Treatment of Slaves portion of your presentation.
● Slavery and the Making of America
● Slavery WebQuest Introduction
● A Slave's Life: Eyewitness to History
● "A Slave Is Tortured"
● The Varieties of Slave Labor by Daniel C. Littlefield, Carolina Professor of History, University of South Carolina.
● The Southern Argument for Slavery.
Slavery Webquest. Slavery predates writing and can be found in almost all cultures and continents. Historically, most slaves were initially captured in wars or kidnapped in isolated raids but some were sold into slavery by their parents as a means of surviving extreme conditions. African American slavery however, is unique though in that it was based not on any of the traditional reasons for enslavement. Instead, African American Slavery was based on a new concept called race. Task: Answer questions such as: How many Africans were sold into slavery in Africa? How many died before reaching the coast? How many did not survive the voyage to the new world? What did the ship's captain do upon outbreak of disease on his slave ship? How many total died? What does "anti-amalgamation" mean? What are the two main points of the Missouri Compromise? What was the Underground Railroad?
Underground Railroad Webquest from Google Docs. Students will be required to write an original song to help lead African- American slaves from the South to the North.
Webquest: Underground Railroad from SharpSchool.
Underground Railroad Webquests. Annotated webquest links collected by Paula Laurita, BellaOnline's Library Sciences Editor.
WebQuests Links to Slavery and the Underground Railroad from Safe Passage: The Underground Railroad in Southwestern Ohio.
EconEdLink from EconomicsAmerica. Provides a premier souce of classroom-tested, Internet-based economic lesson materials for K-12 teachers and their students, with over 509 lessons.
Economics for Kids. Links.
Economics for Children from A 2 Z Homeschooling.
Economics for Kids and Teenagers from PBS Lerning Media. Investigate how the supply and demand for goods and resources are globally intertwined with videos, lesson plans, and interactive games in Economics.
Child Labor Webquest by Mr. Baker. In this WebQuest, you will discover the answer to the following questions:
What was daily life like for Child Laborers living during the Industrial Revolution?
What reforms needed to be made in order to change the situation?
What lasting effects did these jobs have on the children who performed them?
Child Labor Webquest by Mr. Thorpe, Panther Creek High School. "Child labor goes back to beginnings of humankind. Children have always been expected to help meet the family's needs. Before the Industrial Revolution, children worked under the guidance of their parents on farms, in their homes, or in artisan workshops. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people work. Families began to leave their homes to work in factories. With long hours, harsh discipline, and little concern for safety, the work was often dangerous and sometimes deadly. Many people believe that the exploitation of child labor in now a thing of the past. But is it really? You will compare child labor practices during the Industrial Revolution with those of today."
Industrial Revolution Child Labor WebQuest. You are going to research the jobs that children had during the Industrial Revolution of the 1800's. You will discover what a day was like for a child and understand what child labor laws are.
Banking and Credit. Internet Projects from Glencoe McGraw-Hill. Task 1: Get an overview of the home-buying process. Task 2: Start saving and choose a bank that fits your needs. Task 3: Establish good credit. Task 4: Plan ahead to obtain a mortgage. Task 5: Negotiate the purchase of a home.
WebQuest: Personal Finance: Banking from Zunal.com. Students will be given a series of activities to complete online about banking services. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Business / Economics.
Borrowing Money WebQuest from Amped Up Learning. The purpose of the web quest is to get students to understand the importance of budgeting and how to manage debt and borrow money responsibly. Four websites are used in this web quest. They are:
Debt Test - Students answer questions to test their knowledge about debt.
Money Quiz - Students complete a quiz about personal finance.
Financial Services - Students complete questions about financial services.
Video - Students watch a brief video about Warren Buffet and borrowing money.
Money, Money!! from Create WebQuest. Money is Amazing. You will use websites to learn about buying and selling before money, the history of money, and how money is different around the world.
Money Webquest: Money, Money, Money!!! from West Allegheny School District, McKee Elementary School. Everyone wants it. Everyone needs it. Why? What is money? Where does it come from? Your parents are right, money doesn't grow on trees. Then, where does it come from? Who invented it? What different kinds of money are there?
WebQuest: Show Me the Money! By Shayla Norman. This webquest is designed for high school students to learn why it is important to understand basic concepts involved with budgeting, spending, saving, and investing money for their future. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Business / Economics. Keywords: money management, saving, spending, investing, economic depression.
21st Century Schoolhouse - Links to Free Work Sheets.
Classroom Resources, Classroom Internet Library from New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) Knowledge Network.
Computer Teaching Lesson Plans: Web Quests from Online Teacher Resource.
edHelper.com. With links to 2500 lesson plans.
The Fab Five. Links to numerous webquest sites. Topics include: Nine Planets of Our Solar System Web Quest
Human Life on Mars ... What's It Like?
Health/PE WebQuests
Technology WebQuests
Science WebQuests
Math WebQuests
Foreign Language WebQuests
Business and Economics WebQuests
Art and Music WebQuests
Social Studies WebQuests
Sharks WebQuest
New Year's Celebrations Around the World WebQuest
Ancient Egypt WebQuest
Ancient Civilizations WebQuest
A Web Quest on Propaganda
Radio Days: A Web Quest
Avoiding Plagiarism Web Quest
Macbeth Web Quest
High School History Web Quests
Labor History
The Future of Television
Shakespeare WebQuest ...
The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM). Search or browse The Gateway to find high quality educational materials, including lesson plans, activities, and projects from GEM Consortium member sites. Options: Simple Search, Browse Subjects, Browse Keywords.
High School Web Quests Grades 9 - 12 from Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS), Annapolis, MD.
Illuminations from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 90 online activities, 524 lessons for preK-12 math educators, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics outlines the essential components of a high-quality school mathematics program, plus links to useful mathematics education resources on the Internet.
Learning Center (Library and Archives Canada - LAC). A collection strong in history, literature and music, including websites, educational tools, and digitized primary sources (printed documents, diaries, maps, illustrations, paintings, manuscripts, and printed and recorded music) from LAC holdings.
Lesson Planet. Search 150,000 Teacher Reviewed Lesson Plans.
Lesson Plans Library from Discovery Education. Site provides kindergarten, elementary, middle school and high school lesson plans for all major school subjects. Browse by subject, grade, or both to find hundreds of original lesson plans, all written by teachers for teachers. View all K-5 lesson plans, View all Grades 6-8 lesson plans, View all Grades 9-12 lesson plans.
LessonPlansPage.com. Over 3000 free lesson plans. Includes Lesson Plan Guide: 10 Steps to Developing a Quality Lesson Plan. (Pop-up ads).
Media Workshop New York: High School Webquests.
Middle through High School WebQuests. Internet Expeditions. Exploring, Using, Adapting, and Creating WebQuests.
Nellie's English Projects: High School WebQuest Tasks (ages 15-18). Scroll bar on the left. See also Junior High School WebQuests (ages 12-15), and Elementary School WebQuests Grades 4-6 (Ages 9-12), and other resources.
The New York Times Learning Network. Teacher, Student and Parent Connections. Daily Lesson Plans for Grades 6-12 covering all major subjects. Includes lesson plan archive and lesson plan units.
Lesson plans, worksheets, activities, clip art, reading, math, science, social studies, and more. Hundreds of educational websites rated by popularity.
Surf Report: Online Projects from Wisconsin Educational Communications Board (ECB). K-12. Projects range from simple to complex. Variety of topics: Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger, Who Am I? Seasonal Changes through our Eyes and Yours, and others.
Teacher.org Lesson Plans. Lesson Plans for Teachers. Lessons are organized by subject and grade level. Within each lesson, you will find clear objectives, description of materials needed, a thorough procedure with an opening and a closing, as well as assessments and modifications.
Teacher Web. Search for a webquest.
Teaching Tool: WebQuests from Educational CyberPlayGround™. Links to Elementary School WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Music WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Math WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Art WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Linguistics WebQuests.
Teaching with WebQuests. Suggested links to The Best Wequests on the Net, including: 1998 WebQuests - Body Builders, Desert Biome, Fast Food Nutrition, Comets, Viruses and lots more; 1999 WebQuests - Endangered Animals, Electrical Circuits, Flowers, Properties of light, Electromagnets and lots more; and 2000 WebQuests - Genetics, Dinosaurs, and Mammals.
Thousands of FREE Presentations in PowerPoint Format. Themes and Topics at pppst.com.
Web-Based Lesson Plans. This collection of six lesson plans is designed for Adult Education but may be adapted for high school or ESL usage. Lesson topics include: Introduction to the Web, Women's History, and Learning English Using Fables.
WebQuest.org. Source of information about the WebQuest Model.
WebQuests Based on Literature selected by Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University.
WebQuests from Vicki Blackwell's Internet Guide for Educators.
WebQuests for Kids developed by Kathi Mitchell. Links to selected webquests (K-12) under categories: Social Studies, Science, and Other Topics.
Filamentality by Keith Strangers.
Filamentality Fact Sheet. Web-based lessons, activities and more. Filamentality is a fill-in-the-blank interactive Web site that guides you through picking a topic, searching the Web, gathering good Internet sites, and turning Web resources into learning activities.
Xpeditions - National Geographic.com - Lesson Plans, K-12 - Complete List.
The Educator's Guide to Real Estate Lesson Plansby Redfin Guest Blogger, August 8, 2015.
Christmas Trees & More - Education. Including Christmas Tree Education Kit: The Virtual Christmas Tree Farm from Ontario, Canada. See also Lesson Plans, The Life of a Christmas Tree - Video clips of the life of a Christmas tree, and more.
Aesop's Fable WebQuest for Bachillerato (English as a Second Language). Designed by M
An Aesop's Fable WebQuest by Luisa A. Bellolio, Shea Greenwald and Franklin Smith. A fable is a short animal tale, that reveals a lesson or moral. In this webquest, you will learn four Fables, from the Aesop collection of Fables. Your group will complete two tasks and gain a deeper understanding of the fable. In task three your group will have the opportunity to create and perform your own fable.
Aesop's Fables WebQuest by Eleni Tzialla, Greece. During the next five lessons you will have the chance to read and study some of the most famous fables by Aesop, where animals talk and act like human beings in order to deal with several problems. You will have to do research on the subject and work with your partner so that you will write your own story in the end.
Fairy Tales: A Magical WebQuest Adventure by Kathleen Kroeger. Grade Level: 3-5. Curriculum: English / Language Arts. "In pairs, you will read a fairy tale of your choice and complete a fairy tale element story map, to become more familiar with how the elements of fairy tales are represented. Once you have completed the reading and story map, you will begin creating your own mystically magical fairy tale. Along the way, you may review videos, websites, and quizzes to help you fully understand the elements of fairy tales."
Fantastic Fables WebQuest. An Internet WebQuest on Fantastic Fables Here you'll find animals that actually talk and act like humans and solve everyday problems. They'll also give you wise advice called morals. The purpose of this activity is to create your very own fabulous fable.
Having Fun with Fantastic Fables by Vidya Bhat, Anne Hutchinson Elementary. The webquest will allow elementary school students to create their very own fables.
Arthurian Legends by Kimberly Morris. This WebQuest is an opportunity to learn more about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. You will research characters and elements of Arthurian legend. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: English / Language Arts.
King Arthur. Site de Michelle Henry, Professeur d'anglais - Académie de Nancy-Metz, includes ESL resources.
● King Arthur's Life-Story (Early British Kingdoms for Kids).
● King Arthur, and the Legend of the Knights of the Round Table.
● Knights and Castles Worksheets and Teaching Activities
● King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Webquest (websidestories) designed by Jean-Christophe Sapet & Jean-Marc Gébelin.
King Arthur Investigation from Zunal.com. Webquest to identify, inquire and examine the symbols, themes and morals associated with King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: English / Language Arts.
King Arthur Legend: Fact and Fiction. A King Arthur WebQuest from Sarah's Webquest Blogspot.ca.
King Arthur Investigation by Lindy Whitson. To identify, inquire and examine the symbols, themes and morals associated with King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: English / Language Arts.
● Bullfighting Web Quest. The purpose of this activity is to introduce you to the art of bullfighting and to help you form your own opinion of its value and morality. Although bullfighting occurs in most Spanish-speaking nations, it does not occur in all of them. You are going to explore numerous websites to answer questions.
● See also: Bullfighting Web Quest from Hazelwood North Spanish. Directions: Using Internet links listed on the web page to find answers to questions:
1. When and from where did the idea for bullfighting come?
2. Who are its participants?
3. What does the costume look like and what is its significance?
4. What happens during a bullfight?
5. What rules do its participants follow?
6. What rewards are given to bullfighters?
7. What is it like to be a spectator?
8. When and where do bullfights take place?
9. Who are some famous bullfighters?
10. What is the bullring called in Spanish? (3 words) ...
● Bullfighting Web Quest from Español de BCMS.
* A Short History of Bullfighting by Ruth Polak.
* Bullfighting History from Spanish Fiestas - Spain Travel Guide.
* Bullfighting from Wikipedia.
Les Cafés de Paris. Webquest by Kevin Deabreu. This webquest focuses on the differences between french cafés and their Western equivalant - doughnut shops like Tim Hortons. Students are exposed to depictions of both French cafes and Tim Hortons, and write a 250 word response. Listen to music that is heard in cafes. Examine and translate a menu. Read a review and answer questions. Finish by writing a review of their own in French. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
Cities of France. WebQuest by Kayla Riccuitti. This WebQuest is about cities located in France. Students are required to explore the different cities and learn about things such as climate and weather, history, geography, and what each city is known for. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Greek or Roman. WebQuest by Sara Cooney. Travel back in time and explore your Ancient Greco-Roman roots. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language. Keywords: Latin, Greco-Roman, Classical Culture, Classical Language, Foreign Language, Greco-Roman Life, Classical Dieties.
French Speaking Countries Web Quest by Kae Lucchini. Students will explore francophone countries around the world. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
German Culture WebQuest from Howards Grove School District, WI. Exploring Foreign Languages - Grades 6/7. German Unit. Bavarian School Holidays. Germany's Best Cities. German Cars. German Politics. Education. Random Facts. See also: Germany Webquest by Dan Callen. Using this WebQuest, students will adventure through the beautiful geography, landscapes, states, and cities of Germany. Embarking on this journey through the exquisite land, the students will experience a new way of learning about Germany and its states. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
A Horse is a Hoarse, Of Course, Of Coarse. A Lesson Plan on Homonyms/Homophones, from Large Collections of Language Arts Lesson Plans.
Russian Alphabet for Beginners. WebQuest by Frances M Pitzer. Privet! Think learning to read Russian is hard? Think again! With only 33 letters, learning how to read Russian is far easier than it looks. In this webquest, students will become familiar with and master reading and writing the Russian alphabet. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
The South American Gaucho vs The American Cowboy. WebQuest by William Denham. A study of a South American icon: The Gaucho. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Foreign Language. Keywords: Foreign Language, History, Art, Culture.
WebQuest about WebQuests in Foreign Language Education by Rachel Shively. This WebQuest is designed for pre-service and in-service foreign language teachers as a means to investigate the principles of WebQuests as a teaching and learning tool and evaluate their usefulness for foreign language teaching. Grade Level: College / Adult. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
Bones, Bones, Bones - Webquest. Created by Yvette K. Stuewe, NBCT Lutheran, LCMS - Pacific Southwest. In this webQuest, you will take a virtual tour of our skeletal system, practice labeling some of the major bones, compare our bones to those of a rodent and bird.
Bones Inside Us. Internet Scavenger Hunt by Vicki Blackwell.
Brainy Web Quest. A webquest about the brain.
Frogs - Science Web Quest by Beth Zemke, Irvine Unified School District, Irvine, CA.
Human Skeletal System. Webquest by Robert Hamilton, Port Antonio, Jamaica.
● Skeletal System WebQuest posted by Shea Hennessy, 2019. Use the websites given to learn more about the Skeletal System.
Go to: Ducksters to answer questions 1-3
1. What is the purpose of the skeleton?
2. What are bones made of?
3. How many bones does an adult have?
Go to: Kids Health to answer questions 4-6
4. Why do adults have fewer bones than babies?
5. What is the longest bone in the human body?
6. What can you do to take care of your bones?
Go to: Discovery Kids (explore the different sections!) and answer questions 7-9
7. Name three kinds of joints and explain how they are different
8. What does a human skeleton and a giraffe skeleton have in common?
9. How many bones does your skull contain?
Go to: ABCYa and play the game. (Register for Free Subscription by an Adult to play the game for free). Show me your score! Here's My ABCya Learn the Skeletal System Game Score.
Go to: Bones of the Skeleton - Science Quiz and play the game. (This game is free to play). Show me your score! Here's My Skeleton Game Score.
● How to Learn the Human Bones | Tips to Memorize the Skeletal Bones Anatomy & Physiology. YouTube video, 8:03 min. Published by RegisteredNurseRN, Jul 24, 2015. Learn human bones for anatomy class by using these easy memory tricks (mnemonics)!
● List of bones of the human skeleton from Wikipedia.
Journey to Alaska's Glaciers: Webquest to Explore How Glaciers Shape the Land from iwebquest.com.
Rocks and Minerals Webquest from Princeton Community Middle School, Cincinnati, OH. Answer the following questions using websites suggested:
1. What are the three main types of rocks?
2. How does a sedimentary rock turn into a metamorphic rock?
3. How does an igneous rock turn into a metamorphic rock?
4. How do metamorphic rocks change into sedimentary rocks?
5. How do igneous rocks change into sedimentary rocks?
6. What is the beginning of the rock cycle? The end?
Math Web Quests from Online Teacher Resource.
Game Time: Evaluate Math Games WebQuest by Anna Lee Polk. As a team, each one of you will take on the role of the parent, the teacher and the student. You will evaluate an on-line math game to determine its appropriateness in the classroom. Grades 9-12. Mathematics.
Astronomy Lesson Plans & Links from Science Spot.
Astronomy Webquest ... Explore the Universe! Use the suggested websites to answer the following questions.
General Astronomy: What is a light year? What is a parsec? What is an astronomical unit?
Stars: What is a nebula? How are stars born? What happens to stars as they age? What are red giants? What is a white dwarf? What is a Globular Cluster?
Lifecycle of a Star: How much longer will our Sun last? What is a supernova? What are the possible end-products of a supernova? What is a pulsar? How is a pulsar formed?
Universe: What is a black hole? How much energy do quasars give off? What gives a star its light?
Milky Way Galaxy: What is the Earth's place in our Galaxy? How many stars make up the Milky Way Galaxy? How old is our galaxy? What shape is the Milky Way? What role does gravity play in our galaxy and universe?
Laws of Motion and the Movement of Planets/Satellites: Describe the motion of our planets (Newton). How did the universe begin? How do galaxies merge and collide?
Educational Activities: Web-based Astronomy and Astrobiology Lessons. A team of master teachers, university faculty, and NASA researchers have created a series of web-based astronomy and astrobiology lessons for the CERES Project. These classroom-ready activities for K-12 students. Webquests and Lesson Plans include: A Case of the Wobbles: Finding Extra-Solar Planets for Grades 9-12. MarsQuest! for Grades 5-8. Birthday Moons for K-4.
Instructional Materials in Astronomy from CIN.org.
Open Astronomy Curricula. Astronomy lesson plans for Kindergarten through Grade 12 students.
Phases of the Moon Web Quest. From Jefferson County Schools, Dandridge, TN. You will view various web sites that gives detailed descriptions of the phases of the moon. After studying the web sites, you will be able to name, illustrate, and describe the 8 phases of the moon.
Space to Grow Webquest. This project introduces students to basic concepts in astronomy. Three areas covered in the webquest activity: General Astronomy, Stars and Stellar Evolution, and Galaxies and the Universe. Including: Define the term light year, How much longer will our Sun continue to produce energy? Lifetimes of stars? How are stars born? What happens to stars as they age? The Milky Way Galaxy is approximately how many light years across? How old is the Universe? How do astronomers determine this age?
Exploring Our Solar System Webquest by Mrs. Laurel Anderson. You have studied the solar system ... You have completed training at NASA, and now you are an official NASA astronaut ready to launch into outer space. Your mission: to discover fascinating information about all of the planets of our solar system.
The Sun, the Earth & the Moon: A Web Quest. Central idea: The motion of objects in our solar system affects the earth. Research question: How does the position of the Earth in the Solar System affect the conditions of life on our planet?
Earth From Space:
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
by Andrew K. Johnston
Earth from Space. Lesson plans from Smithsonian Institution, for Gr. 5-12. Remote sensing can be useful in studying numerous disciplines, from biology to ecology to geography. Grade level and standards are noted beside each lesson plan. Free download of Earth from Space Activity Guide - in PDF, 7 pages.
An Internet WebQuest: Roller Coaster Physics. A McGraw-Hill Glencoe Science WebQuest. Your job in this WebQuest is to find out how roller coasters work and use this information to build a simple model of a roller coaster.
PhysicsQuest. High School Physics Online Investigations. Quests include: Linear Motion, Projectile Motion, Isaac Newton, Conservation of Energy, Waves, Lawnmowers and Physics, Light and Color, Electrostatics, Einstein, Roller Coaster Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, and Exploring the Planets. (Pop-up ads).
Learning Math: Measurement from Annenberg / CPB. 10 sessions. Last session explores ways to apply concepts of measurement learned in K-8 classrooms. Watch Videos Online.
MCA Learning Units: Measurement. Units and Conversions, Perimeter, Area, Volume.
Measure It! from FunBrain.com. Easy, Medium, and Hard Centimeters, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Super Brain Inches. Includes K-8 Teacher Resources.
Ocean Explorer: Education Lesson Plans direct access to 85 lesson plans developed by scientists and educators. Grades 5-12.
Twister Tracking. Lesson Plans, Grades 9-12. In this lesson, students will use a database to learn about, organize, and compare tornadoes in their home state and across the country.
Clouds: Formation and Identification. A WebQuest for 4th Grade Science designed by Chelsea Smith.
Cloud WebQuest by Barbara Kornbluth.
Clouds by Gwendalyn Iversen, University of Phoenix. "Students need to be aware of, and develop and understanding of objects in the sky each day. Also, students should be able to identify changes in the sky and weather and describe what they see and why it happens. Clouds are some of the largest, most visible and important objects in the sky that change each day. Clouds also affect the weather on planet Earth. Students should be able to identify different types of clouds and patterns."
Salt. Webquests, info, resources.
Please Pass the Salt - Webquest Summary. "1. What is the main chemical factor that differentiates
oceans from lakes?
The saltiness of the ocean is more understandable when compared
with the salt content of a fresh-water lake. For example, when 1
cubic foot of sea water evaporates it yields about 2.2 pounds of salt,
but 1 cubic foot of fresh water from Lake Michigan contains only one
one-hundredth (0.01) of a pound of salt, or about one sixth of an
ounce. Thus, seawater is 220 times saltier than the fresh lake water.
2. Why is the ocean salty?
The ocean is salty because of the gradual concentration of dissolved
chemicals eroded from the Earth's crust and washed into the sea.
Solid and gaseous ejections from volcanoes, suspended particles
swept to the ocean from the land by onshore winds, and materials
dissolved from sediments deposited on the ocean floor have also
contributed. Salinity is increased by evaporation or by freezing of sea
ice and it is decreased as a result of rainfall, runoff, or the melting of
Salt and Germination - in PDF, 10 pages. Lesson 12 - Germination Experiment from ABC Science Online, Australia.
The Topic: Salt. Webquest created by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 4 2explore.com. Be an explorer. More 2 explore.
DNA Analysis. Lesson plan from Teachers Domain. Objectives include: Understand how DNA fingerprinting can be used in criminal investigations, Interpret DNA fingerprints, Explore other uses for DNA fingerprints, Understand where DNA is located and the role it plays in the body.
Genetic Lesson Plan Ideas from Genetics Education Center, University of Kansas. Including Forensic DNA (fingerprinting, solving crimes, law, courtroom lesson plans and references).
Human Genetics: A Worldwide Search for the Dominant Trait - Do You Have It? During this project, students (ages 12-18) will complete surveys, formulate hypotheses, and use the data compiled by students around the globe to test their hypotheses.
The Topic: Trees and Forests. Complete A Trees and Forests WebQuest. Select from 10 webQuest projects.
A Directory of Lesson Plan Web Sites for Computer and Internet Use Instruction from Resources for School Librarians. General Technology Lesson Plans, Searching the Web, Web Quests, Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship, Resources for Technology Teachers, Blogging, Wikis, Podcasting, and Social Media, eReaders, eBooks, apps, and Tablets.
Robots. Grades 6-8. Roberts - Technology/Human Body Lesson Plan from DiscoverySchool.
Technology in the Classroom Center - Archives - WebQuests. Including some of the best teacher-created WebQuests from Education World.
ToxMystery: What's Wrong in This Room. An interactive learning site for kids from the 7-10 year old age range, from U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. Includes Parent and Teacher Resources: Activities for Students. Provides a fun, game-like experience that introduces children to some of the potential health hazards around the house. Activity covers some pretty big words for this age group: arsenic, carbon monoxide, chromium, asbestos, ozone, benzene, phthalates, radon, etc. that many older students can learn a lot playing this game. Program is very forgiving with correct answers given.
Health/PE. Health and Physical Education WebQuest by Rebecca Kershner. Body Image Disorders and Disordered Eating. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Health / PE. Keywords: Anorexia, Bulimia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Health, Nutrition.
Health/PE-Seniors. WebQuest by Chelsea Dougas. Upper level Health/PE. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Health / PE (Physical Education). Keywords: health, fitness, exercise, nutrition.
Personal Health WebQuest. College of Education, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS.
Rise of the Superbugs - RX for Survival. A Global Health Challenge. Teacher Guide: For half a century, antibiotics have given us a powerful way to treat infections that once were life threatening. Yet, the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is putting this golden era of medicine at risk. Now, we find ourselves in a race to prevent bacterial infections from once again becoming one of humanity's major killers. PURPOSE: To show how populations of bacteria become resistant to antibiotics via the process of natural selection and human misuse.
The Great Plant Escape. Help Detective LePlant to solve mysteries. Your help is needed to find clues, do experiments, and solve problems as we journey into the world of plants. Task: Solve 6 mystery cases. Includes a Glossary.
The Life Cycle of a Plant. A WebQuest for 2nd Grade Science / Language Arts / Technology by Barb Benford and Marilyn Young. Four tasks to complete: Review the parts of a plant. Review the steps in the life cycle of a plant. Use special websites to learn more about the life cycle of a plant. Create a flower using Kid Pix.
Plant Evolution Webquest by Nicole Dickey and Kaitlin Kmec, Humboldt State University, Natural History Museum. Follow instructions to access Plant Evolution website. Answer questions such as: How long ago was the primary evidence of photosynthesis? When did conifers appear on the Earth? When did flowering plants appear on Earth? What Makes a Plant a Plant? What are four characteristics that make a plant a plant? What is the formula for photosynthesis? What does the cell wall do for the plant?
Plant Power. You are an alien from the planet Nebacanezer. You are on a mission to seek out new planets and study the different kinds of life on earth. You have come across the blue planet called Earth and are surprised at the variety of life forms on the planet. You see humans and insects and fish, but the life form that interests you the most is ... the plant. Your task is to answer these questions: What is a plant? How do they grow, survive, and reproduce)?
Planting a Garden Webquest by Emily Kowalski. This webquest is intended for Kindergarten students. With the help of an adult, they will research parts of plants and what plants need to live. They will then choose two plants they would like to plant in the Kindergarten Garden and explain their choices. Grade Level: K-2. Curriculum: English / Language Arts.
Advertising Webquest. Webquest adapted by Charlie Goolsby. Original Webquest by Mrs. Lauren Harrison, Walhalla Middle School, Walhalla, SC. You might not realize it, but there are people who control you - or try to. They are the advertisers who want you to buy their products. Task: A local news station has asked you to create an advertising campaign for a fast food chain, Bulldog Burgers. Sales are slow, and they need your help! As a prospective advertising mogul, your job is to research advertising techniques from the past and persuade them that you have the best advertising technique.
Advertising Webquest from Mrs. Johnson's Website. "Don't Buy It."
Advertising Webquest from Room 7. Do you know what advertisers are doing to get your money? In this webquest, you will be asked to get into the minds of advertisers by evaluating ads, listening to advertisers speak and finally, becoming one yourself.
Advertising Webquest from SlideShare. In this webquest, you and your partner will explore various websites to learn more about advertising today.
Advertising Webquest - Introduction and Advertising Webquest - Process. Webquest adapted by Charlie Goolsby, Southwest Junior High School, Lawrence, KS. Original Webquest by Mrs. Lauren Harrison, Walhalla Middle School, Walhalla, SC.
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor. A WebQuest on Propaganda, created and maintained by Cynthia Matzat.
Creating an advertising brochure from Zunal. This webquest has been designed for grade 3/4 students.
Evaluating Bias in Advertisements. An Internet Webquest from Glencoe.
Aboriginal Art. WebQuest by Brenda Gladwell. UArts. "Aboriginals are the native people of Australia.The aboriginals had a unique way of writing stories down using picture, symbols and dots. These images tell stories and talk about dreamtime in a beautiful art form. In this Web Quest, we will be looking for aboriginal symbol and meanings to create our own stories of dream time using the aboriginal art form."
Art History Webquest. Art 309, Art for Children, Fall, 2002, class assignment © Marvin Bartel, instructor. Goshen College, Goshen, IN. Purpose of WebQuest: Understand the artwork of at least one very well known artist. Understand the artwork of artists in other cultures. Prepare a Team WebQuest Class Presentation.
Art Webquest created by Natalie Loden, Art Teacher, Chesterton, IN - using Zunal WebQuest Maker. Students will learn about the Renaissance, Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Art / Music.
Arts Connected from Minneapolis Institute of Arts and Walker Art Center. Includes full-color digital images of works of art, audio and video samples.
Dreaming About Aborigines from Webquest Direct. "This webquest focuses on the question "What is the Aboriginal culture and the Dreaming?" It is designed to increase the learner's knowledge of Aboriginal culture, as well as introduce the concept of the Dreamtime."
Elementary Art Lesson Plans by Sandy Meadors, Art Teacher in Indianapolis, IN. Hands On Art (Hands-on Lesson Plans), Computer Art (Computer Graphics Lesson Plans), Resources (Technology Hints Links and Websites, Regular Art Hints, Clipart, Inspiration and Quotes, Handouts and Templates, Humor, & Vocabularies), Stitchery.
Careers in Art WebQuest for Art II/ Honors Art/ Independent Study by Andrea J. Spano, University of South Carolina Aiken. Task: "You are a mighty Senior about to graduate from high school and have been accepted to a local college art program. You are to explore the various careers in Art that would interest you for future employment, select an art category from the job classifications list . . . Findings of your selection will be a Power Point presentation at the end of the unit, with two weeks to complete the assignment."
Good Enough to Eat. WebQuest by Amanda Snyder. Students will work as a team to rank school lunch items from the most nutritious to the least nutritious. Grade Level: K-2. Curriculum: Health / PE. Keywords: nutrition, problem solving, food guide pyramid.
Impressionism WebQuest from TeacherWeb Teacher. WebQuest for 9th-12th Grades (Art Through the Ages curriculum) by Stanley F. Gilmore, Jr.
Pop Art Webquest from Ms. Scoville's Art Room. Webquest designed for Grade 6, Leighton Lion (Frederick Leighton Elementary School, Oswego, New York?). "You are going to travel back to the 60's as a photojournalist for TIME magazine to relive this era. You will need to talk to different people who lived in the 1960's to understand what historical and cultural events were going on during this time. During this visit, you will also have to interview some artists who belong to an art movement called Pop Art."
Ancient Architecture: A Webquest on Pyramids from TeacherWeb. "You will become architects of the ancient world. This webquet is an opportunity for you to study the architecture of ancient egypt. You will become experts on ancient egyptian architecture. Once you have mastered the art of ancient egyptian architecture, you will construct your own pyramid. Your pyramid must encompass everything that you learn about ancient egyptian architecture."
Drafting Architectural WebQuest - Oral Presentation. WebQuest to learn about several buildings and some of the leading architects in the world, by Vince Long, Billings Senior High School Technology Hub, Billings, MT.
Geometry in Architecture. WebQuest by Danielle Sarette. After learning about geometry, the students will be able to research and construct a brochure for others to experience geometry in architecture with little to no assistance. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Math. Math skills.
Styles of Architecture. A WebQuest for High School Students from Taconic Hills High School, Craryville, NY.
You Are an Architect! WebQuest by L Donlan. In this WebQuest, students will take on the role of an architect. Students will learn about the job of an architect. Students will study different styles of American architecture. They will also create their own architectural drawings. The students will work in teams. Each team of students will work together to create an architectural portfolio. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Art / Music.
A WebQuest on American Architects by Mark DeJarnatt, Illinois State University.
Animation Webquest from Natrona County Schools. As you finish your projects, be aware of animations and cartoons in the world around you. Ask yourself how they are used, why they are used and how they are affecting you personally.
Animation WebQuest by Linda Mcmenamy. This WebQuest will provide you with the tools to create an animation first by teaching you how to create a flip-book animation using Post It notes and also by using a software called "Pencil". Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Art / Music. Keywords: animation, flip book.
Calling All Heroes!!! A Comic Book History Webquest by Edward Peeler. This webquest explores the history of comic books as an artistic and entertainment medium and garners interest in the great stories within. Grade Level: College / Adult. Curriculum: Art / Music.
Comic Book WebQuest. WebQuest by Vincent Chau, intended for Grade 3 Visual Arts. Comics, whether it be just a simple comic strip or a long comic book series, is a unique art form. Through the integration of artistic skill and storytelling, a variety of expressions can be conveyed. The process of creating such works of art is not a simple task and requires a teamwork and a lot of planning. You, along with a group, will experience what it is like to create a comic book.
Cartoon Animation by Cesar Gutierrez. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: Art / Music.
Comic Book Webquest by Vincent Chau, Simon Fraser University, Canada. "Comics, whether it be just a simple comic strip or a long comic book series, is a unique art form. Through the integration of artistic skill and storytelling, a variety of expressions can be conveyed. The process of creating such works of art is not a simple task and requires a teamwork and a lot of planning. You, along with a group, will experience what it is like to create a comic book." WebQuest intended for grade 3 Visual Arts.
Comic Strip Webquest. Create a your own comic strip. You are a comic strip writer. Your assignment is to write this week's comic strip for the newspaper that you work for. Grade Level: K-2. Curriculum: Art / Music. By Cheryl Asbury.
Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index. A unique resource with the largest collection of newspaper editorial cartoons on the web. Updates current cartoons from 54 newspaper editorial cartoonists. Lesson plans for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools.
Mega Comic Fantastical Cartoons. WebQuest by Madalyn Fagan. This website is about the adventures of cartoons, humor, and comic strips. Grade Level: 3-5. Curriculum: Art / Music. Keywords: cartoons, comic strips, famous cartoons, funny humor.
Political Cartoons WebQuest by Julia Mishler. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: English / Language Arts. "Political Cartoons are often used to show opinions about public issues and officials ... Cartoonists have a special creative skill that often combines caricatures (exaggerations of people), symbols, satire (poking fun), and knowledge of issues." In this WebQuest, you will become a political cartoonist. You, as cartoonist, will take a position on a controversial issue and express that opinion through the medium of a cartoon.
Webquest: A Study of Animation - Past vs. Present. Created by Debra J. Wetherbee. Modified by Mrs. Anzalone, May 2011.
Famous Paintings: Art Appreciation Lessons for Kids. An art web quest for children in elementary and middle school, biographies of famous artists, free art worksheets.
Guggenheim Teacher Resources. Learning Through Art.
AMERICAN MUSIC - A Melting Pot or A Tossed Salad of Styles? WebQuest by Deb Heiney. The goal of this project is to produce a classroom journal about our study of American Music Styles. Each student will contribute a page to the journal containing information about a specific style, biographical information of a composer of that style, and information specific to a composition that exemplifies that style. After we assemble the class journal, we will try and answer the question: What is American Music? Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: Art / Music. Keywords: American Music, folk music, country music, rock music.
American Patriotic Music. WebQuest by Mrs. Costello, Teacher. This webquest is designed for Grades 4 & 5 students to research the history of American patriotic music and their composers. You will eventually learn and perform some of this music.
Classical Music Webquests Links.
First Lady Lesson Plan: Ragtime: The First "American" Music? Objectives: Students ... will learn something about ragtime music, its history, and the ways in which it has contributed to others forms of American popular music. Elementary school level.
Mozart and Salieri: Professional Jealousy or Murder? Webquest: Did Antonio Salieri poison Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
Cajun Folk Music. Through this WebQuest, students will learn about folk music, the culture of the Cajun people, and Cajun music.
Music General Resources from New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV). Lesson Plans, Games / Interactives, Video.
Tejano Music. WebQuest by Barbara McGregor, Nashua-Plainfield High School Nashua, IA.
A Web Based Introduction to Basic Music Theory and Music Composition by Chad Sowers, Nashua-Plainfield High School, Nashua, IA.
WebQuest #4: Country Music. This WebQuest provides opportunities to explore some Country Music songs that reflect symbols of freedom found in the United States of America. You will use the music and on-line resources to learn about what freedom means, life in the United States, and symbols that represent our freedom. Students will work together in groups to research different symbols of freedom found in the United States of America.
Black History Stamps. Lesson plan for Grades 7 & 8, Social Studies. Students learn about lives and contributions of many black Americans honored on U.S. commemorative postage stamps. Lesson emphasizes finding, organizing, synthesizing and communicating information.
Curriculum Guides for Educators. Resources from National Postal Museum, include: We Were There: Letters From the Battle Front Grades 7 - 12. Activity book and resource guide that uses historic letters, envelopes and commemorative stamps from American wars to engage students in historic analysis.
Design a Postage Stamp for Black History Month by Marilyn J. Brackney for History, all levels.
Native Americans Webquest by Cindy Proctor. "You have been commissioned by the United States Postal Service to develop a series of postage stamps for the coming year to commemorate Native Americans. These stamps will be used all over the United States and even put into stamp collections." Grade 4 Social Studies. Webquest idea may be adapted for higher grades and for different topics.
The History of Jazz. In this webquest, we will pay close attention at developing a timeline to better understand when jazz was created and learn about important events and famous artists that played a major role throughout jazz's history. See also: Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Good Morning Vietnam Soundtrack). YouTube video, 2:31 min.
JazzKids: Lesson Plans from PBS. Online activities are designed for students in grades K-5, with accompanying lesson plans for language arts (LA), social studies (SS), music (MU), and math (MA) teachers.
Jazz Webquest by Vasalaki Thomas, Sylvester, GA.
A WebQuest About Jazz Music for Elementary School Students, 4th-5th grade, by Julia Downer Eastin. From Erlanger-Elsmere Independent School District, Erlanger, KY.
Stephen Foster - Teacher's Guide: Suggestions for Active Learning, from PBS. American Experience: Stephen Foster - Main page.
History in Film. In depth description and analysis of major films. Arranged by categories: 16th to 18th century, the American Civil War, 1910s to 1930s, World War II, Vietnam War, and other films including Godfather, My Fair Lady, The King and I, and more.
The Polar Express WebQuest by Lauri Perkins, Western Kentucky University (Graduate Student). This WebQuest is designed as a literacy project that will compare and contrast the book and movie, The Polar Express. This WebQuest is designed for 3rd & 4th grade students. The students will work in whole group settings as well as paired group settings.
EdGate: Gateway to the Summer Games. Cross-curricular Olympic-themed lesson plans.
High School Level English Language Arts Lesson Plans.
High School/Senior High Literature-based WebQuests. Page contains literature-based WebQuests, WebQuests associated with other English/Language Arts topics and collections.
In the Poet's Shoes by Beth O'Connor. You are about to "step into the poet's shoes." But, like Cinderella's glass slipper, only one shoe is right for you. To find the right fit, you will be trying on many different shoes--exploring a variety of poets and their poems to find a poet whose writing has special meaning for you. Once you have found your match, you will select a poem, slip into the poet's shoes, and perform your poem for the class.
Literature-based WebQuests from Literature Learning Ladders. This inquiry-based approach to learning involves students in tasks that make good use of Internet-based resources. Include: Grades K-2 Literature-based WebQuests, Grades 4-6 Literature-based WebQuests, Middle School/Junior High Literature-based WebQuests, and High School/Senior High Literature-based WebQuests.
Poetry Webquest by Laura Etie. This webquest is designed to help familiarize you with poetry. Your goal is to work cooperatively with your group in order to complete each task. After completing each task, you will have successfully accomplished your mission. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: English / Language Arts.
Young Adult Literature WebQuests from Arizona State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Edgar Allan Poe from Shmoop.com. What Edgar Allan Poe did ... and why you should care. Biography, Childhood, West Point, Writer, Death.
#2655. Edgar Allan Poe Webquest for Grades 8-12. Literature, level: Senior, by Melanie McIntyre, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
All About Poe - Teachers' Instructions - Student Activity Plan for Grades 6 -9, Student Directions from Thinkport's Student Activity Center. Knowing Poe - Main page.
The Edgar Allan Poe Digital Collection. See portrait of Edgar Allan Poe, wooden fragment from the coffin of Edgar Allan Poe, letters from Edgar Allan Poe to Maria Clemm and others, lock of hair of Virginia Clemm Poe, wife of Edgar Allan Poe, and more.
Edgar Allan Poe: Lesson plans, biography, and teaching resources from Web English Teacher.
Edgar Allan Poe Lesson Plans: Edgar Allan Poe Webquest Questions. Article by Trent Lorcher, edited and published by Sallyfd.
Folger Shakespeare Library - Resources for K-12 Teachers. Teaching Shakespeare Lesson Plans, Primary Sources, Study Guides, and more.
Hamlet on the Ramparts, joint venture of Folger Shakespeare Library and the MIT Shakespeare Project. Multimedia exploration of Hamlet, complete with film, primary source materials, lesson plans, and tutorials.
In Search of Shakespeare - Lesson Plans designed to enrich classroom study of Shakespeare's plays and Elizabethan England, from PBS. Activities created by a team of educators for use in elementary or secondary school classroom settings.
Shakespeare WebQuest by Tracy Lux. "Use this WebQuest as a way to gain precious background knowledge before tackling one of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, Romeo & Juliet." Mrs. Lux provides many excellent links. All About Shakespeare: Short Bio, FAQ, Timeline. The Elizabethan Theater: Globe Theater, Owners of the Globe Theater. The Plays & Sonnets of Shakespeare. All About Elizabethan Love & Marriage: Betrothal and Wedding, More Wedding Customs, Love and Marriage. All About Elizabethan Language: Ms. Hogue's Chart, Life in Elizabethan England, Proper Britannian. The Elizabethan Household: Services & Occupations. Shakespearean Insults: Insult Kit, Random Insult.
Ancient Civilization Webquest: Explore the Ancient World. Choose Your Civilization: Egypt, Greece, China, Africa, Mesoamerica, Indus River Valley, Ancient Rome, Japan, or South America. Includes resources on Grade 5 Social Studies - Ancient Civilizations, curated by Tara Mitchell. Explore the civilization you have chosen, create a Power Point presentation to help you teach the class about that particular civilization. Your project must begin with a section about Geography (Where is/was it located? What is the climate like? Is it near water?) then choose 3 of the following topics to research: 1) Religion and beliefs. 2) Art and Culture. 3) Science/Technology. 4) History. 5) Economy. 6) Everyday/Political life - How did they live? 7) Legacy - How do we remember this civilization?
Kidipede - History for Kids - Europe, Asia, and Africa before 1500 AD. Teacher's Guides for History for Kids.
The Middle Ages: Storytelling Webquest for elementary and middle students. Learn about the people of the Middle Ages, Castles, and Knights by studying their Tales and Legends.
SCORE History / Social Science. School of California Online Resources for Education, K-12.
Middle Ages Web Quest from Annenberg Learner. What was it really like living in the Middle Ages. Feudal Life, Religion, Homes, Clothing, Health, Arts and Entertainment, Town Life.
Medieval Europe, A Case of Class. WebQuest by Jonathan Pleasant. In this webquest, students will be asked to research and think in the role of a particular social or working class during the Medieval period of European History. Whether a knight, peasant, lord, or Yeoman, the student will come to understand the social structure of the time by sharing their role in a classroom discussion that will lead to questions about status, prestige, and moral obligation. Grade Level: 6-8. Curriculum: English / Language Arts. Keywords: Medieval, European History, Caste System, Feudalism, Serfdom, Middle Ages, Knighthood.
A Medieval I Spy - Medieval Mystery WebQuest. WebQuest Developed by Jason Fuller, Andrew Gorowski and Dean Vendramin. Includes teacher material.
Medieval WebQuest by Mark Bates, Grade 5 Teacher, Island View School, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
Ancient Egypt Webquest from iwebquest.com for elementary and middle students. Learn about Ancient Egyptian daily life, Egyptian mummies, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, King Tut (Tutankhamen), Egyptian games, and Archeology.
Roman Empire: In the First Century for Educators from Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Lesson plans for students to learn about the daily life of ancient Romans and to gain a better understanding of the significant achievements and contributions made by the Romans.
The War to End All Wars. World War I WebQuest by Barry Sovel. Use primary sources to explore the experience of different participants' roles in World War I and what it may have been like to have been in 'their shoes'.
WWI WebQuest: Trenches, Technology & Total War. The Task: What were people exposed to during World War I? What kind of changes took place and how did they affect the war? How was this war different from previous wars?
World War I WebQuest by Mrs. Herndon. Over the course of this WebQuest, you will complete six activities of your choice that encompass the details of your time travel journey. After experiencing several key events of the war, you have a clearer picture of what ultimately became known as the war to end all wars.
BBC - Children of World War 2 (1939-1945). Find out what life was like for children in the Second World War. Includes a section for Teachers and Parents covering Curriculum Relevance, Lesson Plans, Printable Worksheets, and Online Activities.
What I Did During the War: From Grandpa's or Grandma's Scrapbook: A World War II WebQuest by Joyce Valenza, Len Arlen, and Chris Shelly.
World War II. A 42eXplore project.
Discover Japan Webquest. Discover about the geography, customs, history, government, industries and language of Japan. Webquest by Chris Giffen and Andrea Marchuk.
Exploring Japan. WebQuest by Olga Sevkovskaya. In this WebQuest, students will study Japan. They will explore Japan's geography, and its tradidional and modern culture. Grade Level: K-2. Curriculum: Social Studies. Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, kimono, bonsai, Mount Fuji.
Journey to Japan from Alexander Middle School, Nekoosa, WI. Class is going to Japan to find out how Japanese children live. You will become a Japanese child, choose a Japanese name and tell us about your family, your school, and your favorite things to do.
Konichiwa! Welcome to Japan WebQuest from Holland Hill Elementary School. Konichiwa means "welcome" in the Japanese language! You are about to embark on a wonderful and memorable trip to the country of Japan. You are going to learn some basic information about the country, people, and culture of Japan, and report back to your classmates about what you have learned!
Virtual Tour of Japan by Richard Harrison, ECIS, Nagoya University, 2002. You are planning to go to Japan for 2 weeks of travelling and sightseeing. You have bought a Japan Rail Pass which allows you unlimited travel on JR trains, and ferries. Task: You will make a plan of your journey around the 4 main islands of Japan and write it up as an itinerary. You will start your journey from Narita airport near Tokyo and return from the same airport.
A Webquest on Japan by Claire Patalano, St. James Elementary, 2015.
The Trail of Tears and the Forced Relocation of the Cherokee Nation. Teaching with Historic Places Lesson Plans from National Park Service, Washington, DC. *Special note to teachers: This lesson uses the terms commonly used during the 1830s to refer to men and women of English and European origin and to members of native tribes as "whites" and "Indians." This lesson could be a part of a history unit on American Indians, Jacksonian America, Manifest Destiny, or westward expansion, a social studies unit on cultural diversity, or a geography unit on demography. Time period: 1820s and 1830s. Includes: Relevant United States History Standards for Grades 5-12.
Canadian Wartime Experience from Archives & Special Collections of University of Manitoba. Grades 4 & 6 materials cover life and times of Louis Riel and the Red River Resistance. Grade 9 material covers Peacekeeping, Human Rights, and Canada's Role in World Conflicts. Grade 11 material covers Canadian involvement in World War I and World War II, including soldiers' personal accounts.
Statistics Canada - Teacher's Guide to Data Discovery. Teaching resources from Statistics Canada:
Households and the Environment Survey - Secondary level teacher's kit.
Household and the Environment Survey - Elementary level teacher's kit.
What is the value of an ecosystem? Teacher's Kit for Human Activity and the Environment 2013: Measuring ecosystem goods and services in Canada.
Virtual Museum of Canada Teachers Centre. Teaching Resources include: Lesson plans, online educational games for kids, and fun learning activities.
Mexico WebQuest. This project will have you research flights, hotels, exchange rates, attractions to see and much more. Additionally, you will be researching things such as Mexican culture, food, religion and social life.
Exploring Mexico City WebQuest from BreBru.com.
Let's Visit Mexico! By Beth Uniacke. General information about Mexico including: Location, physical features, climate, culture, economy,and government of Mexico. Grade Level: K-2. Curriculum: Social Studies.
Mexican Culture. Web Quest by Wilmary Aviles. Bienvenidos a todos! Welcome Everyone! Here we will be discussing the Mexican Culture. We will take a journey to the past and present of the Mexican Culture. Hang on to your Sombreros, it's going to be a fabulous Adventure. Grade Level: 3-5. Curriculum: Foreign Language.
Moving to Mexico WebQuest from John Kennedy Elementary School, Batavia, NY. Task: Find out all about Mexico - climate, geography, transportation, recreation, economy, politics, culture - then try to convince your parents "to move or not to move" based on your findings by writing a persuasive letter.
Abraham Lincoln on Slavery and Race by Roberta McCutcheon, Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Students will:
Read the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln.
Analyze Lincoln's position on slavery.
Position Lincoln's views toward slavery within the historical context.
Evaluate the influence of race on politics in the antebellum era.
American Revolution or Revolutionary War. Links to WebQuests under section: Complete a Revolutionary War WebQuest.
The Boston Tea Party: Costume Optional? Gr. 6-8 lesson plan from EDSITEment. Find out what really happened at the Boston Tea Party and other famous tea parties held to protest British taxes. See also Revolutionary Tea Parties and the Reasons for Revolution.
The Civil War through a Child's Eye. Lesson Plans from the Library of Congress.
The Learning Page: Teacher Resources - Lesson Plans Index by Themes, Topics, Disciplines or Eras from the Library of Congress. Lesson Plans by Title.
Life in the 1930s: The Great Depression. An Internet WebQuest on The Great Depression by Paige G. Elliott, Fuquay-Varina High School, Fuquay-Varina, NC. "It is my [Webquest creator's] hope that you will consider others' perceptions in addition to your own. After all, 'perception is reality.'"
United States Symbols Project. Mrs. Bohannon's Fourth Grade U.S. Symbols Project. "Calling all Patriots! Principal Godfrey has asked our 3rd grade students to research United States symbols. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a book that will help the teachers of lower elementary students teach patriotic symbols to their students!" Webquest revised September 2011 by Jennifer McMahon.
We Didn't Start the Fire. Webquest by Felisha Mckenzie. Students will research the lyrics of Billy Joel's song, "We Didn't Start the Fire," then research world-wide events that have made history since the song was published in 1989. They will use that research to write additional lyrics for the song and bring the song up to date. Grade Level: 9-12. Curriculum: English / Language Arts. Current events, research, Language Arts, History .
Born on a Mountaintop? Davy Crockett, Tall Tales, and History. Lesson plan for Gr. 3-5. Subject Areas: Art and Culture - Folklore, History and Social Studies - U.S. History - The West, Literature and Language Arts - American, Biography.
American Aloha Lesson Plan: Perpetuating Indigenous Cultural Traditions in Diaspora. Grades 10-12. Subjects covered: History, Social Studies, Language Arts, Multicultural Music and Dance Appreciation.