A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Sung by Roger Whittaker

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Roger Whittaker (1936-2023)
Google Photo Album
Canada Flag Google image from http://www.trailcanada.com/images/canadian-flag.gif


Canada is the Rocky Mountains
Canada is Prince Edward Island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is La Belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon Mine
Canada is a country full of love.

We have love for our neighbour
Of whatever creed or colour
We have love for our cities
And our valleys and our plains
We have a voice that is calling
Telling all the world we're willing
To welcome them to this great land
For that's what Canada is.

Canada is the Rocky Mountains
Canada is Prince Edward Island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is La Belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon Mine
Canada is a country full of faith.

We have faith in our future
We're ready for tomorrow
We have faith in our children
For our future's in their hands
We have a voice that is calling
Telling us to keep on hoping
For time will make this wild land great
And that's what Canada is.

Canada is the Rocky Mountains
Canada is Prince Edward Island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is La Belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon Mine
Canada is a country loving peace.

We have peace in our valleys
We're happy and contented
We have peace in our cities
And our boundaries have no chains
We have a voice that is calling
Telling all free men we're willing
To show them how to live in peace
For that's what Canada is.

Canada is the Rocky Mountains
Canada is Prince Edward Island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is La Belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon Mine
Canada is a country full of love.

Canada is the Rocky Mountains
Canada is Prince Edward Island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is La Belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon Mine
Canada is a country full of love.

Composers of "CANADA IS":
Words by Steve Hyde
Music by Eric Robertson
Singer: Roger Whittaker

Typisch Roger Whittaker Google image from http://www.3-x.nl/images/front/24044.jpg
A younger Whittaker
Image hosted by www.3-x.nl
Roger Whittaker photo from All Music Google image from http://www.allmusic.com/artist/roger-whittaker-mn0000837084
Roger Whittaker in the 1970's
Image from AllMusic.com
Roger Whittaker at age 74 Google image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/9014509@N06/3398581946/sizes/l/in/photostream/
Whittaker on 21 March 2010
Photo from Ann Giles' Photostream

Roger Whittaker at age 77 Google image from http://www.berlinmagazine.de/images/fotos/13.6.jpg - Roger Whittaker Tour  Wunder  2013. Die nackten Zahlen sagen eigentlich alles  ber diesen 76-j hrigen Megastar:  ber 250 Silber-, Gold- und Platinauszeichnung bei  ber 60 Millionen verkauften Tontr gern. Am 03.05.2013 stattet Roger Whittaker auf seiner aktuellen Tour auch Berlin wieder einen Besuch ab.
Roger Whittaker in Berlin, May 2013
Photo from BerlinMagazine.de

Image: Now_RogerWhttaker_Rex-473388 from https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/130/590x/Now_RogerWhttaker_Rex-473388.jpg
Roger Whittaker in France, 2014
Photo from Express.co.uk

CANADA IS sung by Roger Whittaker.

Official Website of Roger Whittaker. "Roger Whittaker has earned over 250 silver, gold and platinum albums in his long career that has garnered fans from around the world. Explore this website to learn more or connect with other fans."

Roger Whittaker Biography by William Ruhlmann, All Music.

Roger Whittaker: Biography from Roger Whittaker Official Website.

Roger Whittaker from Wikipedia. Childhood and beginning, Recording and performing career, Tours, Awards, Discography, Hit singles, European albums, US albums.

Roger Whittaker from AllMusic.

It's Roger Whittaker's birthday. Posted March 22, 2010. Roger Whittaker is 74 today.

Roger Whittaker was born March 22, 1936 in Nairobi, Kenya, of British parents. Whittaker is a very talented and wonderful British singer, songwriter, guitarist and whistler, with worldwide record sales of over 55 million (according to Wikipedia).

In 1985, Roger Whittaker Biography. Roger Whittaker was acclaimed as Germany's most successful recording artist singing in German even though Whittaker speaks no German. Comment by concert attendee Jim Duncalf (Musician Guide, 2010): "I did not know much about Rodger till the early 80's when I went with friends to one of his concerts in San Carlos CA. This was the best concert of my life. The good feeling from that concert lingers with me three decades later. He makes everyone feel like family, the warmth of his person and richness of his voice. The world would be a better place with such a kind and wise man was everyone's hero and mentor."

Whatever happened to Durham Town singer Roger Whittaker by Peter Robertson, Express, UK, May 3, 2014. Roger Whittaker opens up about his life, career and being raised in Kenya. "British singer/songwriter Roger Whittaker has sold more than 60 million records worldwide, thanks to hits such as Durham Town and The Last Farewell. Now 78 and semi-retired, Roger lives with Natalie, his wife of 50 years, in France. They have five children and 11 grandchildren ..."

Roger Whittaker - My land is Kenya (1982). YouTube video, 4:04 min. Published by mrwhittakersmusic, Mar 1, 2018.

CANADA IS - From the Album "Around the World with Roger Whittaker"
Publisher: Nairobi Music Canada. Side A: TS-1982 (TS-1982-A) 3:20 (P) 1982 Tembo Music Canada.

The following comment from cmt.com-Artists-Roger Whittaker Biography was quoted at DI Forums Web posting Oct. 27, 2006, 04:16 PM:

"'CANADA IS'   was written by two young Canadians: Eric Robertson and Steve Hyde. To me it is special ... very special. It sums up in words and music my feelings for a country I have visited and enjoyed so many times. I have sung it on countless occasions in concert since it was first recorded in 1974 and every time, without exception, it has been emotionally and movingly received.

In all my world travels, it is quite the loveliest tribute to any country I have ever heard. It is appropriate to release it as a single now. To Canada - Thanks for all our good times. I salute your future."
~ Roger Whittaker

"Canada Is" sung by Roger Whittaker. YouTube video, 3:39 min. Published by Antonio Vendramin, Mar 27, 2008. A video of images captured during the 14,500 kilometre, Vendramin Family Cross-Canada trip during July and August, 2007.

"Canada Is" sung by Roger Whittaker. YouTube video, 3:33 min. An updated version published by Antonio Vendramin, Jul 8, 2014. "Canada is ... beautiful, majestic, enormous, free, and proud. Enjoy version 2 of the 14,500 kilometre, Vendramin Family Cross-Canada trip during July and August, 2007. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, (Newfoundland and Labrador), Yukon, (Northwest Territories), (Nunavut). This update includes subsequent trips to the Yukon and throughout British Columbia." All images by Antonio Vendramin.

Songs by Roger Whittaker from Amazon.com.

Roger Whittaker Sheet Music from Sheet Music Direct.

The following email arrived on March 31, 2008 (Author unknown):

What Is a Canadian?

You probably missed it in the local news, but there was a report that someone in Pakistan had advertised in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed a Canadian ... any Canadian.

An Australian dentist wrote the following editorial to define what a Canadian is ... so they would know one when they found one.

A Canadian might be English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, or Greek. A Canadian can be Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, Arab, Pakistani or Afghan.

A Canadian may also be a Cree, Métis, Mohawk, Blackfoot, Sioux, or one of the many other tribes known as native Canadians.

A Canadian's religious beliefs range from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or none. In fact, there are more Muslims in Canada than in Afghanistan. The key difference is that in Canada they are free to worship as each of them chooses. Whether they have a religion or no religion, each Canadian ultimately answers only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

A Canadian lives in one of the most prosperous lands in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which recognizes the right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

Canadians are generous and they have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking anything in return.

Canadians welcome the best of everything, products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services and the best minds. But they also welcome the least - the oppressed, the outcast and the rejected.

These are the people who built Canada. You can try to kill a Canadian if you must as other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world have tried, but in doing so you could just be killing a relative or a neighbour. This is because Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, can be a Canadian.