Publish Date |
Dr. Kujtan's Articles,
2003 |
Dec. 30, 2006 |
A MADD Toast (Drunk Driving) |
Dec. 25, 2006 |
I Wish You a Merry Christmas! |
Dec. 4, 2006 |
Your Medical History |
Nov. 26, 2006 |
Smart Cells (Melanoma - Skin Cancer Gene Therapy) |
Nov. 17, 2006 |
Shoot, Snort, Swallow or Run |
Oct. 16, 2006 |
It's a Canadian Thing! |
Sept. 5, 2006 |
The Bugs of Summer |
Aug. 28, 2006 |
A Matter of Pressure (Hypertension) |
Aug. 22, 2006 |
Caution, Blueberries Are Healthy! |
Aug. 5, 2006 |
Breathing Easier with Smog |
July 29, 2006 |
Is There a West Nile Vaccine Available Yet? |
July 22, 2006 |
Are There Any Benefits to Drinking Coffee? |
July 17, 2006 |
A Rash of Itchiness (Poison Ivy) |
July 4, 2006 |
How Animal Bites Measure Up |
June 26, 2006 |
Time Ticks On Lest We Forget (Alzheimer's Disease) |
June 19, 2006 |
How Effective Is DNA Analysis? |
June 11, 2006 |
West Nile Virus |
May 28, 2006 |
How Can I Help My Family Doctor Burn Out Quicker? |
Apr. 15, 2006 |
What Is Fifth Disease? |
Apr. 8, 2006 |
He Shoots and Shoots and Sometimes Scores! |
Apr. 1, 2006 |
Me Late? It’s My Turn. Out of My Way, Goodbye! (Adult ADHD) |
Mar. 18, 2006 |
Nothing to Sniffle At! (Allergies) |
Mar. 11, 2006 |
A Fluttering Matter: Atrial Fibrillation (AF) |
Mar. 4, 2006 |
As Time Ticks On and Joints Wear Out (Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis) |
Feb. 25, 2006 |
Heart Failure |
Feb. 18, 2006 |
Time Ticks On Lest We Forget (Alzheimer's Disease) |
Feb. 11, 2006 |
The Love of Scent: Pheromones |
Feb. 4, 2006 |
Tripping Out: Tips for Traveling Abroad |
Jan. 28, 2006 |
Exercise: As Time Ticks On (Physical Activity for Seniors) |
Jan. 21, 2006 |
Genetics: As Time Ticks On (Genetics of Human Aging) |
Jan. 14, 2006 |
The Human Heart and Heart Attacks by Dr. Martin Chen (Guest Column) |
Jan. 7, 2006 |
The Dawn of a New Leg, Liver and Spleen (Human Cloning) |
Please note: Dr. Kujtan's articles and related links are provided here as information only. This site is not a substitute for medical advice.
Articles are edited where needed, and related resources added where appropriate for research purposes.