Banker became Mississauga's prized citizen from The Toronto Star 22 December 2006 - News by Josh Wingrove, Staff Reporter. David Au-Yeung began seniors' club and raised thousands for hospitals. "Then, for his leadership in philanthropy, he was named Mississauga Citizen of the Year at age 73 (1994). 'He would do anything for anybody,' said Leon Eng, current president of the [Chinese] Golden Age Club. The organization has welcomed hundreds of members since its 1983 inception ... Au-Yeung was 62 when it was founded and was president for 13 years. ... Au-Yeung died Dec. 4, 2006 at age 85. ... Au-Yeung's club (Chinese Golden Age Club), which operates inside the Older Adult Centre, offers its 160 members a series of events and classes, from Tai Chi to ... dancing, for those 55 and up."