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Older Adult Centre
Bus Trips January - March 2007

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To Winter Activity Guide January - March 2007

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Bus Trips Winter - January - March, 2007

Sandy Flat Sugar Bush and Pancake House

Sandy Flat Sugar Bush and Pancake House Hank & Jenny - Horses pulling sleigh

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hank and Jenny are the beautiful horses pulling the sleigh at the Sandy Flat Sugar Bush in Warkworth, Ontario, where you will wrap up warmly for the trip to the sugar bush to see the sugar flow (and if you're lucky, try some snow taffy). Of course, the best part about maple syrup is the pancakes which will be enjoyed along with delicious sausages for luncheon. Then we'll proceed to Campbellford to visit the cheese and chocolate factories. We travel by coach and may stop at the Big Apple for a coffee break on the way home. Join us on this really sweet trip to Sandy Flat Sugar Bush.

Tickets $45.00 for Members, $50.00 for Non-Members age 50+
Depart from Square One 9:00 a.m.
Return to Square One - 5:30 p.m.
Please call 905-615-3208 for more details
Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Sorry, not refundable or transferable without prior authorization.