A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

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Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

350-369 Social Sciences

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301 Anthropology, (Cultural anthropology), (Social anthropology), (Physical anthropology), (Archaeology), (Linguistics), (Ethnology), (Ethnography), (Indigenous peoples)
301.45 Afro-Americans - Segregation - Southern States - History, (Jim Crow Laws), Southern States - History - 1865-1951, Southern States - Race relations, (Race discrimination - United States)
301.55 Mass Media, (Popular Culture), (Flash Mob)
302.2 Signs and symbols, Communication
302.23 Mass media, (Mass communication), (Media), (TV), (Magazines), (Radio), (Newspapers)
302.3 Bullying, Bullying - Prevention, (Cyberbullying), Bullies
303.3 Public opinion polls, Quality of life, Social values, Values, (Best employers)
303.6 Terrorism, Terrorists - Biography, (9/11)
304.6 Population, Birthrate, Mortality, Vital statistics, Human fertility, (Death rate), (Mortuary statistics), (Demography), (Birth rate), (Marriage statistics)
305.23 Children, Children and adults, Child development, (Child rearing), (Child abuse), (Child welfare), (Teenagers), (Teenage pregnancy)
305.26 Aging, Retirement, (Senior citizens), (Seniors), (Aged), Elderly, Gerontology, Old age, (Older adults)
305.4 Women, Women - Identity, (Women - History), (Women - Social Conditions)
305.5 Poverty
305.569 Homeless persons
305.892 Arabs
305.896 Blacks, African Americans, (Afro-Americans), (Blacks - United States), (Black History Month), Blacks - Canada, Blacks - Great Britain
305.906 Veterans
306.81 Marriage
306.85 Family
307.76 City life, Cities and towns, Urban sociology, (Town life), (Urban life)
310 Statistics
314.1 Great Britain - Census, United Kingdom - Census, Great Britain - Statistics, United Kindgom - Statistics, (Scotland - Census), (Northern Ireland - Census)
317.1 Canada - Census, Canada - Statistics
317.3 United States - Census, United States - Statistics
319.4 Australia - Census, Australia - Statistics
320.1 Political science, Political ethics
322.4 Ku Klux Klan, (K.K.K.)
323 Human rights, Civil rights, United States - Civil rights, Blacks - Civil rights, African Americans - Civil rights, (Basic rights)
323.3 Women's rights, Women's movement, Feminism, (Women - Civil rights), (Women - Emancipation), (Women - Equal rights), (Women - Suffrage)
323.44 Freedom of action, Freedom of information, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Intellectual freedom, Books - Censorship, (Banned books), (Social justice), (Equality)
323.6 Citizenship, Citizenship - Australia, Citizenship - Canada, Citizenship - United Kingdom, Citizenship - United States, (Passports)
324.271 Political parties - Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties)
324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party (U.S.), Third Parties (United States politics)
325 Immigrants, Immigration and emigration
326 Underground railroad, Slavery, (Slave trade), Abolitionists, (Abolition of slavery)
327.1 Peace, Peace movement, Arms control, Arms race, (Disarmament)
330.1 Lost and found possessions, (Lost pets), (Lost articles), (Found items)
331 Labor market, (United States - Bureau of Labor Statistics)
331.25 Pensions, Retirement income, Military pensions, Old age pensions, (Social security), (Naval pensions), (War pensions), (Old age insurance), (Compensation), (Survivor's benefits), (Disability benefits), (Children's benefits), (Retirement pension)
331.3 Age and employment, Children - Employment, (Child labor)
331.5 Apprentices, (Employees - Training), (Occupational training), (Labor)
331.7 Occupations, (Jobs), (Careers), (Job search), (Employment), (Trades), Vocational guidance
332.024 Personal finance, Estate planning, Saving and thrift, (Financial planning, Personal), (Finance, Personal), (Budgets, Personal), (Registered Retirement Savings Plans - RRSP), (Registered Retirement Income Fund - RRIF), (Retirement income - Planning), (Tax-Free Savings Account - TFSA)
332.1 Banks and banking, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
332.10971 Banks and banking - Canada
332.10973 Banks and banking - United States
332.4 Money, Coinage, Mints, Paper money, Gold, Inflation (Finance), (Currency), (Standard of value), (Legal tender), Exchange, Foreign exchange, (Exchange rates)
332.63 Stocks, (Stock market), (Stock quotes), Bonds, Mutual funds, Securities, (Investments), (Foreign investments)
332.64 Stock exchange, (Securities exchange)
332.7 Credit cards, (Bank credit cards), (Banks and banking - Credit cards), Loans, Mortgages, Consumer credit
332.8 Interest (Economics), Interest rates, (Prime rates)
333.33 Real estate business, Houses - Buying and selling, (Home buying), (Home purchase), (Real property), (Realty), (Apartments), (Rentals)
336.2 Taxation, (Income tax), (IRS), (CRA), (CCRA), (Revenue Canada), (Tax returns), (Taxes)
336.3 Public debts, (Government debts), (National debts)
338 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, (Home-based business), (Small business), Businesspeople, (Business people), (Self-employed), (Freelancers)
338.1 Farm produce - Marketing, (Farmers markets), (Agricultural products), (Farm crops)
338.4 Consumer goods, (Consumer products), (Merchandise)
338.5 Consumer price indexes, (Cost of living indexes)
338.7 Business enterprises, Corporations (Business organizations), (Businesses), (Firms), (Companies)
338.9 Subsidies, Economic policy, (Grants), (Federal aid), (Business and government), (Economic planning)
340 Law, (Jurisprudence), (Laws), (Statutes), (Case law), (Legal forms), Law - Directories
Governments: (See countries, e.g.: 971 Canada, 973 USA)
341.3 Embassies and consulates, Diplomacy, Diplomatic and consular service, International relations
342.068 Whistle-blowing law, (Whistleblower), (Whistle blower)
345 Trials (Homicide), Criminal law, Trials (Murder), (Manslaughter), (Crime), (Cold case), (Offenses against the person), (War crime trials), (Courts martial and courts of inquiry), (Poisons and poisoning)
345.052 Wiretapping - Law and legislation
346.0434 Landlord and Tenant
346.05 Estate planning, Inheritance and transfer tax, (Tax planning), (Personal finance)
346.4 Copyright, Fair use (Copyright), (Intellectual property), (Literary property), (International copyright), (Cyberlaw), Trademarks, (Logos), (Company symbols), (Corporate symbols), (Trade marks)
347.053 Class actions
349.71 Law - Canada
349.73 Law - United States
350.714 Public records - United States
352.230941 Prime ministers - Great Britain
352.230971 Prime ministers - Canada
352.230973 Presidents - United States
353.8 School boards, (Boards of education) - See 371.2 Schools - Administration
355 Military readiness
358.38 Biological warfare, (Bacterial warfare), (Germ warfare)
361.3 Social work, Volunteer work, (Volunteers), (Volunteering)
361.6 Social policy, (Government policy), (National planning), (Social planning)
361.7068 Fund raising, (Fundraising)
361.8 Charities, (Charity organization), (Charitable institutions), (Humanitarianism), (Philanthropy), (Endowments)
362.1 Hospitals, Hospitals - United States
362.2 Mental disorders, Mental illness, Mentally ill, (Insane), (Insanity), (Sanity), (Mentally deranged)
362.204251 Emergency and rescue operations, (Acts of Kindness), (Real life heroes), (Rescue)
362.29 Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, (Addiction to alcohol), (Drug addiction), (Marijuana), (Cannabis)
362.4 Handicapped, (Disabled), Deaf, Deafness, Hearing impaired, Physically handicapped, Blind, Blindness, People with visual disabilities
362.7 Child support, Child abuse, Child welfare, Abandoned children, (Deadbeat dads), (Deadbeat moms), (Deadbeat parents)
362.8297 Missing children
363.1 Accidents - Prevention, Safety education, (Safety measures), (Water safety), (Safety - Road safety)
363.12 Aircraft accidents, (Aeronautics - Accidents), (Air crashes), (Airplane accidents), (Aviation accidents), (Plane crashes)
363.1251 Drunk driving, (Driving while intoxicated), (Driving under the influence of alcohol)
363.17 Poisons and poisoning, Hazardous substances, (Toxic substances)
363.2 Police, Law enforcement
363.25 Fingerprints, Fingerprints - Identification, Criminal investigation, Criminals - Identification, Forensic sciences
363.28 Secret Service
363.33 Gun control, (Firearms - Law and legislation), (Right to bear arms)
363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)
363.7 Environment, Environmental protection, Noise pollution, (Pollution - Prevention), (Pollution control), (Conservation movement), (Green movement), (Ecological movement)
363.72 Hazardous wastes, (Toxic wastes)
363.738 Acid rain
363.739 Pollution, Air pollution - Measurement, (Atmosphere - Pollution), Water pollution, (Soil pollution)
364 Crime
364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)
364.15 Hate crimes
364.16 Fraud, False personation, Credit card crimes, Swindlers and swindling, (Identity theft), (Con artists), (Con game), (Scams)
364.6 Capital punishment
365 Correctional institutions, Prisons
366 Secret societies
368 Insurance
369.4 Scouts and scouting, (Boy Scouts), (Girl Scouts), (Girl Guides)
370 Education
370.19 Foreign study, Foreign students, (College students), (Overseas study), (Study abroad)
371 Schools (K-12), (K12), (Education), (Homework)
371.04 Home schooling, (Home-based education), (Home education), (Home instruction), (Home teaching by parents), (Homeschooling)
371.102 Teaching, (Art of teaching), (Methods of teaching)
371.12 (Teacher qualifications), (Professional qualifications of teachers), (Certification of teachers)
371.2 Schools - Administration, (School management and organization), (Acceptable use policy - AUP)
371.26 Educational tests and measurements, Examinations, Intelligence tests, Psychological tests, Ability - Testing, (Tests), (Achievement tests), (Aptitude tests), (Objective tests), (Educational measurements), (Intelligence testing), (Mental tests), (IQ tests), (I.Q. tests)
371.3 Teaching - Aids and devices, Teaching machines, Programmed instruction, Computer assisted instruction, (Instructional materials), (Teaching materials), (Lesson plans)
See also WebQuests - Web-based lesson plans (Internet activities for educational purposes)
371.3028 Homework, Study skills, (Art of learning), (Method of study), (Study strategies)
371.3344678 Internet-based methods of instruction
371.39 Tutors and tutoring, (Tutorial), (Tutorials), (Learning), (Education at home), (Home instruction), (Courses of study)
371.42 Vocational guidance, (Vocational education), (Career education)
371.7 Safety education, School violence, (Student violence), (School vandalism), (Violence in schools), (Accidents - Prevention)
371.9 Learning disabilities, Learning disabled - Education
372 Elementary schools
372.1 Babysitting
373 High schools
374 Discussion groups, Voice chat
377.2 Character, Moral education, (Character education)
378 Colleges and universities
378.13 Alumni and alumnae - Directories
378.3 Scholarships, Student aid, Student loan funds, (Bursaries), (Fellowships), (Scholarship funds), (Student financial assistance)
379.158 School standards and accreditation, (Educational standards)
380 Commerce, communications, transportation
380.1 Markets, and 381 Telemarketing (See 658.8 Auctions, Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores)
380.106 Chamber of commerce, (Boards of trade)
381.13 Franchises (Retail trade)
382 International economic relations, International trade, (International organization), (Internatioal cooperation), (World economics), (Economic planning), (Social policy)
383 Postal service, Postal code, Zip code, Postage stamps, (Mail service), (Post office), Postcards
384 Electronic mail systems (E-mail or email addresses), Telephone (Telephone directories), Video telephone, Chat dictionaries, Data transmission systems, Telecommunication, (Wireless)
384.54 Radio stations, Radio broadcasting, Radio programs, Amateur radio stations, (Ham radio stations), (High-frequency radio), (Citizens band radio)
384.55 Television, Television broadcasting, Public television, Television and youth, Television and children, (Educational television)
387.155 Lighthouses
387.5 Merchant marine, (Sailors), (Seamen)
387.7 Airlines
388.4 City traffic, Traffic engineering, Local transit, (Street traffic), (Urban traffic), (Highway transportation)
391 Costume, Fashion, Clothing and dress
391.413 Shoes, (Footwear), (Boots)
391.6 Perfumes, Tattooing
392.1 Female circumcision
392.5 Weddings, Marriage customs and rites, (Bridal customs), (Honeymoon)
394.2 Birthdays
394.25 Carnival
394.26 Holidays, Festivals, (Christian holidays), (Religious holidays), (Chinese New Year), (Valentine's Day), (Easter), (Halloween), (Veterans' Day), (Thanksgiving Day)
394.268 Christmas, Christmas customs, Christmas cards, Christmas cookies, Christmas decorations, (Santa Claus), (St. Nicholas), (St. Nick), (Xmas)
395 Etiquette
398 Folklore, (Folk lore), (Folk tales), (Traditions)
398.2 Fables, Fairy tales, Legends, Urban legends (Hoaxes)
398.22 Arthurian romances, Grail, (King Arthur), (Holy Grail), (Arthur, King - Romances), (Knights of the Round Table)
398.24 Mythical animals, Animals - Folklore, Dragons, (Monsters)
398.8 Nursery rhymes

350.714 Public records - United States

Our Public Records. This is a massive free database of last names of people in the United States. Records of over 162,000 names have been collected and a database using AI and its own programming has been created to help users find information such as origins, genealogy, etc.

352.230941 Prime ministers - Great Britain

Gordon Brown from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Legacy of Tony Blair, Prime Minister, 1997-2007 by Gary Gibbon, Channel 4 News.

List of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom from Wikipedia.

352.230971 Prime ministers - Canada

Prime Ministers of Canada

Justin Trudeau image from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Justin_Trudeau_APEC_2015.jpg
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau sworn in as Canada's second youngest prime minister ever. 5 Nov. 2015. "The 43-year-old Trudeau, a former schoolteacher and a member of parliament since 2008 ... became the second youngest prime minister in Canadian history ... He is the son of late prime minister Pierre Trudeau, who swept to office in 1968 on a wave of support dubbed 'Trudeaumania'.

Prime Minister of Canada: Justin Trudeau. Official website.

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau from Parliament of Canada. Political Affiliation: Liberal. Constituency: Papineau. Province / Territory: Quebec. Email: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca. Preferred Language: French / English. Hill Office: House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Canada. Telephone: 613-995-0253. Fax: 613-947-0310. Constituency Office: 529 Jarry Street East (Main Office), Suite 302, Montréal, Quebec H2P 1V4 Canada. Telephone: 514-277-6020. Fax: 514-277-3454.

Justin Trudeau Biography. Prime Minister, Author, Teacher (1971 - ) from Biography.com.

Justin Trudeau from Wikipedia.

Justin Trudeau from Canadian Encyclopedia. "Justin Pierre James Trudeau, 23rd prime minister of Canada (2015 - present), Liberal Party leader, teacher (born 25 December 1971 in Ottawa, ON). The eldest son of prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin Trudeau initially trained as a teacher in British Columbia. After a short teaching career, he entered politics, winning the riding of Papineau in Québec in 2008. Trudeau became leader of the Liberal Party on 14 April 2013, winning on the first ballot with nearly 80% of the vote. On 19 October 2015, the Liberals under Trudeau won a majority, defeating Stephen Harper's Conservatives."

Meet Justin Trudeau: Teacher, Father, Advocate, Leader. Canada's 23rd prime minister, from Liberal Party of Canada.

Justin Trudeau -- Patrick Brazeau Charity Boxing Match -- English Coverage of Complete Fight. YouTube video, 16:13 min. Published on Apr 1, 2012 by FactPointVideo. Live coverage. "The fight took place at the Hampton Inn Convention Centre in Ottawa on March 31, 2012. It was a bout for the cancer charity Fight for the Cure."

Justin Trudeau gets some boxing practice in ahead of first leaders debate. YouTube video, 1:35 min. Published on Aug 6, 2015 by Global News.

6 reasons why Muslims love Canada's Justin Trudeau by Rayana Khalaf , Contributor, StepFeed, July 9, 2017. "It's no secret that Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is a people's person, and Muslims know that firsthand. With Islamophobes rising to power and spreading hate in the West, it's always refreshing to see a leader supporting Muslims and making them feel welcome, rather than collectively blaming them for the acts committed by radicalized terrorists. Here are 6 reasons why Muslims love Trudeau."

Like Father, Like Son (yoga peacock stance):

Pierre Elliot Trudeau Yoga Peacock Google image from https://nationalpostcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/trudeau1.jpg?w=620&quality=65&strip=all&h=323
Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, 1970

Justin Trudeau Yoga Peacock Google image from http://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/canada/2016/04/02/trudeau-yoga-pose-stories-pose-their-own-threat-teitel/trudeau-yoga.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterbox.jpg
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 2016

Note: Justin's father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau,
was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada
from April 20, 1968 to June 4, 1979,
and again from March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984.

The Canadian federal election, 2015 from Wikipedia. (Formally, the 42nd general election) was held on October 19, 2015, to elect members to the House of Commons of the Canadian parliament. Including Summary Results.

Is He Converting to Islam? "Trudeau, in his quest to win Islamic votes, or bond with Islam, or possibly convert to Islam ... decided to get down and pray with Islamic brothers this summer (2013) ... Trudeau let his beard grow for a few days in order to add a touch of authenticity to his Islamic bonding experience."

Image from Winnipeg Free Press: Good, bad, ugly of Trudeau's political woes by Dan Lett, Winnipeg Free Press, Aug. 19, 2020.
Image source: Winnipeg Free Press, 19 Aug. 2020.
Is Trudeau's beard grown to please
Sikhs and Muslims in Canada?

Trudeau's Sikh conundrum by Michael Harris, iPolitics, Sep 1, 2017.

Trudeau 'disappointed' over RCMP policy making officers shave their beards and wear masks by Amy Judd and Rumina Daya, Global News, 25 Sep. 2020. "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday lamented an RCMP policy that calls for all officers to shave their beards and wear medical-grade face masks amid the coronavirus pandemic. The policy has been criticized as discriminatory against Sikh and Muslim officers, some of whom keep beards for religious reasons."

Justin Trudeau from Wikipedia.

Sophie Trudeau, Michelle Obama, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama
Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau, Michelle Obama, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama
at State Dinner in Washington, DC 10 Mar. 2016.
Photo credits: Deccan Chronicle
Ottawa, ON to Washington, DC - Google Map

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Family, photo source: http://nypost.com/2015/10/21/what-you-need-to-know-about-canadas-hunky-new-leader/Photo: Chris Wattie/Reuters, New York Post, circa 2015
Justin Trudeau with wife Sophie, and children Xavier, Ella-Grace and Hadrien.
Photo by Chris Wattie/Reuters, Published New York Post, Oct. 2015.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Family, photo source: http://www.chatelaine.com/living/exclusive-photos-of-the-trudeaus-at-home/
Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie Grégoire
and their three kids, Xavier, 7, Ella-Grace, 5, and five-month-old Hadrien.
At home in Ottawa's Rockcliffe neighbourhood, Summer 2014.
Photo by Maude Chauvin. Published in Chatelaine, Oct. 16, 2014.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Family, photo source: http://www.chatelaine.com/living/exclusive-photos-of-the-trudeaus-at-home/
Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie Grégoire
and their three kids, Xavier, 7, Ella-Grace, 5, and five-month-old Hadrien.
In swimming pool at home in Ottawa's Rockcliffe neighbourhood, Summer 2014
Photo by Maude Chauvin. Published in Chatelaine, Oct. 16, 2014.

From Ted Cruz to hockey: Best cross-border quips from White House dinner by Sean Davidson, CBC News, Mar 11, 2016. "May my grey hair come in at a much slower rate than yours," Trudeau said to Obama at State Dinner, 10 Mar. 2016.

Canadian Prime Ministers Since 1867 from infoplease.

Prime Ministers of Canada: 1867 to Date. Contents: About Prime Ministers of Canada, Gallery, Biographical Information, Political Information, Electoral Information, Glossary of Acronyms.

Prime Ministers of Canada. Biographies of Canadian Prime Ministers Since Confederation in 1867, from CanadaOnline.About.com.

Prime Ministers of Canada. Biographies and photos of all the Prime Ministers of Canada since Confederation.

Prime Ministers of Canada from National Film Board. Discover Canada's Prime Ministers - Playlist. "In addition to its compilation of films ... the playlist features these comprehensive and engaging resources: downloadable fact sheets, archival records, biographies and an assortment of images."

352.230973 Presidents - United States

The Buck Stops Here: The Presidents of the United States (Updated Edition) (Paperback) by Alice Provensen
The Buck Stops Here:
The Presidents
of the United States
by Alice Provensen
            Our Country's Presidents: All You Need to Know About the Presidents, From George Washington to Barack Obama by Ann Bausum
Our Country's Presidents:
All You Need to Know
About the Presidents,
From George Washington
to Barack Obama
by Ann Bausum
            Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Team of Rivals:
The Political Genius
of Abraham Lincoln
by Doris Kearns Goodwin

The 44 Presidents of the United States of America. YouTube video, 3:40 min.

44 U.S. Presidents. A seamless transition of images of presidents from one portrait to another. 44 US Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama morphed to the music (Boléro) Bolero by Ravel. YouTube video: 3:58 min.

Amazing President Facts. YouTube video, 2:55 min. presented by Zack Scott. 21 amazing facts about U.S. presidents you may have never known.

American Presidents: Life Portraits - Portrait Gallery. Presidential Portraits by Chas Fagan.

Ballotpedia. All States of the United States of America - Info about each state and its ballot - laws, history, statewide ballot measures, ballot access, and more.

Biography: Barack Obama. YouTube video, 45:16 min.

A LONG List of President Obama's Accomplishments (with Citations) by Milt Shook, Feb. 15, 2013.

From George Washington To Barack Obama - A Long Way - Original Video. 44 Presidents of the United States. YouTube video, 3:58 min.

New official Obama portrait released Jan. 14, 2009 08:13am EST / Posted by Dave Rochelson Google image from http://change.gov/newsroom/entry/new_official_portrait_released/
The 44th President of the United States
Barack Hussein Obama II

The boy Obama with his mother Google image from http://www.y2kers.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/barack.jpg
Young Barack Obama with
his mother Stanley Ann Dunham

Barack Obama Life in Brief by Michael Nelson, Miller Center. U.S. Presidents - Barack Obama.
Barack Obama's final speech as president - video highlights. YouTube video, 4:30 min. Published by Guardian News, Jan 11, 2017.
Barack Obama's Hawaii Childhood Landmarks. YouTube video, 1:16 min.
The formative years of President Elect OBAMA from Joseph's Blog, Nov. 7, 2008. "It is believe[d] that the formative years of a child mould the adult."
YouTube video, 10:05 min.
Barack Obama (1961- ) from Wikipedia: "A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004."

A timeline of Donald Trump's false wiretapping charge by Jana Heigl, PolitiFact, Mar. 21, 2017. "March 20, 2017: At the House Intelligence Committee hearing, Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers both deny that there was any information supporting Trump's allegations in his original tweet. 'With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,' Comey said. 'The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components. The department has no information that supports those tweets.'"

The Speech that Made Obama President. YouTube video, 6:12 min. Published on Aug 30, 2012 by THNKR. In 2004, a one-term senator from Illinois took the stage to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. By the time Barack Obama had finished speaking, Democrats across the country knew they had seen the future of their party.

Obama's mother:
S. Ann Dunham papers, 1965-2013 from Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives. The S. Ann Dunham papers, 1965-2013, primarily document her work as an economic anthropologist in Indonesia. Collection is primarily in English. Some materials are in Indonesian and Javanese.
Stanley Ann Dunham (1942-1995) B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from University of Hawaii in 1992. At age 52, she died of ovarian cancer.
Stanley Ann Dunham, Dr. Profile: Birthdate: November 29, 1942. Birthplace: Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, United States. Death: Died November 7, 1995 in Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States. Place of Burial: Hawaii, United States.
Five Unordinary Facts About President Obama's Mother [Stanley Ann Dunham] by Amy Bingham, 12 May 2012, ABC News. "She lived in five states and three countries.
She was 18 when Barack Obama was born
It may have taken her two decades and countless trips back-and-forth between Indonesia and the University of Hawaii to complete, but in 1992 Ann Dunham was awarded her Ph.D. in anthropology.
Her 1,000-page dissertation explored the indigenous craft of blacksmithing in Indonesia, a topic she had studied for more than 20 years. She died two years after completing it.
She had instilled in her son the importance of education, making him rise before the sun came up to do his homework."
Ann Dunham biography from The Famous People. Born November 29, 1942 in Wichita, Kansas. Died at Age 52. Aka: Stanley Ann Dunham. Famous as: Barack Obama's Mother. Ann Dunham was an American anthropologist and played a major role in the rural development of Indonesia. This biography profiles her childhood, family, personal life, career, etc.

● Obama's father, Barack Obama, Sr.: Barack Hussein Obama (1936-1982). Studied economics at University of Hawaii in 1959. In 1962, he pursued a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard, but finished with a Masters Degree in Economics from Harvard University in 1965. At age 46, he died of a car accident.

Barack Obama Speeches posted on this site:

1 Obama's Victory Speech 4 Nov. 2008
2 Obama's Inaugural Address 20 Jan. 2009
3 Obama's Cairo Egypt Speech 4 June 2009
4 Obama's Moscow Speech 7 July 2009
5 Obama's Eulogy for Ted Kennedy 29 Aug. 2009
6 Obama's Speech at United Nations General Assembly 23 Sept. 2009
7 Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, Oslo, Norway 10 Dec. 2009
8 Obama's Arizona Memorial Speech, Tucson AZ, 12 Jan. 2011
9 Obama's Speech on the Death of Osama bin Laden 1 May 2011
10 Obama's Speech on Middle East and North Africa 19 May 2011
11 Obama's Victory Speech 6 Nov. 2012
12 Obama's Myanmar Speech 19 Nov. 2012
13 Obama's Second Inaugural Address 21 Jan. 2013
14 Obama's State of the Union Address 12 Feb. 2013
15 Obama's Eulogy for Nelson Mandela 10 Dec. 2013
16 Obama's State of the Union Address 28 Jan. 2014

Books by Barack Obama:

Barack Obama in His Own Words - Author: Barack Obama, Editor: Lisa Rogak
Barack Obama in His Own Words
My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
Dreams from My Father:
A Story of Race and Inheritance
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope:
Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

OBAMA: Biography Video/Convention Intro Video from YouTube, 9:52 min. A Biography on Barack Obama from days of his childhood, through adolescence and adulthood. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School; his late father Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. attended the University of Hawaii and also received a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University; his late mother, Stanley Ann Dunham received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from University of Hawaii.

Barack Obama from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Barack Obama Biography from Biography.com.

Barack Obama - President of United States written by Jeff Wallenfeldt David Mendell, Jul 31, 2018. Barack Obama, in full Barack Hussein Obama II, (born August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.), 44th president of the United States (2009-2017) and the first African American to hold the office.

Barack Obama - U.S. President & Lawyer | Mini Bio | BIO. YouTube video, 4:58 min. Published on Oct 5, 2012 by Biography. Born in Honolulu in 1961, Barack Obama went on to become President of the Harvard Law Review and a U.S. senator representing Illinois. In 2008, he was elected President of the United States, becoming the first African-American commander-in-chief. He served two terms as the 44 president of the United States.

From Revolution to Reconstruction: Presidents. Index on Presidents of the United States. Contains information and documents of their speeches (including inaugural addresses), writings, biographies and anything else related to their person or the office they are holding. From #1 George Washington to #44 Barack Hussein Obama.

"I Do Solemnly Swear ...": Presidential Inaugurations. Collection of approximately 400 items or 2,000 digital files relating to inaugurations from George Washington's in 1789 to George W. Bush's inauguration of 2001. Presentation includes diaries and letters of presidents and of those who witnessed inaugurations, handwritten drafts of inaugural addresses, broadsides, inaugural tickets and programs, prints, photographs, and sheet music.

Inauguration of the President - United States presidential inauguration from Wikipedia. The inauguration of the President of the United States is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of the President of the United States. This ceremony takes place for each new presidential term, even if the president is continuing in office for a second term.

Meet Amazing Americans: U.S. Presidents. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Dwight D. Eisenhower, William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, James Monroe, Theodore Roosevelt, John Tyler, Martin Van Buren, and George Washington.

POTUS - Presidents of the United States. Site provides background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included.

Presidents as Poets: Poetry Written by United States Presidents from Library of Congress. Include samples of poems by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, Abraham Lincoln, Jimmy Carter.

Presidents of the United States. Selected Images from the Collections of the Library of Congress.

Presidents of the United States. Internet Resources from Utah Education Network, Themepark: Liberty.

Presidents of the United States from the White House. Joseph R. Biden Jr. The 46th President of the United States.

Presidents of the United States Hotlist - hotlist of Internet resources about the Presidents of the United States. Presidents' Day Hotlist - hotlist of Internet resources about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. President's Day.

Presidents of the United States: Resource Guides. Digital collections from the Library of Congress - large selection of primary source materials associated with presidents of the United States, including manuscripts, letters, broadsides, government documents, prints, photographs, sheet music, sound recordings, and films.

Presidents of the United States of America from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A list of names of American Presidents and their terms of office. Art work in American Wing.

355 Military readiness

Australia: Department of Defence - Official Site of Australian Military.

Canada: National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF).

Military Fact Files from BBC News, UK edition. BBC News Online looks at military forces.

United Kingdom: Ministry of Defence - Official Site of UK Military.

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) - Official Site of United States Military.

U.S. Weapons Systems from GlobalSecurity.org. Contents: U.S. Military Aircraft, U.S. Warships, Munitions, and Ground Systems.

358.38 Biological warfare, (Bacterial warfare), (Germ warfare)

Biological warfare from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of any organism (bacteria, virus or other disease-causing organism) or toxin found in nature, as a weapon of war. See also Sarin from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Sarin is a human-made chemical warfare agent classified as a nerve agent. It is extremely toxic.

361.3 Social work, Volunteer work, (Volunteers), (Volunteering)

Cyberbullying: A Resource for School Social Workers from Online MSW Programs. Cyberbullying is one of the biggest challenges that school social workers currently face. This in-depth resource explains the psychological, emotional, and social effects of cyberbullying, and how school social workers can address cyberbullying at their school(s) and in their community.

Ecosource. An Ontario-based environmental education non-profit serving youth, adults, and families. Work began in Mississauga and has expanded throughout the Region of Peel. Ecosource also works with many high school students to provide volunteer opportunities that assist in the completion of the 40 hour volunteer mandate.

International Volunteer Day (IVD) - December 5 is an international observance designated by the United Nations since 1985. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

One Brick is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization that brings volunteers together to support other local non-profit organizations. Includes links to: One Brick SF Bay Area, One Brick New York, One Brick Chicago, One Brick DC, One Brick Mpls/St Paul, and coming soon on April 9, 2009: One Brick Seattle.

Passport in Time (PIT) is a volunteer archaeology and historic preservation program of the USDA Forest Service (FS). PIT volunteers work with professional FS archaeologists and historians on national forests throughout the United States.

Single Volunteers, Inc. Where a single person can make a difference.

Using Social Media in Social Work Education from Online MSW Programs. Site includes: Resources on Social Media in Social Work and Social Work Education, Resources for Using Twitter in Social Work Education, Resources for Using Podcasts in Social Work Education, Resources for Using Pinterest in Social Work Education, Resources for Using Google+ in Social Work Education, Resources for Using Storify in Social Work Education.

Volunteer from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A Volunteering Guide for Healthcare Students: The Benefits of Giving Back from Premier Nursing Academy. How to Decide Where to Volunteer, Making the Most Out of Volunteering, Finding Volunteer Opportunities.

Volunteer MBC - Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon. "A volunteer centre to foster and develop volunteerism in the Region of Peel, Ontario, Canada, serving the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the Town of Caledon, by raising awareness of the power of service."

Volunteering in Public Service: How to Gain Experience Through Giving Back from STEPS: Student Training & Education in Public Service, Aug. 14, 2020. Featured Volunteer Resources from STEPS include: AmeriCorps vs. Peace Corps, Volunteering with Kids, Volunteering with Animals, Volunteering During a Gap Year, Volunteering with Veterans, Youth Volunteering: Big Brothers Big Sisters vs. Boys and Girls Club, Volunteering in College - Student's Guide to Volunteering in College (Update 13 Apr. 2021), How to Become a Virtual Volunteer.

Different Ways to Do Good Through Volunteer Work: Volunteering in Law Enforcement, Becoming a Volunteer Firefighter, Volunteering in Public Health, Volunteering in Education, Volunteering for the Environment, Volunteering in Social Work, Becoming an Emergency Management Volunteer.

How Does Volunteering Benefit You? Questions to Ask Yourself. 5 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Volunteer Experience. Searching for Public Service Volunteer Opportunities. Volunteer Resources: Additional resources that highlight volunteer opportunities through small organizations, nonprofits, and more.

Volunteering in the United States. Volunteerism in the United States, 2001-2002. Volunteer.gov. America's Natural and Cultural Resources Volunteer Portal - Find a Volunteer Opportunity. Search and apply for volunteer opportunities that suit your interests and availability.

VolunteerMatch: Where Volunteering Begins. A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping everyone find a great place to volunteer. Many thanks to Megan, the lead Intern at EducatorLabs, Cary, NC for providing the following related links:

Direct Relief: Humanitarian Medical Aid
GoEco - Volunteer Abroad for Ecological & Humanitarian Projects
Catchafire - Skills-Based Volunteer Matching
Architecture for Humanity from Wikipedia.

361.6 Social policy, (Government policy), (National planning), (Social planning)

CCPA. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is a national economic and social policy think tank.

Social Policy on the Web. An introduction to Social Policy. Links to resources.

361.7068 Fund raising, (Fundraising)

Fundraising Ideas for Fundraisers from Fundraiser Help. Includes a fundraising directory for thousands of fund raising companies, products, and ideas.

361.8 Charities, (Charity organization), (Charitable institutions), (Humanitarianism), (Philanthropy), (Endowments)

200 Largest American Charities from GiveSpot. Forbes' annual list of America's 200 largest charities ranks the country's largest nonprofits in terms of private donations.

America's Top Charities by William P. Barrett, Forbes, Dec. 11, 2020. "The 100 largest charities in the U.S. pulled in $49.5 billion in donations during their most recently reported fiscal years. While that equals 11% of the estimated $450 billion given to the country's one million-plus nonprofits in 2019, their total take is down 3.9% from the year before."

Charitable organization from Wikipedia.

Charitable Registration. Contents include: Why register as a charity? What is the difference between a non-profit organization and a charity? Site includes Non-profit Incorporation, Volunteer Resources, Funding Sources, Fundraising Tips, and more.

Charities Directorate - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with a List of Canadian Registered Charities, Newly Registered Charities, Recently Revoked Charities, Recent Annulments, updated daily. Check out the charitable organization before you donate, or find out afterwards if you have been scammed. Guidelines for Registering a Charity.

Charities Listings from Canada Revenue Agency. A searchable list of Canadian charities, which can be used to: 1) confirm whether a charity is registered under the Income Tax Act and is therefore eligible to issue official donation receipts; and 2) view a charity's contact information and Registered Charity Information Return, which includes financial information and activities.

Charity Commission for England and Wales. FAQs on Registering a Charity. How the Charity Commission ensures charities meet their legal requirements.

Charity Navigator: Your Guide to Intelligent Giving from Charity Navigator. Top Ten List, Hot Topics, and Tips for Donors.

Charity Navigator - America's largest charity evaluator. FAQs. Site provides information on over 3400 charitable organizations and evaluates the financial health of each of these charities. Tips and Resources include: A-Z Directory of Charitable Organizations, 4-Star Charities, Top 10 Lists, 6 Questions to Ask Charities before Donating, Giving Statistics, Protecting Yourself from Online Scams, and more.

Givology from Wikipedia. "Givology.org is an online giving marketplace through which any Internet user can browse and sponsor students and education projects in the developing world. Founded in 2008 by undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania, Givology currently has 501(c)3 tax-exempt status (in the United States)." Includes information on Internet Microphilanthropy and Online Giving Marketplaces, as well as How Givology Works.

GoFundMe. May 23, 2018 Email: Update on Funds for Humboldt Broncos posted by Humboldt Broncos Memorial Fund Inc. (HBMFI)

"In 2015, the Government of Saskatchewan enacted law regarding crowdfunding donations known as The Informal Public Appeals Act. The HBMFI was created solely to oversee the fair allocation of the GoFundMe funds for their intended purpose, according to the process dictated by Saskatchewan law. While the HBMFI will work as quickly as possible, this legal process merits careful attention and should not be rushed.

The GoFundMe raised a total of $15,174,900. After the deduction of fees necessary to cover the cost of third-party card processors, and the safe and secure transfer of funds (2.9% plus 30 cents per donation), the net amount which HBMFI anticipates receiving is $14,676,373,94. 100% of this amount will go to those who were injured, and to the families of those who lost their lives. All of the caring officers, directors, legal counsel and advisory committee members will serve the HBMFI without compensation, and all additional services necessary for the operation of the HBMFI will be contributed free of charge."

Humanitarian aid from Wikipedia. What is International Humanitarian Law? From Canadian Red Cross.

International humanitarian law from Wikipedia.

IRS - Internal Revenue Service: Tax Information for Charities & Other Non-Profits.

Mississauga Furniture Bank (MFB) is a registered charity which recycles new and gently used household furnishings from individuals and corporate donors. Clients include women and children, refugees, the homeless, families living below the poverty line and victims of domestic violence. MFB also helps the elderly, disabled and those who have lost all to fire, a natural disaster or personal tragedy. Tax receipts will automatically be issued for all donations over $25. For donations less than $25, tax receipts will be issued upon request. MFB will issue an in-kind receipt for donated value of furniture - Fair Market Value as per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Official charitable receipt will be sent via email or mailed to you within 90 days from pickup or drop-off day.

Philanthropy from Wikipedia.

Recycling for Charities. Donate your old cell phone, PDA, digital camera, iPod, ink or toner cartridge to be recycled and benefit the charity of your choice. Recycling for Charities is a non-profit organization helping other charities.

362.1 Hospitals, Hospitals - United States, Hospitals - Canada

Hospital Directory. The U.S. News/American Hospital Association National Directory has facts and figures on over 6,000 hospitals.

Hospitals in the USA and Canada. Database has contact information for hospital and medical facilities across the USA and Canada, with links to Doctors and other nearby facilities.

Hospitals - Listings A-Z by Country from Afghanistan (2 Hospitals) to Zimbabwe (4 Hospitals) plus Without Assignment [No-Name] (37 Hospitals).

List of Hospitals in Toronto, ON Canada. Including:

Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care.

Hospital for Sick Children - Sick Kids Hospital.

Mount Sinai Hospital.

Scarborough Hospital.

St. Michael's Hospital.

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Women's College Hospital.

Ontario Hospitals. A-Z Listings. Including:

Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga ON.

Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington ON.

Kingston General Hospital.

Ottawa Hospital.

Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, ON

Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga ON Canada. Currently, the Trillium Health Centre and the Credit Valley Hospital.

William Osler Health Centre: Etobicoke General Hospital, Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton Civic Hospital.

362.2 Mental disorders, Mental illness, Mentally ill, (Insane), (Insanity), (Sanity), (Mentally deranged)

High Functioning Borderline Personality Disorder Self-Test from SOCAL Mental Health. Try this self-assessment based on the criteria outlined by the American Psychiatric Association’s official DSM-5 Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The test should take less than five minutes. This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the best treatment for you. Site includes: Self-Test, Types of BPD, Signs of BPD, Causes & Risk Factors, Untreated High-Functioning BPD, High-Functioning BPD Diagnosis, Treatments.

The Insanity Test. Try this test to see how sane you are. If you score 0% you are very sane. Score 10% you are 10% insane. The higher the score, the more insane you are. Not to be taken too seriously, of course.

362.204251 Emergency and rescue operations, (Acts of Kindness), (Real life heroes), (Rescue)

A friend from the plane - Tracy Peck letter
A friend from the plane - Tracy Peck letter

The $100 bill she gave two sisters on a plane 23 years ago changed their lives. Now finding them has changed hers by Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN, May 3, 2022.

Here's to the Kind-Hearted. YouTube video, 3:53 min. 23 Sep 2014.

The Hug of the Century. Lion hugs and kisses the lady who rescued him 5 years earlier. YouTube video, 1:17 min. 11 Dec 2009.

People come to the rescue (Die Leute kommen zu Hilfe) posted by Alexandr Mish. YouTube video, 4:19 min. 26 Jun 2013.

PsychCentral. Mental Disorders and Mental Illness.
Conditions - include ADHD, Agoraphobia, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Narcolepsy, Panic Attack, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Trauma, and more.
Discover - Wellness Topics, Original Series, News and Events, Podcasts.
Quizzes - Conditions and Lifestyle Quizzes which include ADHD Symptoms Quiz, Bipolar Disorder Quiz, Borderline Personality Test, Eating Disorder Quiz, Narcissim Symptoms Test, Schizophrenia Quiz, and more.
Resources - include Treatment and Support: Find Support, Suicide Prevention, Drugs and Medications, Find a Therapist.

Real Life Heroes [ Good people ] part 4. 6:24 min. Published by FFA, 22 Dec 2013.

7 Real Life Heroes Caught On Camera. 13.52 min. Published by FactFaction, Jun 17, 2018.

Random Acts of Kindness - Faith In Humanity Restored. YouTube video, 45:09 min. Published by Interesting Facts, Aug 1, 2021.

Restore your faith in humanity in 4 minutes flat. YouTube video, 3:53 min. 22 Jul 2014.

Faith in Humanity Restored 2015/2016. YouTube video, 5:30 min. 29 Nov 2015.

362.29 Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, (Addiction to alcohol), (Drug addiction), (Marijuana), (Cannabis)

Abbeycare Foundation. Established for over 15 years, Abbeycare Foundation provides private treatment options for those suffering with alcohol and drug addictions, with proven outcomes.

Addiction and Recovery. "It takes courage and strength to face up to any type of addiction, whether it's alcohol, drugs, nicotine, gambling, the internet, or self-injury." HelpGuide.org: Help yourself to greater health and happiness. Site provides help for drinking problems, teenage drinking, Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse and Addiction, Smartphone Addiction, Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling, How to Quit Smoking, Substance Abuse and Mental Health. Includes Emotional Intelligence Toolkit to help you: Change your moods and attitudes, Eliminate self-defeating habits, and Master the skill of quick stress relief.

Addiction as a Disease: The Birth of a Concept by William L. White, 2000.

Addiction Treatment and Recovery Guide for Disabled People. This guide outlines addiction's connection to three types of disabilities: Chronic pain, Movement disorders, and Learning disabilities.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Resources from ProjectKnow.com, Understanding Addiction. Including: Drugs, Alcohol, and Behavioral Health Q&A., Addiction Glossary of Terms and Phrases - Definitions, Statistics, Alcohol and Drug Rehab Hotlines, Behavioral Health Hotlines; plus info on Sex Addiction, Gambling Addiction Treatment, and Links to Useful Resources.

Alcohol Screening.org - How Much Is Too Much? Thinking about drinking? Curious about what's healthy? Take the Quiz to better understand drinking patterns. A project of the Boston University School of Public Health. If you consume alcoholic beverages, it's important to know whether your drinking patterns are safe, risky or harmful. Answering these questions will take only a few minutes, and will generate personalized results based on your age, gender and drinking patterns. Your responses are completely confidential and anonymous.

AlcoRehab. Alcohol Rehab and Recovery - A free online guide to alcohol addiction, treatment, and recovery. Resources include:
Alcoholism Resources
Rehab F.A.Q.
Alcohol Detox Guide
20 Ways to Help an Alcoholic Heal and Live Once More
Alcohol Addiction Awareness Essay Contest. AlcoRehab.org is proud to award $6,000 in scholarships each year to three students, who share their vision on the dangers of alcohol abuse and addiction.

Alcoholism Resources from Alcohol Addiction Center - a free, web-based resource helping to bring education and information to the world of alcohol addiction. Include: Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the United States, Alcoholism Statistics, Six Facts about Elderly Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism support groups (Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, SMART Recovery), Alcohol Treatment Programs for Teens, Alcoholism in Veterans, and much more.

Alcoholism Statistics from Talbott Recovery. Dr. G. Douglas Talbott was one of the most forceful voices in advocating the recognition of alcoholism as a disease.

Alcohol Facts and Statistics. Alcohol Use in the United States, Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the United States, Alcohol-Related Deaths ... from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Alcohol Consumption in Canada - Statistics & Facts from Statista: The Statistics Portal - Statistics and Studies from more than 22,500 Sources.

Health Fact Sheets: Heavy drinking, 2016 from Statistics Canada, Sep. 27, 2017.

Statistics on Alcohol, England 2017. National Statistics from National Health Service in United Kingtom - NHS Digital, 3 May 2017.
Alcohol Fact sheet, Jan. 2015. Worldwide, 3.3 million deaths every year result from harmful use of alcohol, this represent 5.9 % of all deaths.
● The harmful use of alcohol is a causal factor in more than 200 disease and injury conditions.
● Overall 5.1 % of the global burden of disease and injury is attributable to alcohol, as measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).
● Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively early in life. In the age group 20 - 39 years, approximately 25 % of the total deaths are alcohol-attributable.
Global Information System on Alcohol and Health (GISAH) is an essential tool for assessing and monitoring the health situation and trends related to alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm, and policy responses in countries. The harmful use of alcohol results in the death of 3.3 million people annually.
Country Statistics. Search A-Z by country.

The Best Marijuana Documentary (Canadian). YouTube video, 1 hr. 44:13 min. See also: Canada's War on Weed. YouTube video, 40:36 min. The Future of Weed: HIGH COUNTRY. YouTube video, 43:34 min. True History of Marijuana Full Movie . YouTube video, 1 hr. 17:34 min.

The Dangers of Binge Drinking from the-alcoholism-guide.org.
Signs of Alcoholism. Alcoholism Signs. Am I an Alcoholic?

Molson Canadian | The Beer Fridge YouTube video, 1:13 min. Only a Canadian passport will open this fridge full of Molson Canadian beer. Comment by Frankeuh Legéant: "They took it to Europe because in Canada you get arrested when you drink in a public area."
Molson's World-Traveling Beer Fridge Can Be Opened Only with a Canadian Passport. Please wait for one to arrive, by Tim Nudd, June 27, 2013.

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA). A non-profit organization working to minimize the harm associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Topics include: Aboriginal issues, Policy and Research, Law Enforcement and Crime, Prevention and Education, Treatment, Youth, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Information Service, Statistics, Cannabis Quick Facts, Gambling in Canada, HIV / AIDS and Injection Drug Use, and more.

Browse AmericanMarijuana for more information.

5 Differences Between CBD and THC by Dwight K. Blake, October 27, 2019. Topics include: What is CBD? What is THC? Difference Between THC and CBD: Chemical structure, Psychoactive Components, Legality of Cannabis. Medical Benefits of Cannabinoids. Side Effects of Cannabis. Drug Testing for Cannabinoids. See also other articles by Dwight K. Blake.

Cocaine Addiction and Treatment fromAddiction Rehab Treatment. Cocaine is a highly addictive and dangerous illicit substance that plague millions of Americans each year. Learn here about the dangers, warning signs, and how cocaine addiction can be treated.

The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Drugs: A Dangerous Combination from Blueprints for Recovery.

DetoxLocal - Periodic Table Drug Addiction. Example: A=Alcohol, H=Heroin, C=Cocaine, T=Tobacco, Fn=Fentanyl ... View details of each drug including description, statistics, and a detox guide.

Drug Dangers. Information about Dangerous Drugs. Drug Dangers provides information on a range of medications and medical devices that have serious complications. It was developed to educate the public and lend a hand to people who have been affected by defective drugs and medical devices. The goal at Drug Dangers is to keep the public educated and informed of all defective medical devices and dangerous medications that are currently available on the market in the United States. Contents: Drugs and Devices, Recent Lawsuits, Consumer Safety, Latest News.

Drug Information from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

DrugRehab.com. Understanding Addiction: Alcohol Addiction, Drug Addiction, Prescription Addiction, Co-Occurring Disorders, Eating Disorders.

Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit. From Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, School of Medicine. Contents include: Breaking News, Dr. Ann P. Streissguth Biographical Sketch, Research Projects, Legal Issues, Publications, Order Reprints, FAS/FAE Resources, and more.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) from KidsHealth.

Inpatient Rehabilitation by Ellie Swain, Medically Reviewed by Dr P. E. Pancoast, MD, Alcohol Rehab Help, May 24, 2022. Inpatient rehab is intensive and residential; it's designed for people with serious alcohol problems.
- Inpatient rehab usually consists of detox, various treatment therapies, and an aftercare plan.
- Treatment can last from days to several months or even years.
- Inpatient care typically costs between $5,000 to $80,000 depending on various factors. Insurance can help pay for addiction treatment.
- Inpatient therapies include counseling/educational meetings focused on healthy living and alcohol recovery.
- Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab - Inpatient rehabs are residential, intensive treatment programs designed to treat severe addictions and provide a safe living environment. Outpatient rehabs are part-time programs. They allow the recovering person to reside at home and keep attending work or school during the day.

More than 5 drinks a week could shorten lives by years, study finds by Maggie Fox, NBC News, 12 Apr. 2018. Current guidelines for drinking alcohol could be too high, a new study shows. Want to live longer? Drink less.

National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab. A non-profit organization with a mission to educate and provide assistance to seniors struggling with addiction as well as caregivers and family members with concerns. The primary objective is to effectively halt the growing silent epidemic of senior addiction.

Opiate Abuse Resources from Opiates.net. Short Term Effects of Opiates, Long Term Effects of Opiates, Opiate Overdose Warnings, Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms, Opiate Addiction Treatment, Opiate Recovery, Symptoms of Opiate Use, How to Quit Opiates, Signs of Opiate Abuse, What to Expect When Detoxing Off of Opiates.

How to Respond to an Overdose by Granite Recovery Centers, Clinically Reviewed by Cheryl Smith, MS, MLADC, July 20, 2020. Initial Assessment of Situation: Overdose Assessment, Verbal Stimuli and Physical Response, Sternum Rub. Next Steps to Take: Rescue Breathing, Administer Narcan aka Naloxone, How do I use Narcan? What to Know About Narcan. Call 911.

Preventing Drug Addiction in Cancer Patients by Michael Bayba, Medically Reviewed by Annamarie Coy, BA, ICPR, MATS, Addiction Group, Dec 3, 2021. Contents include: Cancer Pain Management, Alcohol Abuse in Cancer Patients, Cancer and Addiction Treatment, Tips to Prevent Drug Addiction in Cancer Patients, Treatment for Opioid and Alcohol Addiction in Cancer Patients.

Recovery from Addiction Begins with Knowledge from AddictionResource.net, a free resource created to help individuals and families impacted by substance abuse to better understand the disease of addiction and the path to recovery.

Safe & Drug-Free Schools Program. U.S. Federal government's vehicle for reducing drug, alcohol, tobacco use and violence, through education and prevention activities in American schools.

The Science Behind Drug Abuse from National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for Teens. Contents include: Facts on Drugs (Anabolic Steroids, Ecstasy, Marijuana, Nicotine, and others), Ask Dr. NIDA with answers to most FAQs, Real Stories of teens who have struggled with drug addictions, resources for Parents and Teachers, and more.

Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade. Drug Facts from the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy. Terminology database consists of over 2,000 current drug-related street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug acitivity. Search drug terms alphabetically by commonly known drug names, e.g. Amphetamine, Benzocaine, Crack Cocaine, Designer Drugs, Ecstasy, Heroin, Marijuana, Nicotine, Opium, Peyote, Ritalin, Steroids, etc. or by topic: Costs & Quantities, Drug Trade, or Drug Use. All terms are cross-referenced.

The Truth About Drugs: Why Do |People Take Drugs? from Drug Free World. How Do Drugs Work? Drugs are essentially poisons. The amount taken determines the effect. Drugs Affect the Mind. Drugs Destroy Creativity. Basic Facts About Commonly Abused Drugs: Marijuana, Alcohol, Ecstasy, Cocaine & Crack Cocaine, Crystal Meth & Methamphetamine, Inhalants, Heroin, LSD, Prescription Drug Abuse.

Veteran Alcohol & Drug Rehab: A New Approach Treating Military Trauma & Addiction from JourneyPure. "Veterans are a special breed. We're driven to do extraordinary things in incredibly stressful situations because we're passionate about doing what most aren't willing to do: protect and serve at all costs ... We're exposed to trauma others can't fathom. We push ourselves beyond traditional limits and put our minds at risk. The physical and emotional demands of combat change us forever." Mission of JourneyPure: "Our mission is to help people become healthy and stay healthy." Offers a military program that is in-network for Tricare and VA Choice.

Web of Addictions - Fact Sheets developed by many different authors. Factsheets on Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs, and General Substance Abuse are free to copy and use.

World Drug Report presents the most comprehensive statistical view of today's illicit drug situation. From United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

362.4 Handicapped, (Disabled), Deaf, Deafness, Hearing impaired, Physically handicapped, Blind, Blindness, People with visual disabilities, (Visually impaired)

4 Minutes Movie Made in 30 Minutes and WON an Oscar. YouTube video, 3:58 min. Published by WR007, Feb 6, 2021.

Alvin Law - Drumming at 21 Years Old. YouTube video, 4:21 min. Published on May 15, 2015 by Alvin Law.

The Amazing Woman from Shandong Province, China. Video from YouTube entitled: "Can You Do It Too?" - 9 min. 50 sec. - from a 1985 documentary movie. Watch Ren Ji Mei, born without arms, cook a meal for her family, earn a living gathering live crabs, make noodles and dumplings, write a letter, embroider, play cards, etc. with her feet.

America's Favorite One Handed Pianist - The Lord's Prayer by Brian Arnold. YouTube video, 2:51 min. Uploaded on Oct 9, 2007. "With his left arm paralyzed in an auto accident with a semi, Brian Arnold, America's Favorite One Handed Pianist, plays masterfully "The Lord's Prayer."

Assistive Technology Makes Cars Accessible for People with Disabilities by Carmen Adams, SellMax.com. Topics include: Assistive Technology Intro, Cars for Vets with Disabilities, Types of Assistive Modifications, Best Cars for Mobility Disabilities, Vehicle Discounts, People Who Are Unable to Hear, A Look at the Progress Made.

Blind Quilter: Diane Rose, Waco Texas. YouTube video, 5:41 min.

Burns survivor Turia Pitt joins the ranks of Australian Women's Weekly cover stars in inspirational photo shoot by Sarah Dean and Lucy Chesterton. "The Australian runner, who once worked in front of the camera and as a mining engineer, was caught in a ferocious fire that left her with burns to 64% of her body in 2011."

This Women's Magazine Chose a Burn Victim to Be the Cover Model for Their Inspirational New Issue by Jenna Mullins. "The woman on the cover is 26-year-old Turia Pitt, a burn victim and an inspirational speaker ... Three years ago [2011], Turia was caught in a brushfire while she was running an ultra-marathon in Western Australia. She suffered burns on 64 percent of her body and doctors gave her a very slim chance of survival. But Turia overcame her tragedy and defied expectations with her recovery ... Since then, the mining engineer (who is currently studying for her masters degree) has biked from Sydney to Uluru, swam a 20 kilometer race (over 12 miles) and walked the Great Wall of China, all to raise funds for Interplast, a reconstructive surgery charity. Basically, Turia is a truly incredible human being."

Careers & Degrees in Healthcare: A Guide for Students with Disabilities from EduMed. This site connects students with the best and most affordable higher education programs in the medical and allied health fields. Learn about disability rights and disclosure, find key resources, and read how the right school and employer can make a huge difference.

Children of the Coal - China. YouTube video, 22:59 min. Pollution in China causes over a million birth defects annually.

Chinese Farmer Builds his own Bionic Arms. YouTube video, 2:40 min.

A Chinese Girl With No Fingers Plays Piano Beautifully. YouTube video, 4:26 min. Published on May 31, 2011 by Chu Maw Shan. "A 20-year-old girl from China without fingers on her right hand can play piano very well. She only started to learn piano at age 18 years."
This video was previously uploaded on Jan 31, 2011 by George Ju. "A chinese girl playing piano with no fingers on one hand. She has never seen a piano until 3 years ago, because she lives in a very small town. Her name is Gui-Gui Zheng."

Creating a Home Where Your Child Can Thrive with a Disability from HomeCity Real Estate.

Dance: Hand in Hand - Dance by Ma Li and Zhai Xiaowei (2009 CCTV) from China, CCTV (China Central Television). Video from YouTube entitled: "She without arm, he without leg - ballet - Hand in Hand." 4:30 min. Beautiful and amazing stage performance by Ma Li and Zhai Xiaowei, choreography by Zhao Limin.

Disability Accommodation Request Letter from iPropertyManagement. Besides a Sample Letter to Landlord Requesting Accommodation for Disability, site contents include: How to Make a Reasonable Accommodation Request for a Disability, What to Include in a Letter Requesting Accommodation for Disability, Disability Verification Letters, Understanding Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications, Denial of a Reasonable Accommodation Request, and Additional Requirements for Housing with Federal Financial Assistance.

Disability Benefit Guide. "According to the most recent census, almost one in five Americans are now living with a disability of some kind." Check out "Benefits Available to Disabled Americans" and "Grants Available to Disabled Americans."

Disability Resources from United States Department of Labor.

Disabled Accessibility: The Pragmatic Approach. Author offers suggestions on Pragmatics: Get Top Priorities Fixed First.

Disaster Safety & Assistive Technology: Protection for Seniors & the Disabled from Insurance Zebra, 10 June 2017.

Electric cars and accessibility: What drivers with disabilities need to know from AutoTrader. This guide gives those with accessibility requirements a comprehensive breakdown of how to make the most of your EV experience. Contents include: Accessibility on the road, Driving an EV with a disability, Help with charging your EV, Useful Links & Resources.

Emmanuel Kelly The X Factor 2011 Auditions Emmanuel Kelly FULL. YouTube video, 8:26 min. Emmanuel from Iraq, adopted orphan with no hands, sings "Imagine" by John Lennon, including judges' comments.

Financial Help & Benefits for Disabled Americans from HouseHoldGuide.co.uk. "The percentage of Americans living with a disability has been rising steadily and now stands at 12.8% of the total US population ... The US Dept. of Social Security provides benefits for those who live with a disability. The amount of money you will be awarded will depend on your employment status and the nature of your disability." Site provides links to useful tools, e.g. Use the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST) if you just want to see what benefits you might be able to claim without having to make a full online application to the Social Securty Administration (SSA). The tool does not ask for your name or social security number and so is completely anonymous.

Goalball from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Goalball is a team sport designed for blind athletes. It was devised by Hanz Lorenzen (Austria), and Sepp Reindle (Germany), in 1946 in an effort to help in the rehabilitation of visually impaired World War II veterans. How to Play Goalball. Goalball USA vs Japan. YouTube video, 3:27 min.

Help Colleagues with Disabilities Succeed in Meetings from Vast Conference. The blog post covers tips for helping colleagues with disabilities be successful in meetings, including everything from ensuring facilities are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to following proper etiquette.

How Being Disabled Hurts Your Credit: What to Know and Where to Find Help from High Risk Pay, 12 Sep. 2017.

How to make the internet easier to navigate with impaired vision by Adam Debrowski, All About Vision. Topics include:
Tips for easier internet browsing
How to use screen readers and narrators
How to magnify text and images
How to use keyboard shortcuts
Using voice commands to control your device and get information
More built-in or free tools that can help
Low-vision keyboards
Why online vision accessibility is so important
How to make websites and apps more visually accessible
The future of internet vision accessibility

Jessica Cox. YouTube video, 3:14 min. "Jessica Cox is recognized internationally as an inspirational keynote speaker. Born without arms, Jessica now flies airplanes, drives cars and otherwise lives a normal life using her feet as others use their hands. She holds the title of the first person without arms in the American Taekwondo Association to get a black belt and the Guinness World Record for being the first armless person in aviation history to earn a pilot's certificate." With links to other Jessica Cox videos.
Limb-itless: Pilot Born Without Arms Defies All Odds. YouTube video, 5:41 min. Published on Jun 29, 2015 by Barcroft TV.
Jessica Cox Weds.mov . YouTube video, 2:43 min. Published on May 17 2012 by TFCBalitangAmerica.

Job assistance guide for people with disabilities from Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University (ASU). Use this compilation of resources to find organizations that offer job help for people with disabilities and locate training programs and related support services. Employment resources for high school and young adults. Employment-related resources for anyone with a disability - U.S. Department of Labor, state labor offices. U.S. AbilityOne commission. The Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE). AbilityJobs. Job training and other programs - GetMyFuture: Careeronestop. The Social Security Administration's Ticket to Work program.

Keeping Seniors and Special Needs Individuals Safe Around Construction by Lior Zitzman, BigRentz, July 25, 2017.

Legal Resources and Considerations for Seniors and Persons with Special Needs from Just Great Lawyers.

Manuel De Los Santos. YouTube video, 3:48 min. Published by themanueldelossantos, Dec 12, 2010. Manuel de los Santos is one of sport's most inspirational figures. Growing up in the Dominican Republic, he played baseball from a young age and by 2003 was planning to turn professional. But a motorcycle accident changed his life forever when he lost his left leg above the knee ... Now 26 years old, Manuel lives in Paris and plays [golf] to a handicap of just three, competing in high profile tournaments all around the world.

Moving Tips for Seniors and People with Disabilities by Rachel Surdi, LifeStorageBlog, April 8, 2019. Tips on moving include: Establishing a timeline, Setting a budget, Researching moving companies, Enlisting friends and family for help, Downsizing, Packing, Mentally preparing for a change, Scheduling utilities and other things needed in the new home.

Never Say You Can't: Jennifer Bricker Story. YouTube video, 5:07 min. Published by Hoof Marketing, Apr. 28, 2016. "Even though Jennifer had unique challenges growing up, her parents wouldn't allow the word 'can't' to enter her vocabulary. The Brickers decided to raise her just like they raised their three healthy sons and encouraged her to pursue her dreams. It was because of their acceptance and love that she never saw her disability as a limitation. Instead, she pursued volleyball, softball, and even basketball. But from the very start, her heart was set on gymnastics. Jennifer always knew she was adopted but didn't inquire about her adoption until she was 16 years old. That's when she found out the biggest news of her life; her childhood idol, Dominique Moceanu, was her biological sister."

Nick Vujicic is a giant of a man . YouTube video, 6:18 min.

I Love Living Life. I Am Happy. YouTube video, 7:03 min. Nick Vujicic and his attitude serve as a great example of the celebration of life over limitations. The human spirit can handle much more than we realize.

Overcoming hopelessness | Nick Vujicic | TEDxNoviSad. YouTube video, 14:53 min. Published by TEDx Talks, Oct 17, 2012. "Nick talks about the importance of parenting in early childhood and its significance in overcoming hopelessness. Willpower is a driving force for making our big dreams come true ... Nick Vujicic was born in Australia to a Serbian immigrant family, with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Most of his childhood he struggled with depression, and after a suicide attempt, he decided to concentrate on what he did have instead on what he didn't."

Testimony Nick Vujicic Extraordinary. YouTube video, 8:11 min.

Online Learning for Students with Disabilities - Resources from Best Universities. A complete guide to distance learning for students with disabilities. Learn how to work with disability services, employ assistive technology, evaluate online programs, and succeed in the virtual classroom. The U.S. Department of Education defines a disability as "a physical or mental condition that causes functional limitations that substantially limit one or more major life activities, including mobility, communication (seeing, hearing, speaking), and learning." The most recent U.S. Department of Education data indicates there are approximately 700,000 undergraduate college students with a disability.

Outfitting Your House for a Child with a Disability by Daniel, HireAHelper, June 20, 2018. Topics covered: Creating a Space Where Disabled Kids Can Thrive, Modifications for Children in Wheelchairs, Modifications for Visually Impaired Children, Modifications for Children with Sensory Concerns, Modifications for Autistic Children, and Resources for Parents of Special Needs Children.

The Power of Words. YouTube video, 1:48 min. "This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world ... The Story of a Sign by Alonso Alvarez Barreda, Music by: Giles Lamb, Filmed by Director Seth Gardner. Cast: Bill Thompson, Beth Miller."

Richie Parker: Drive -- SC Featured. YouTube video, 7:56 min. Amazing story of engineer Richi Parker (born without arms). Richie Parker designs NASCAR components with his feet.

She without arm, he without leg - ballet - Hand in Hand. YouTube video, 5:01 min.

Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (from The Concert in Central Park). YouTube video, min. Published by Simon & Garfunkel, Aug 25, 2015.

Simon and Garfunkel ~ The Sound of Silence (Lyrics). YouTube video, 3:03 min. Published by Daisy Bloom, Jan 24, 2020.

Art Garfunkel and Sandy Greenberg around age 20
Art Garfunkel and
Sandy Greenberg around age 19
  Sanford Greenberg (left) and Arthur Garfunkel in 2016
Sanford Greenberg (left), Art Garfunkel
Photo Credits: Jeffrey Saks, 2016

The inspiring story behind the song... HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND.... Posted by Zenoch (formerly known as Jett), CougarBoard, Aug 26, 2020. Art Garfunkel's college roommate (Sanford Greenberg) who went blind reveals untold story.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend: How Daring Dreams and Unyielding Friendship Turned One Man's Blindness into an Extraordinary Vision for Life, June 30, 2020
Hello Darkness: My Old Friend
by Sanford D. Greenberg, Art Garfunkel (Introduction),
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Foreword), Margaret Atwood (Afterword)

Hello Darkness, June 21, 2022
Hello Darkness: My doctor said,
"Son, you will be blind tomorrow."
by Sanford D. Greenberg

Hello Darkness: My doctor said, "Son, you will be blind tomorrow." Paperback by Sanford D. Greenberg, published June 21, 2022, Amazon.com. "Imagine you are back home from college. It's a beautiful summer evening, and you're pitching in a baseball game when suddenly you can't see the batter, your catcher, the mound beneath your feet. Sandy Greenberg recovered from that moment, but six months later, in the middle of a final exam, he went blind for good, and forevermore.
A junior at Columbia University on a full scholarship, Sandy had just started to see the world open up to him. But instead of his plans for a bright future, he now faces a new reality, one defined by a cane, a companion dog, jobs limited to his blindness."

"Blinded at nineteen, Sanford D. Greenberg graduated from Columbia University (Phi Beta Kappa) and, following a Marshall Scholarship at Oxford, received his M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard and M.B.A. at Columbia. He was a White House Fellow under Lyndon B. Johnson and later chaired the federal Rural Healthcare Corporation and served on the National Science Board. His career as an entrepreneur and investor began when he invented, of necessity, a speech-compression machine for those who need to listen and absorb large volumes of printed matter. He subsequently founded several enterprises, including a company that produced specialized computer simulators and the first database tracking antibiotic resistance globally. A Johns Hopkins University and Medicine Trustee Emeritus, Sandy is chairman of the Board of Governors of its Wilmer Eye Institute and founder, along with his wife, Sue, of the Sanford and Susan Greenberg Center to End Blindness at the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute, the only facility in the world devoted solely to ending blindness for everyone, forevermore. In a December 2020 ceremony streamed worldwide, Sandy and Sue awarded the initial Greenberg Prizes: $3 million in aggregate to those researchers who have made the greatest progress toward ending blindness for all mankind." ~ Books with Buzz.

Untold Story Behind the Simon and Garfunkel Song 'The Sound of Silence' by Jessica Kneipp, Nspirement, Oct 4, 2020. "The Sound of Silence is a song released in 1965 that became a smash hit worldwide, making it to the top 10 list in the U.S., the UK, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Japan. In 2012, the song was added to the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress for being culturally important. Created by Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon, the song has an interesting story behind it - one that concerns Art Garfunkel and his close friend Sanford Greenberg."

Special Needs - Teacher Resources from TeacherVision.

Typewriter Artist. YouTube video, 4:26 min. Published by John Stofflet, Dec 11, 2013. American artist Paul Smith (September 21, 1921 - June 25, 2007) created all of his artwork using a typewriter. KING-TV (2004): An extraordinary man with a severe disability creates incredible works of art using a typewriter.

The Ultimate Fire Safety and Disabilities Guide from Contractor Quotes.us. This fire safety guide for people with disabilities was made especially for people and caregivers of persons living with either blindness or low vision, hearing loss, physical disabilities or cognitive impairments.

Ultimate Guide to Home Remodeling for People with Disabilities by Sarah Archer, March 21, 2019. Learn how to remodel your home to accommodate for you or a loved one's disability through these tips on funding and design options for every room. Before jumping into a remodel, it's important to know your rights. Legality Regarding Your Home Remodel (in the United States). Topics covered include: Fair Housing Act (FHA); Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504; FHA Limited 203(k); FHA 203(k); Grants for people with disabilities; Local funding resources; Consider what your accessibility needs are; How common is it to have difficulty living independently? Difference between wooden and aluminum wheelchair ramps.

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. Recommendation from W3C - World Wide Web Consortium. Goal of the WAI may be summarized by a quote from Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web: "The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."

362.7 Child support, Child abuse, Child welfare, Abandoned children, (Deadbeat dads), (Deadbeat moms), (Deadbeat parents)

ANCPR. Alliance for Non-Custodial Parents Rights. Information on family law, child support and father's rights. This volunteer organization is dedicated to promoting and protecting the civil rights of non-custodial parents (NCP's). Learn about men in poverty. Many deadbeat dads are homeless, and an even greater percentage are poor.

Child abuse from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Child Abuse from MedlinePlus. Includes: Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect: Signs and Symptoms.

Deadbeat dad, Deadbeat mom from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Deadbeat Dads and Moms from Criminal Watch. Includes links to: The Office of Child Support Enforcement from the Administration for Children and Family.

Deadbeat Parent from Wikipedia.

Deadbeat Parents and Unpaid Child Support from Single Parents, About.com.

Good Parents Pay from Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services. "The purpose of this section is to ask for the public's help in locating missing defaulting payors. The individuals posted on this website are registered with the Family Responsibility Office (FRO), have not made their court-ordered support payments and cannot be found."

Ontario website features first batch of deadbeat dads from CBC News.

Note to deadbeat dads: It you try to avoid paying child support you could wind up in jail in Ontario from Financial Post. Father who owed $55,000 in child support while keeping a NY penthouse gets 90 days.

In Defense of 'Deadbeat' Dads by Wendy McElroy, Independent Institute.

362.8297 Missing children

Canada - Missing Children Website.

Child Find Canada from Child Rights International Network (CRIN).

Child Find of America. What to do if your child goes missing.

Child Quest International: Keeping Hope Alive.

Missing Children Society of Canada.

Missing Minors - Teaching Children Personal Safety. Child Safety Information: Child Safety Basics, Cell Phone Safety, Child Safety Game, Child Safety Rules, Halloween Child Safety, Preventing Child Abduction, Online Child Safety Tips, Childproofing Your Home. Site lists Missing Children as well as Found Children, with photos and details.

363.1 Accidents - Prevention, Safety education, (Safety measures), (Water safety), (Safety - Road safety)

See also: 629.28 Automobile driver education, Automobile drivers, (Driver education), (Car driver education) ...

50 Military Fails. YouTube video, 15:30 min. Published by Top Things 2, March 11, 2019. Funny fails in the military with soldiers who fail at gun shooting, grenade throwing, rocket launchers, mortars, army tanks and more!

Oops. Video, 2:09 min. Fails compilation. Feb. 26, 2020.

Top 100 Fails of the Year (2020) | FailArmy. YouTube video, 16:52 min. Published by FailArmy, Dec 28, 2020.

Beach Safety from American Red Cross. Beach Safety Tips: How to be Safe at the Beach. Sun, Sand and Safety, Beach Safety, Rip Currents.

Beach Safety Tips from Kaua'i Explorer. Swim at lifeguarded beaches, Heed warning signs posted by lifeguards, Monitor closely constantly changing conditions, Waves come in sets, Hazards can exist in ANY coastal area - not just in the water, Do not fight a rip current, Use the buddy system - never swim alone & know your limits, When in doubt - don't go out!

● Watch How to survive beach rip currents. YouTube video, 4:42 min.

How to beat rip currents. YouTube video, 3:46 min.

Hawaii Beach Safety from Hawaii Lifeguard Association, City & County of Honolulu, County of Maui, Hawaii Department of Health, Hawaii Tourism Authority, and the University of Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. Includes: Rip Current Safety, Why Rip Currents Form, Basic Rip Current Mechanics (illustrated), and What to do if you find yourself in a rip current.

Stay Safe at the Beach - 13 Tips for Preventing Injury and Illness by Kate Morin, Greatist.com.

Beach Safety: Sun, Sand and Safety. Water Safety - The American Red Cross has some beach safety tips and suggestions for steps you can take to make sure you and your family remain safe.

Canadian Red Cross: Water Safety Quiz. How much do you know about water safety? Take the Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Quiz to test your knowledge!

The Dangers of Drugged Driving from The Recovery Village Columbus Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

Dry Ice Safety from National Weather Service. What is Dry Ice? Dry Ice is frozen carbon dioxide. First of ten dry ice safety rules states: KIDS: Never use dry ice without adult supervision. Dry ice can cause serious injury if not used carefully!!!

Fire Safety Guides from United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Fireworks Fact Sheet, Household Extension Cords Can Cause Fires, Certain Older Gas Connectors May Be Dangerous, Smoke Alarms Can Save Your Life, Smoke Alarms - Why, Where, and Which? Smoke Detectors Can Save Your Life, Upholstered Furniture Fires.

Fire Safety Publications from Town of Milton Fire Department, Ontario, Canada.

Home Safety Tips from Strathcona.ca. Include: Car seat safety tips, Kitchen safety tips, Bedroom safety tips, Basement safety tips, Barbecue safety, Make your address visible - Is your house number clearly posted?

How to get up from the floor (after a fall) - MacGyver style! YouTube video, 9:45 min. Watch a Homeability therapist demonstrate both traditional and unconventional ways to get up from the floor after a fall.

A Parents Guide to First Aid from National CPR Association. Useful links on: How to Keep Your Home Safe, How to Teach Your Child About First Aid and Emergencies, and First Aid for a New Parent.

leaf Safety is no game. Keep your family safe from preventable njuries from Healthy Canadians. Is Your Child Safe? A publication for parents and caregivers containing safety information on products that may pose a danger to children under 6 years of age.

Teen Summer Job Safety. Young Workers - Teen Workers: Construction. Build a safe work foundation for: Construction, Landscaping, Life Guarding, Parks and Recreation, Restaurants, Farm Work, Safe Driving.

When Luck is On Your Side. Lucky People Compilation. YouTube video, 4:35 min. Published on Mar 16, 2014 by TAHSEEN HASSAN.

363.12 Aircraft accidents, (Aeronautics - Accidents), (Air crashes), (Airplane accidents), (Aviation accidents), (Plane crashes)

100 Worst Aviation Accidents from PlaneCrashInfo.com.

Accident & Incident Data from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Include: Reports, Accidents, Aviation Accident Reports and Statistics, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and more.

Aircraft Crashes from Infoplease.

Fly Safe - Fact Sheets from U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) aims to reduce the commercial aviation accident rate by 80 percent by 2007. See also: Safer Skies Through Education from FAA Safety Team.

AirSafe.com - Airline safety and security information from the passenger perspective, other useful information for the traveling public as well as information on recent fatal plane crashes.

The five most common reasons for airliner disasters from The Conversation, November 2, 2015.
Why do planes crash? Expert explains five most common reasons for airliner disasters, and only one in ten are caused by terrorism by Simon Ashley Bennett, for The Conversation, Published by DailyMail.co.uk, 20 May 2016.
Why Do Aircraft Crash> A Look at the Statistics behind Plane Accidents from Flight Deck Friend.com. What phase of flight is the most dangerous?
Why Planes Crash. YouTube video, 12:22 min. Published on Mar 9, 2018 by Real Engineering.
Aviation accidents and incidents from Wikipedia.
Air Crash Investigation (Mayday) S02E03. YouTube video, 52:02 min. Published by EDI, Dec. 9, 2019. The Killing Machine (Air France Flight 8969).

Historic Aircraft Crash Sites. Find out more about how these crashes occurred and see what the crash sites look like today.

How Black Boxes Work by Kevin Bonsor and Nathan Chandler, How Stuff Works.

363.1251 Drunk driving, (Driving while intoxicated), (Driving under the influence of alcohol)

60+ DUI Resources Covering All of California's Laws. Review In-Depth Articles or Watch Videos on California DUI Laws, from Aizman Law Firm. "DUI which stands for driving under the influence is a crime characterized by operating a motor vehicle, bicycle, or boat while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or both. Driving under the influence of alcohol is measured as a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more at the time of driving. It is punishable by fines, probation, alcohol classes and possibly jail."
● Site includes: DUI Laws in California, DUI Defenses & Investigation, DUI Penalties, Reductions & Enhancements, California Criminal Penalty Calculator, DUI Videos, Plea Bargains, Drivers License Suspension, DUI Drugs, Felony DUI, and more. Founding Attorney Diana Aizman has been selected by SuperLawyers as a rising star from 2014-2018.

Ben Franklin's 200+ Synonyms for "Drunk" [1737] about 280 years ago, from Mental Floss.

Boating Under the Influence [USA]. "All states have laws against boating under the influence (BUI), which make it a crime to operate a boat or personal watercraft while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. And just like DUI or DWI offenses committed on dry land, the legal consequences of BUI can include steep fines, boating license penalties and prison time for injuries or deaths caused by BUI accidents."

The Dangers of Drinking and Driving from QuitAlcohol.com, an initiative with the Alcohol Abuse Counsel and a trained group of volunteers. Site includes links to related Resources and Organizations.

leaf Department of Justice Canada - Mandatory Sentences for Impaired Driving.

Driving High vs. Driving Drunk: The Truth from Esquire. Presently, there is no standardized way to measure how impaired a stoned person is - breathalyzers for weed don't exist yet, and field sobriety tests don't really work for marijuana.

Extreme DUI from Drunk Driving Lawyers. DUI = Driving Under the Influence. "Extreme DUIs are generally defined as those where the measured BAC level exceeds the legal limit considerably ... An extreme DUI charge may result when the driver's BAC is measured to be considerably over 0.08, or typically between 0.15 and 0.20 ... DUI laws are constantly changing, and the list of states that allow extreme DUI charges is continually growing. Currently, 39 states and the District of Columbia impose harsher penalties and sentences for anyone convicted of an extreme DUI."

Impaired Driving - Facts from CDC, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

leaf Impaired Driving. Fact Sheet from Department of Justice Canada.
Impaired Driving from Ontario Ministry of Transport (MTO). Learn about Ontario's impaired driving laws and the penalties you could face if you drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
What is impaired driving?
Tips to avoid impaired driving.
Provincial Administrative Consequences for Alcohol and/or Drug Impaired Driving.
Post-Conviction Consequences for Alcohol and/or Drug Impaired Driving.
Education and treatment programs.
Medical Review.
Ignition Interlock.
Licence reinstatement.
Resources for drivers.
Frequently Asked Questions, e.g. What are the penalties for impaired boating?

leaf Impaired Driving Fact Sheets from Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Drinking and Driving Trends, Blood Alcohol Concentration, Roadside Licence Suspensions.
Impaired Driving: Drinking and Driving, Drugs and Driving, Tips to Remember.
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts. Impaired driving means operating a vehicle (including cars, trucks, boats, snowmobiles and off-road vehicles) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Impaired Driving Consequences. Learn about Ontario's impaired driving laws and the penalties you could face if you drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
Snowmobile Safety
Drinking and ORV. Changes to Ontario's Off-Road Vehicles (ORV) Legislation/Regulations.
Back On Track. Ontario's Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers. Please register with Back on Track after you have been to court and received a conviction. Registration for Convicted Impaired Drivers. This site is for drivers who have a criminal code conviction.

leaf MADD Canada - Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Research Library. Includes: Alcohol, Trauma and Impaired Driving (PDF) 92 pages, Canada-Wide Statistics.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

SADD - Youth Drinking. "The younger someone is when they begin to drink alcohol, the more likely that that individual will eventually become an alcoholic. 40% of drinkers who got started before 15 were later classified as alcohol dependent." (i.e. starting drinking at 15 compared to starting at 18, gives one 4 x the chance of becoming an alcoholic!!) ~ National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2001.

363.17 Poisons and poisoning, Hazardous substances, (Toxic substances)

16 Common Product Combinations You Should Never Mix. Chemistry is an insane thing. And what you don't know could kill you. From Buzzfeed DIY.

Common Poisons from Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS).

Emerging Contaminant - 1,4-Dioxane Fact Sheet from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sep. 2009. See also: Technical Fact Sheet - 1,4-Dioxane. Jan. 2014.

Guide to Less Toxic Products from Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia.

Hazardous Substances Databank - Search, Household Products Database: Health & Safety Information on Household Products, and other links from National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Household Products - Household Chemicals, Harzardous Waste, Accidental Poisoning from MedlinePlus.

How to Protect Kids From Household Poisons by Catherine Roberts, March 19, 2019. Expert advice to keep your child safe, and what to do in an emergency.

Index of Poisionous Plants, Poisons & Antidotes - Stedman's Shorter Medical Dictionary (1942) from Botanical.com.

Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental Health from MedlinePlus.

Management of Drug Overdose and Poisoning. Ministry of Health (MOH) Clinical Practice Guidelines, May 2000. Note: Guidelines are considered withdrawn 5 years after publication unless otherwise specified. Users should keep in mind that evidence-based guidelines are only as current as the evidence that supports them and new evidence can supersede recommendations made in the guideline.

Poisons Information Monographs (for advanced students) from IPCS INCHEM - a tool for those concerned with chemical safety and the sound management of chemicals. Produced through cooperation between International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) and Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

Prevention of Poisoning, First Aid, Information Sheets, Bites & Stings from Victorian Poisons Information Centre, Australia.

363.2 Police, Law Enforcement

Officer.com: The Source for Law Enforcement and Police. Law enforcement Website. U.S. and Federal Laws, International Laws, Criminal Justice Issues, Computer Laws, Search and Seizure, Prisons, Firearms Laws.

Toronto Police Service: To Serve and Protect. A-Z Index, 9-1-1, Investigative Units, Victim Services, Info for Seniors, Missing Children, Links to Police Services across Canada. Includes FAQ on About the TPS, Careers, Court, Reporting a Crime, Tags and Tickets, Web Site - News Releases, and Professional Standards.

363.25 Fingerprints, Fingerprints - Identification, Criminal investigation, Criminals - Identification, Forensic sciences

DNA Fingerprinting. YouTube video, 6:09 min. Published on May 11, 2012 by Bozeman Science. Paul Andersen describes the process of DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling. He explains how variability in STRs can be used to identify individuals. He explains the importance of DNA fingerprinting in forensics and paternity cases.

Fingerprint from Wikipedia.

Fingerprint Anatomy by J. Edgar Hoover, from Encyclopedia Britannica.

Fingerprint Patterns and Characteristics. YouTube video, 2:34 min. Published on Jul 11, 2016 by Paxton/Patterson. "Crime Scene Investigator, Rebecca Hooks, explains the different fingerprint patterns. Learn about arches, loops and whorls with dynamic graphics to make identification easy. As taught in Forensic Science by Paxton/Patterson College & Career Ready Labs."

Fingerprinting from CyberBee® by Linda C. Joseph and Linda D. Resch. Contents include:
History of Fingerprints.
Fingerprinting: A Lesson in Classification - Lesson plan for Later Elementary or Middle School.
Taking Prints. What are fingerprints? How to take a fingerprint.
Classifying Prints - Arch, Loop, or Whorl.
Dusting. Fingerprints at the Crime Scene.

Forensic Science Service to be wound up from BBC News. The government-owned Forensic Science Service, which employs 1,600 people, is to be wound up - closing by 2012.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fingerprints from Onin.com.
Latent Print Examination: Fingerprints, Palmprints and Footprints.
The Reliability of Fingerprint Identification - A Case Report by Andre A. Moenssens, Douglas Stripp Professor of Law, University of Missouri at Kansas City.
Legal Challenges to Fingerprints, What is a Daubert Hearing?
Is fingerprint identification a science? Can tiny fragments of finger or palm prints be reliably identified in accordance with modern legal and scientific guidelines? "Yes. It is scientific. Fingerprints have been collected, observed and tested as a means of unique identification of persons for more than 100 years. Scientists have proven the validity of fingerprint identification, including tiny fragments, in courts throughout the world for many years."
The basic fundamentals in the science of fingerprint identification are permanence and individuality.
Are fingerprints inherited... are they more similar between family members than between strangers? "The general shape or overall pattern of finger and palm prints can be inherited. Family members will often have similar patterns or designs (whorls, loops, etc.) on the same fingers of their hands. The tiny details in the fingerprint ridges, however, are not inherited and are different between all friction skin areas of all persons ... even between twins."

The History of Fingerprints from Onin.com. Why Fingerprint Identification? Fingerprints offer a reliable means of personal identification. That is the essential explanation for fingerprints having replaced other methods of establishing the identities of persons reluctant to admit previous arrests. The science of fingerprint identification stands out among all other forensic sciences for many reasons ...

The two basic ideas scientists believe about fingerprints are:
1. Fingerprints never change. Small ridges form on a baby's hands and feet before they are born. The ridges grow larger as the person grows, but the overall shapes and location on the fingers do not change for as long as the person lives.
2. No two fingerprints are alike. The ridges on the hands and feet of all persons have three characteristics (ridge endings, bifurcations and dots) which appear in combinations that are never repeated on the hands or feet of any two persons. A ridge ending is simply the end of a ridge (also known as an ending ridge). A bifurcation is a Y-shaped split of one ridge into two ridges. A dot is a very short ridge that looks like a "dot."

How to Compare Fingerprints - The Basics. YouTube video, 5:43 min. Published on Nov 22, 2010 by Ovrnite Productions. "Define terms: ridge, core, delta, arch, loop, whorl, ridge ending, bifurcation, dot. Use the ACE process of fingerprint comparison: analysis, comparison, evaluation."

363.28 Secret Service

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) from Wikipedia. CSIS is Canada's primary national intelligence service. It is responsible for collecting, analyzing, reporting and disseminating intelligence on threats to Canada's national security, and conducting operations, covert and overt, within Canada and abroad. It also reports to and advises the Government of Canada on national security issues and situations that threaten the security of the nation. Info from the original CSIS site: "A government agency dedicated to protecting the national security interests of Canada and safeguarding its citizens. Main objective is to investigate and report on threats to the security of Canada while respecting the law and protecting human rights."

FBI. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About FBI.
FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.
Wanted by the FBI.
Kids and Youth Educational Page: K-5, Grades 6-12.
Freedom of Information Act.
Ten Most Wanted Fugitives FAQ.
FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List, and more.

United Kingdom Intelligence Agencies. Links to Central Intelligence Machinery, Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), and others.

363.33 Gun control, (Firearms - Law and legislation), (Right to bear arms)

Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting by Byron Kaye and Wayne Cole, Sydney. World News, 28 Apr 2016. "Australia on Thursday marked the 20th anniversary of a mass shooting which led to strict gun controls that have in turn led to a huge decline in gun murders, undermining claims in the United States that such curbs are not the answer.
The chances of being murdered by a gun in Australia plunged to 0.15 per 100,000 people in 2014 from 0.54 per 100,000 people in 1996, a decline of 72 percent, a Reuters analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics figures showed."

The Australia Gun Control Fallacy by Varad Mehta, The Federalist, 25 Jun 2015. "When someone says the United States ought to adopt Australia's gun laws, he is really saying that gun control is worth risking violent insurrection ... Now that we see what is required for an American buyback scheme to work on an Australian scale, we can at last confront the question gun-control advocates never ask, let alone answer: how do you take 60 to 105 million firearms from 105 to 160 million Americans?"

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Includes a multi-part online critique of the D.C. Circuit's recent Parker opinion, the only federal appeals court decision in American history to strike down a gun law as a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

A Case for Gun Control by Jason Gottlieb. Gun violence in America and what can be done.

America's Complex Relationship With Guns. An in-depth look at the attitudes and experiences of U.S. adults by Kim Parker, Juliana Menasce Horowitz, Ruth Igielnik, Baxter Oliphant and Anna Brown, Pew Research Center, June 22, 2017. Most of the data in this report are based on 3,930 respondents (including 1,269 gun owners) who participated in both the March 13 to 27, 2017, and April 4 to 18, 2017, waves of the American Trends Panel.

"A majority of gun owners (66%) own multiple firearms, and about three-quarters (73%) say they could never see themselves not owning a gun ...
Roughly one-in-seven adults who own or have owned a gun (15%) say they have fired or threatened to fire a gun to defend themselves, their family or their possessions ...
Roughly four-in-ten gun owners (38%) say there is a gun that is both loaded and easily accessible to them all of the time when they're at home. Men are especially likely to have a loaded gun at the ready: 43% of male gun owners vs. 29% of women who own guns say a loaded gun is always easily accessible.
Overall, about seven-in-ten gun owners say they own a handgun or a pistol (72%), while 62% say they own a rifle and 54% own a shotgun ...

Face America's Greatest Danger (Gun Violence Statistics and Facts). Infographic from HomeTechLAB.com. America's Unique Gun Violence Problem Explained. Firearm Homicides Per Country: America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany. On a yearly basis, there are 38,000 reported gun-related deaths, with an average of 96 Americans killed each and every day ...

Fundamentals of Firearm Safety. Firearm and Ammunition Safety from FirearmsID.com. Contents include: 3 Basic General Rules of Safe Gun Handling, Safety Rules Related to the Shooter and His Behavior, Safety Rules Related to Your Target, Safety Rules Related to Your Firearm, Safety Rules Related to Ammunition, Safety Rules Related to Your Firearm's Holster and Ammo Carrier, Miscellaneous Safety Rules (At a range, obey the commands of the range officers, or any individual calling 'cease fire,' at once ... Never climb a tree with a loaded firearm, Never cross a fence with a loaded firearm ...), Safe Gun Storage.

Girl, 9, kills Arizona shooting instructor with Uzi in accident by Brad Poole, Reuters, Yahoo! News, 26 August 2014.

Gun control: Data suggest guns do in fact kill people. From Democracy in America, American politics, The Economist. "It's really not terribly shocking that making it harder to get your hands on machines designed to kill people results in fewer people being killed. But we've worked very hard over the past few decades to convince ourselves otherwise."

GunCite: contro and Second Amendment Issues. Site quotes from two Founding Fathers "that the right to self-defense is a natural right, it cannot be justifiably taken away by any governing body." Includes numerous links to Gun Control related sites.

Gun Control from Just Facts. U.S. Gov Info / Resources including: Gun Control and the Second Amendment - Articles and links on gun control, the Second Amendment, and gun control laws.

Gun Control from ProCon.org.
Gun control from Wikipedia.
Gun Control and Gun Rights from U.S. News. "The Second Amendment to the Constitution, which concerns the right to bear arms, is always a hot-button issue ... In the 2008 Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller the court ruled that the Constitution protects an individual's right to own a gun for personal use. But the 5-4 decision only applied to federal laws and failed to address local and state laws. Thus, in July 2010 the Supreme Court ruled that the federal right to bear arms also applies at the state and local level. The ruling lifted a nearly 30-year-old Chicago gun ban. The National Rifle Association called the ruling a landmark, but the decision did not specify what kind of gun laws can be applied to the Second Amendment."
Guns and Gun Control. News about Guns and Gun Control, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Gun Control - Just Facts. Contents include:

● In 2014, the United States had a population of 319 million people.

● Based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there were roughly 371 million firearms owned by private citizens and domestic law enforcement in the United States in 2014. Of these, about 146 million were handguns.

● According to market research, private citizens accounted for 80% of non-military gun industry revenues in 2012.

● Handguns comprised 52% of all new guns sold to U.S. civilians and law enforcement in 2014, as compared to 35% in 2000.

● Roughly 14,249 murders were committed in the United States during 2014. Of these, about 9,675 or 68% were committed with firearms.

● Based on survey data from the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 5.9 million violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2014. These include simple/aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, rapes, and murders. Of these, about 600,000 or 10% were committed by offenders visibly armed with a gun.

● At the 2014 homicide rate, roughly one in every 285 Americans will be murdered in the course of their lives.

● If an FBI background check takes longer than three days, the gun sale is approved by default. This is how Dylann Roof, the killer of nine people at a black church in South Carolina in 2015, was able to buy a gun despite having a police record that included drug possession.

● To undergo a background check, prospective gun buyers are required by federal regulations to present photo-identification issued by a government entity.

● Using fake driver's licenses bearing fictitious names, investigators with the Government Accountability Office had a 100% success rate buying firearms in five states that met the minimum requirements of the federal background check system. A 2001 report of this investigation states that the federal background check system "does not positively identify purchasers of firearms," and thus, people using fake IDs are not flagged by the system.

● "A gun show is an exhibition or gathering where guns, gun parts, ammunition, gun accessories, and literature are displayed, bought, sold, traded, and discussed." Roughly 2,000 to 5,200 gun shows take place in the United States each year.

● In January 1996, Texas's right-to-carry law became effective. The law requires that licensees be at least 21 years of age (or 18 years of age if a member or veteran of the U.S. armed forces), have clean criminal/mental health records, and complete a handgun proficiency course and examination. At the end of 2015, Texas had 937,419 active concealed-carry licensees, constituting roughly 5% of the state's population that is 21 years of age or older. On January 1, 2016, Texas became an open-carry state, permitting licensed handgun owners to openly carry a holstered handgun.

● Firearms are generally classified into three broad types: (1) handguns, (2) rifles, and (3) shotguns. Rifles and shotguns are both considered "long guns."

● A semiautomatic gun is a firearm in which a shell is ejected and the next round of ammunition is loaded automatically from a magazine or clip. The trigger must be pulled for each shot. Semiautomatic guns may be classified as handguns, rifles, or shotguns.

● A machine gun is an automatic gun which, if the trigger is held down, will fire rapidly and continuously. It is not a semi-automatic gun for which the trigger must be pulled for each shot.

Gun Control: Myths and Realities by David Lampo, Cato Institute.

Gun Policy.org. Facts - Compare gun facts by country. Global Impact of Gun Violences.
United States - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
Canada - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
United Kingdom - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
China - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
Mexico - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
Denmark - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
Germany - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
Japan - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.
Venezuela - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.

Gun politics in the United States from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

List of Pros on Gun Control by David Arnold, eHow Contributor.

Pros and Cons of Gun Control from ProCon.org.
8 Pros and Cons of Gun Control by Rachel, Feb. 17, 2020.
21 Biggest Pros and Cons of Gun Control Laws by Editor in Chief, ConnectUSFund.org, Mar. 8, 2019.

Pros & Cons of Gun Ownership & Use Laws for Individuals by Deborah White, U.S. Liberals About.com.

Research Paper Topics on Gun Control from eHow.

Should civilian possession of handguns and other non-hunting guns be banned or severely restricted? From BalancedPolitics.org.

U.S. Gun Policy: Global Comparisons. Backgrounder by Jonathan Masters, 12 Jan. 2016. "Why do mass shootings occur more frequently in the United States than other major democracies?

Youth Gun Safety: A Smart Parent's Guide to Keeping Kids Safe from Ammo.com.

363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)

7 Survivalist Tips for Caring for Your Pets in an Emergency. Includes 45+ discounts and savings on supplies, food, first-aid kits, carriers, and more.
1. Make sure that you have at least a two-week supply of pet food in storage.
2. Use oxygen absorbers and airtight containers to help your pet food last longer.
3. Use supplies that are collapsible like food bowls and carriers to save storage.
4. Consider making a "bug out bag" specifically for your pet with all the items they would need if you have to evacuate.
5. Stock up on your pet's medications.
6. Create a file with all of your pet's vet records, care needs, and other crucial information to keep with your family's records.
7. Consider getting an ID collar and microchip so that others can identify your pet and contact you in the event of an emergency.

10 of the World's Deadliest Tourist Destinations by Debra Kelly, Listverse, 20 Oct. 2014.
Top 10 safest U.S. cities from natural disasters from CBS News.

Are You Ready? Emergency Supplies List from Ready.gov. Some disasters strike without any warning. Have you thought about those supplies you'll need the most? Make sure you have enough supplies to last for at least three days. Think about where you live and your needs.

Ready. Emergency Response Plan from U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The first step when developing an emergency response plan is to conduct a risk assessment to identify potential emergency scenarios.

Coping with Disaster from FEMA. Disaster survivors information regarding dealing with emotional effects of the event. Understand Disaster Events, Recognize Signs of Disaster-Related Stress, Easing Disaster-Related Stress, Helping Kids Cope with Disaster, A Child's Reaction to Disaster by Age.

Disaster Planning and Recovery for Seniors from Rainbow International Restoration. Topics include: Preparing for a Disaster, Building an Emergency Kit, Making an Emergency Plan, Personal Support Network, Evacuation Plans and Meeting Points, Pet Considerations, Questions to Ask Your Loved One's Long-Term Care Facility, Staying Safe During a Disaster, Sheltering in Place, Fire Safety, Flood Safety, Evacuating with Special Medical Needs, Returning Home Safely, Considerations for Seniors Recovering from a Disaster, Cleaning up after a Disaster, plus Additional Resources for Seniors and Families in Emergency Planning.

Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Mobility Disabilities from BrainLine. Preparedness - Assessment Learn about hazards that may impact your community (blizzards, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, floods, etc.), Don't expect rescue at the height of an emergency: first responders cannot risk their own lives driving into a chemical cloud or against hurricane-force winds. Long before the evacuation order, set aside money and supplies. Evacuation - Fire - the Deadliest Threat, Cautions and Concerns About Evacuation Devices, Areas of Refuge. Sheltering, Ready Kit and Go Bag, Additional Resources.

Floods: People with Disabilities - Disaster Safety from Flash, Federal Alliance for Safe Homes. People with disabilities often require assistance and additional lead time in order to prepare for a disaster. Site provides some practical tips for those with special needs.

Disasters - Federal Disaster Declarations from U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Emergency Preparedness: Flood Water Safety from Louisiana Department of Health. Topics covered: Fears that filthy water from floods could trigger a health crisis, If you have swallowed some floodwater, If you have been in contact with flood water, Immunizations after exposure to flood water, Flood and Mold Cleanup, Food Safety Resources, Private Water Well Safety.

Canada Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities / Special Needs from Government of Canada.

Emergency Preparedness and Response - Natural Disasters and Severe Weather from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Contents include:
Extreme Heat
Floods & FloodSmart.gov. This is an official site of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP offers flood insurance to help you protect the life you've built and recover more quickly after a flood. Why Buy Flood Insurance, Am I Required to Have Flood Insurance? What's Covered, Types of Flood Insurance, How to Buy Flood Insurance, Find an Insurance Provider.
Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms
Landslides and Mudslides
Power Outages
Winter Weather

Glossary. Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources from National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institute of Health (NIH).

The Homeowner's Ultimate Guide to Natural Disaster Safety by Redfin Guest Blogger, June 20, 2016, Refin Real Estate. How to prepare for every type of natural disaster. Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Fires, Wildfires, Winter Storms, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions.

How to Save on Emergency Supplies - Disaster Prep on a Budget by Monique Dugaw, regional director of communications for the American Red Cross, a guide to disaster preparation, from CouponChief.com. "About two-thirds of U.S. residents live in areas where the natural disaster risk level is rated moderate to very high." Topics include: Most of us are not prepared for an emergency - Why? Prepare a plan for dealing with all likely emergency situations. Practice your plan. Collect your emergency supplies and equipment. The minimum emergency preparedness kit. Tips on what to look for and how to save money on your basic emergency preparedness supplies. Go-bags and other emergency kits. Items to stow in your vehicle. Quick-grab items. Preparing a longer-term kit for hunkering down at home. Be Prepared: A good motto for us all.

Hurricanes for Kids - Safety Resources, Facts & Projects from HomeAdvisor. 9 Hurricane Facts for Kids, Hurricane Katrina Facts, Hurricane Safety for Kids, Hurricane Projects & Experiments for Kids.

Hurricane Safety Guide. The Complete Guide to Hurricane Safety by Stacey Rubin, Product Diggers, Sep. 23, 2021. Contents include: Preparing Your Home, Proactive Preparation, Creating a Hurricane Disaster Kit, How Should You Prepare If a Hurricane Is on Its Way? Safety Tips During a Hurricane.

Natural Disasters: A Guide for Emergency Preparation from Ammo.com.

Natural disasters and extreme weather. The latest news and comment on natural disasters and extreme weather from TheGuardian, covering news about recent natural disasters worldwide.

Preparing for Disaster: Is Your House Ready If Emergency Weather Strikes? from Modern Paint, May 4, 2022. This is a very thorough and detailed guide for disaster preparedness. Includes photos.
What are the Actual Risks?
Creating a Simple Disaster Preparedness Plan
Discussing Disaster Preparedness with Family
Discussing your Plan with Nearby Friends
Preparing Emergency Supplies
Disaster Preparedness for Animals
Earthquake Disaster Preparedness
Wildfire Preparedness
Preparing for Floods
Preparing for Hurricanes
Preparing for Drought
Disaster Kit Checklist (What to put in a disaster kit?) and Creating Awareness

Preparing for Disasters in Your Home: What to Buy What to Skip from Retailmenot.com. First Aid Kit, Food, Power, Packing a Go-Bag, Tools, Personal Care Items, Disaster Preparedness for Children, Disaster Preparedness for Seniors or Disabled Individuals, Disaster Preparedness for Pets.

Saving the Whole Family: Disaster Preparedness for Small and Large Animals. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has developed this booklet to help you avoid having to leave your animals stranded in the event of a disaster or an evacuation. Some common hazards include: Flooding, Fires, (structure fires and wild fires), Earthquake, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Other severe weather (windstorms, lightning, hail, blizzards), Man-made disasters (chemical spills, nuclear incidents), Terrorism. It is best to be overly cautious when a disaster advisory or warning has been issued. Preparing ahead of time and acting quickly are the best ways to keep you and your family, including your animals, out of danger. Includes Evacuation and First Aid Kits.

363.7 Environment, Environmental protection, Environmental movement, Environmental policy, Noise, Noise pollution, (Pollution - Prevention), (Pollution control), (Conservation movement), (Green movement), (Ecological movement)

50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth: Completely New and Updated for the 21st Century (Paperback) by John Javna, Sophie Javna, and Jesse Javna
50 Simple Things You Can Do
to Save the Earth
by John Javna, Sophie Javna,
and Jesse Javna
        The New 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth by Sophie Javna
The New 50 Simple Things
Kids Can Do
to Save the Earth
by Sophie Javna

Canada Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) Do Not Contact Service for Do Not Mail, Do Not Call, and/or Do Not Fax Services. See also: Printable No Flyer Signs, Reducing the Amount of Physical "Junk" Mail You Receive by Scott W. Ambler, Dump the Junk Mail Campaign from GreenCalgary.org.

21 Super Easy Ways to Adopt a Zero Waste Lifestyle from Conserve Energy Future.

Conserving Natural Resources from FeelFriendly.com.

Forest Ethics: Salon -- Stop junk mail for good. Annual greenhouse-gas emissions from the production of junk mail are equal to those of 3.5 million cars. ... each year junk mail production in the U.S. consumes more than 96.7 billion gallons of water and more than 100 million trees, ForestEthics estimates.

Markets Initiative.org. Recycling one ton of newspaper: Saves 17 trees, Saves enough energy to power an average home for 6 months, Eliminates 3 cubic metres of landfill material, Saves 31,780 litres of water, Creates 75% less air pollution, Takes 43% less energy than producing a ton of paper from virgin pulp, Creates 35% less water pollution. (Source: Environment Canada 1992 and PaperCalculator.org 2006).

National Do Not Call List - National DNCL at www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca. From CRTC (Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission). "If you are a consumer you can choose to reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive by registering your residential, wireless, fax or VoIP telephone number on the National DNCL. You can also check your registration, find out how to remove your number from the National DNCL, and file a complaint about telemarketing calls."

The Plastic Packaging Problem from BillerudKorsnäs. "According to the EPA, the amount of recycled plastic containers and packaging in 2015 was 2.2 million tons, or just 14.6% of all plastic packaging generated that year. Where does all of that plastic go? Most of it ends up in landfills, but an alarming and dangerous amount ends up in our oceans.
In the EU, as much as 500,000 tons of plastic waste enter the oceans every year. At this rate, globally, plastics in the ocean will outweigh fish (pound for pound) by the middle of the century. By 2025, the ocean is expected to contain one ton of plastic for every three tons of fish; by 2050, more plastics than fish."

The 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' Waste Hierarchy from Conserve Energy Future.
The First 'R' - Reduce - if there is less waste, then there is less to recycle or reuse.
The Second 'R' - Reuse - re-purpose items for a use different then what they are intended for, or reuse items for your own use or donate so that others can use them.
The Third 'R' - Recycling - To recycle something means that it will be transformed again into a raw material that can be shaped into a new item.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Student Center. Here you can learn about your environment and how you can help protect it for the future. Categories: Air, Conservation, Ecosystems, Human Health, In Your Neighborhood, Waste & Recycling, and Water.

363.72 Hazardous wastes, (Toxic wastes)

Hazardous Waste Fact Sheets from New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES).

Hazardous Waste Program from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

Hazardous Waste Publications from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal from Quinte Conservation, a local watershed based not-for-profit environmental protection agency in Ontario, Canada. "Household hazardous waste should never be put in the regular garbage, or poured down a sink, onto the ground or down a storm sewer because it could travel to our drinking water sources." Let's Keep Chemicals Out of Drinking Water Sources fact sheet.

Safety and Health Topics: Hazardous Waste from U.S. Department of Labor.

363.738 Acid rain

Acid Rain from Environment Canada. "Acid deposition is primarily the result of emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) ... Damage caused by acid deposition affects lakes, rivers, forest, soils, fish and wildlife populations and buildings." Acid Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head: Investigating Acid Rain from APES (Pace Ap Environmental Science).

Acid Rain from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Acid Rain. What is acid rain and what causes it? How do we measure acid rain? What are acid rain's effects? How do we reduce acid rain? Science Experiments, Learning Activities, Glossary.

Acid Rain Science Fair Projects from Study.com.

Learning About Acid Rain: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 6 through 8.

Acid Rain Kids Site

363.739 Pollution, Air pollution, (Atmosphere - Pollution), Water pollution, (Soil pollution)

14 Amazing Air Purifying Plants for Cleaner Air at Home by Joan Clark, Tips Bulletin. "We've long known about plants' ability to remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Indoor plants that clean the air and remove toxins have been the subject of many a clean air study ... a NASA study on indoor air quality determined that plants that purify the air play a key role in maintaining indoor air quality"

Children of the Coal - China. YouTube video, 22:59 min. Pollution in China causes over a million birth defects annually.

Choking to Death:Health Consequences of Air Pollution in China from the Diplomat. Lu Guang. Free lance photographer who took photos about the human cost of pollution in China. Interview of Photographer Lu Guang.

Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) - A rule that will achieve the largest reduction in air pollution in more than a decade from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). See also Clean Air Act and Air Pollution, Six Common Air Pollutants, Ozone, Clean Water Act.

The Green Lane from Environment Canada. Contents include: Air - Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Air Quality, Atmospheric Science, Ozone, Smog, Contaminants, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention. Managing and Reducing Waste.

Making the Transition to Non-Lead Wheel Weights by Denise Koeth, Mar 15, 2011.
Prohibiting the Manufacture and Import of Wheel Weights Containing Lead in Canada Regulations from Government of Canada, Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol 155, No. 27: Jul 3, 2021.
Environmental Concerns about Lead Wheel Weights by Chris Gensic, Center for Watershed Protection (CWP), Feb 25, 2019. "Wheel weights are used to balance car tires, and in most states are made of lead. According to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey, about 65,000 tons of lead wheel weights are in use on U.S. vehicles. About 2,000 tons of these weights fall from vehicles each year and end up in the roadway or street gutter. This creates an issue for water quality as the weights, which are made of raw lead, are worn down by traffic and can leach into local creeks. Because they are heavy, they can remain in the gutter or storm drains for many years."

Pesticides and Water Quality from Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. Find out how pesticides applied in your home and landscape affect our creeks, lakes, and rivers.

Pollution Watch from The Guardian. See also Environment - Pollution.

364 Crime

America's Most Wanted Criminals. Find out where sex offenders are located, review information on missing persons, and look at the most wanted criminals by organization.

Canadian Crime Stoppers Association. What is Crime Stoppers? Crime Stoppers is a civilian, non profit, charitable organization that brings together in a triparte relationship, the police services of a community, the media and the community in the fight against crime.
Crime Stoppers provides citizens with a vehicle to anonymously supply the police with information about a crime or potential crime of which they have knowledge. Cash rewards are offered to people who call the program and their information leads to an arrest.
If you have information about a crime, phone 1-800-222-TIPS(8477).

The Crime Library from Crime Museum. True stories of famous crimes. Categories covered: Classic Crime Stories, Gangsters, Outlaws and G-men, Terrorists, Spies and Assasins, The Best Crime Fiction, plus New Crime News updated daily.

Crimes Against Children Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Facts and statistics about crimes against children in the United States. Topics include: Bullying, Exposure to Domestic Violence, Homicide, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Vicimization, Internet, Juvenile Prostitution, Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ), Kidnapping, Missing Children, Physical Abuse, Polyvictimization (multiple victimizations of one child), Prevention, Privacy, Sexual Abuse, Statistics, Trends in Child Victimization.

Law Enforcement Information on COVID-19 from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). This webpage is dedicated to aiding law enforcement in learning more about COVID-19 and how agencies can prepare. Jan. 5, 2021.

Indian County Criminal Justice Links from Indian Country Criminal Jurisdiction.

Criminal Justice Links by Tom Ross.

Criminal Justice Links from Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Loyola University Chicago (LUC).

Criminology Web Sites An Annotated "Webliography" by Kenneth Fink, Information Services Librarian, Pepperdine University, Sep. 2003.

Criminal Justice Web Links. Criminal Justice Resources from Point Park University Library.

Megan's Law from Wikipedia.

Megan's Law. "All states now have a form of Megan's Law. Summary of Megan's Law - California's Megan's Law was enacted in 1996 Penal Code Article 290.46. It mandates the California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) to notify the public about specified registered sex offenders. Megan's Law also authorizes local law enforcement agencies to notify the public about sex offender registrants found to be posing a risk to public safety. Megan's Law is named after seven-year-old Megan Kanka, who was raped and killed by a known child molester who had moved across the street from the family without their knowledge."

California Megan's Law Website from State of California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General.

History of Megan's Law: Law Named After Megan Kanka of New Jersey from ThoughtCo Humanities - Issues. by Charles Montaldo, April 6, 2017. Includes photo of Megan Kanka. "The New Jersey legislature passed Megan's Law in 1994. In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed Megan's Law as an amendment to the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children's Act. It required every state have a sex offender registry and a notification system for the public when a sex offender is released into their community. It also required that repeat sex offenders receive a sentence of life in prison.">

Megan's Law in Vancouver by Rebecca Chaster, Antony Kwok and Michael More, Copyright, UBC Geographical Biogeosciences 479, 2010. A Spatial Analysis of Sex Offender Restrictions in Residential Areas.

"Although Canada has yet to enact any such legislation (beyond a confidential central registry of all convicted sex offenders), we were interested in examining how such geographic restrictions might hypothetically apply in Vancouver. Many studies have been conducted in the United States on the 'no-live' zones proposed by much of sex offender legislature, showing that such restrictions often create exclusion areas making it difficult (if not impossible) for sex offenders to find housing. Due to the overlapping nature of these exclusionary zones, in many cities the only acceptable sites for sex offender residency is in high-crime neighborhoods or commercial zones."

Organized Crime: Transnational Organized Crime(TOC) from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Countering Transnational Organized Crime, Glossary of Terms. Inside Crime Groups: Italian Organized Crime / Mafia, Eurasian Criminal Enterprises, Asian Criminal Enterprises, African Criminal Enterprises, Sports Bribery Program. See also FBI's Ten Most Wanted, Ten Most Wanted History Pictures, and Ten Most Wanted Fugitives FAQ.

364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, Counterfeits and counterfeiting, (Cyber crime), (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)

See also 341.7 Copyright, Cyberspace law, Cyberlaw and Anti-Virus

7 Tips for Avoiding Counterfeit Items Online from ScamBusters.org. Site also includes: Online Auctions: Deal or Steal? SCAM: The Nigerian Advance Fee Scheme, and Credit Card Fraud.

AVG Free Advisor. Free antivirus and anti-spyware downloads, free version of Grisoft's anti-virus programs, for personal use with Windows or Linux.

Chain Letters by Donald Watrous of Rutgers University. What are chain letters? Why can't chain letters work? A brief analysis of the Dave Rhodes chain letter, plus links to further reading.

How dangerous can chain letters be? From BullGuard ... nowadays, a chain letter may take the form of an e-mail, an instant message, a posting on a friend's social network profile or a text message. If you learn how to recognize them and what threats they pose, you can go a long way in protecting your internet security, both at home or while mobile. What does a chain letter look like? 5 internet security threats and privacy threats posed by chain letters. How to avoid these internet security threats and keep yourself, your kids and your friends safe.

Museum of Hoaxes: The Hoax Photo Database. 1840-1900 | 1900-1919 | 1920-1939 | 1940-1959 | 1960-1979 | 1980-1999 | 2000-2004 | 2005-Present. Includes Famous Hoaxes Throughout History, Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time, Hoax Photo Gallery, and more.

Virus Hoaxes and Netlore. A site designed to debunk e-mail hoaxes. Contents include: Virus Hoaxes Chain Letters, Fear Mongering, Real Virus Update & Advice, Potential Effects of Forwarding Email, and more.

364.15 Hate crimes

2020 Hate Crime Data from OSCE, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Warsaw, Poland. Bias motivations included in ODIHR's reporting:
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
Anti-Roma hate crime
Anti-Semitic hate crime
Anti-Muslim hate crime
Anti-Christian hate crime
Other hate crime based on religion or belief
Gender-based hate crime
Anti-LGBTI hate crime
Disability hate crime
Hate crime against other groups.

2020 Hate Crime Statistics Released from United States Department of |Justice. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program serves as the national repository for crime data voluntarily collected and submitted by law enforcement. The 2020 hate crimes data, submitted by 15,138 law enforcement agencies, provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes. Of these agencies who submitted incident reports, there were 8,263 hate crime incidents involving 11,129 offenses.
Among the 11,129 hate crime offenses reported: Crimes against persons: 69.6%, Crimes against property: 28.2%, Crimes against society: 2.2%
Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2020: Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry: 61.8%, Religion: 13.3%, Sexual Orientation: 20.0%, Gender Identity: 2.7%, Disability: 1.4%, Gender: 0.7%.

Police-reported hate crime in Canada, 2020 by Jing Hui Wang and Greg Moreau, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Statistics Canada, Mar 17, 2022. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of police-reported crimes motivated by hatred of a race or ethnicity increased 80%, from 884 to 1,594.
Police-reported hate crimes targeting religion declined 16% from 613 incidents in 2019 to 515 incidents in 2020. This decrease was primarily due to fewer hate crimes targeting the Muslim population, which declined from 182 to 82 incidents in 2020 (-55%). Hate crimes against the Jewish population rose slightly in 2020, from 306 to 321 incidents (+5%).
Hate crimes targeting the Black and Jewish populations remained the most common types of hate crimes reported by police, representing 26% and 13% of all hate crimes, respectively. These were followed by hate crimes targeting the East or Southeast Asian population (11%) and those targeting a sexual orientation (10%).

Hate Crime Statistics from House of Commons Library, United Kingdom Parliament, Nov 26, 2021. There are five centrally monitored strands of hate crime: 1. Race or ethnicity. 2. Religion or beliefs. 3. Sexual orientation. 4. Disability. 5. Transgender identity.
Hatred related to gender and age, though recorded by the police, is not included in the Home Office definition of hate crime as centrally monitored strands, and are excluded from the hate crime statistics. As part of a review into hate crime legislation, misogyny (hatred directed towards women), misandry (hatred directed towards men), hate based on age and hatred towards gothic subculture could all be included in future as hate crimes. These are not currently recorded in official statistics and are not covered here.

Hate Is Never OK from HateCrime.com.au. A hate crime is a crime that is motivated by bias or hatred against you because of who you are. Hate crime can occur in public or in private, in person or online. Hate crime can be reported. If you or someone you know has been a target of hate, this website is to help you find information about support and reporting.
When is hate a crime? There are many different types of hate: Racism, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Transphobia, Ableism, Sexism, Ageism. Hate can happen in different ways: an insult by a stranger in a carpark, bullying by a 'friend' online, graffiti at your local shops.

364.16 Fraud, False personation, Credit card crimes, Swindlers and swindling, (Identity theft), (Con artists), (Con game), (Scams)

100 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft from Elite Personal Finance. Other Identity Theft articles include:
Identity Theft
How to Recover from Identity Theft: The Complete Guide
How to Avoid Tax Identity Theft, Credit Freeze Laws by State
Identity Theft Victim Rights Handbook
10 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft (Infographic)
Business Identity Theft
6 Tips for Veterans to Prevent Identity Theft
What is a Credit Freeze?
What is a Fraud Alert?
Types of Identity Theft
Celebrity Identity Theft
Types of Social Engineering Identity Theft and How They Work
Criminal Identity Theft
How Does Identity Theft Affect Your Credit Score?
What Is Phishing?
What Is Synthetic Identity Theft and How to Prevent It
How to Protect Your Social Security Number from Identity Theft
ATM Skimmers
Vishing Scams Attacks
SMiShing Scam Is Real
6 Crazy but Obvious Ways Your Identity Can Get Stolen
4 Tips to Prevent and Avoid Identity Theft on Social Networks

6 Tips to Prevent Fraud and Identity Theft for Your Kids by Laura Adams, Guest Contributor, H&R Block, 25 Sep 2015.
7 ways to avoid getting counterfeit money by Jacob Pucci, Syracuse.com.
8 Tips for How Seniors Can Protect Themselves from Money Scams from National Council on Aging.
9 steps to protect against credit card fraud now from Consumer Reports, 23 Sep 2014.
9 Ways to Prevent Fraud from Canadian Bankers Association (CBA), 1 July 2016.
11 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft While Traveling from Independent Traveler.
16 Tips for avoiding online fraud and identity theft from Norton by Symantec, 29 June 2012.
Browse Scams from Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.
Scams by A-Z index
Scams affecting businesses
Identity theft and fraud
Scams by medium - Email and text scams, Internet scams, Mail scams, Phone and fax scams, In person scams.
Scams affecting individuals. A-Z index - from Air duct cleaning to Weight loss grants.
Fraud Prevention Tips Everybody Should Know (But Doesn't) by Ori Eisen, 41st Parameter, Business Insider, 20 Mar 2012.
Health Insurance Scam Attempts Spike During Open Enrollment - Open Enrollment Scam Tips from Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Mar. 28, 2021.
What's risky behaviour on social media? Learn the don'ts of social networking. What is safe behaviour on social networks?
Mobile Money vs. Mobile Security. 5 mobile security practices to use mobile money safely. How to prevent crooks from stealing your mobile money?
Credit Card Fraud Alert - 4 Crazy New Credit Card Scams and Protection from Becoming a Victim from MoneyCrashers.
"Tap to Pay" Card Security - An FAQ.
Debit Card Fraud from Canadian Bankers Association (CBA).
Get Scam Smart from CARP.
Protect Your Parents from Common Digital Traps from Senior Lifestyle. 4 Common Digital Scams Seniors Face:
1. Confidence Fraud and Romance Scams.
2. Identity Theft (Pharming, Phishing, and Smishing).
3. Non-Payment or Non-Delivery or Fraudulent Products.
4. Tech Support Fraud.
Romance Scams.
W5 investigates scams that prey on those seeking online romance.
How to Avoid an Online Romance Scam.
How to Keep Elderly Loved Ones Safe from Online Scams from iReviews, Feb 8, 2022. According to the FBI, millions of older Americans are targeted by financial fraudsters every year, losing an estimated $3 billion to criminal activity. This article includes descriptions of common internet and tech-based scams which target older Americans, how to spot these threats before it is too late, as well as tips for protecting the elderly from online scams.
Faking it - scammers' tricks to steal your heart and money by Aditi Jhaveri, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC.
Tips for Choosing Secure PINs and Passwords.
How to Bank Safely Online.
How to Detect Counterfeit Money: 8 Ways to Tell if a Bill is Fake by Jason Rueger, Fit Small Business.
Counterfeit Prevention from Bank of Canada.
How to Detect Counterfeit US Money from wikiHow. Four Methods: Judging by Touch, Judging by Sight, Examining Security Features, Handling Counterfeit Money Correctly.
How to protect yourself from check fraud by John Egan, Bankrate.
Frauds and Scams from Halton Regional Police Service. Home Improvement, Apartment Buildings/Rental Units, Contracts, Phoney Bank Inspector, Debit Card Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Internet Over-Payment Fraud, Lottery Scams, How Criminals Get Your Information, Brochures and Factsheets on Safety and Security.
A scam story: Secret shopping and fake checks by Emma Fletcher, Division of Consumer and Business Education, FTC, May 16, 2018. "If anyone ever asks you to deposit a check and then wire or send money in any way, you can bet it's a scam."
Vishing and smishing: The rise of social engineering fraud by Marie Keyworth, Business reporter, BBC World Service.
Protect yourself from real estate fraud schemes online by Mary Chapman, FCT.
Fighting Real Estate Fraud from Law Society of Upper Canada.
Top 6 real estate scams - and how to avoid them by Christopher Myrick, The Globe and Mail.
Emergency or "Grandparent" Scam from RBC.
Malware explained: How to prevent, detect and recover from it by Josh Fruhlinger, CSO, May 17, 2019. What are the types of malware? How can you prevent, detect, or remove it?
Learn about malware and how to protect all your devices against it from Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company founded in 1997. "Malware, short for 'malicious software,' refers to a type of computer program designed to infect a legitimate user's computer and inflict harm on it in multiple ways. Malware can infect computers and devices in several ways and comes in a number of forms, just a few of which include viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware and more."
10 Warning Signs that Your Computer is Malware-Infected from Heimdal Security.
WiFi Hotspot Scam from Canadian Bankers Association (CBA).
E-mail Fraud/Phishing from Canadian Bankers Association (CBA).
E-mail Fraud/Phishing from Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
10 Tips to Stay Safe Online by Gary Davis, McAfee, Jul 7, 2017.

Birch Gold Group Scam Protection Resource Guide. A comprehensive resource for protecting yourself against investment scams, cons, and rip-offs. Contents include:
● 6 Warning Signs of a Scam
● 6 Tips to Avoid Fraud
● 9 Prominent Types of Scams
● New Investment Scams to Watch Out For
● Additional Resources.

ID Theft: Has some clown taken over your good name? from The Police Notebook. Contents include: Introduction to Identity Theft, Preventing Identity Theft, Internet Scams, Identity Theft Resources, News - Recent Legislation in the United States, and more.

Identity Theft. How Not to Get Hooked by a Phishing Scam, Fraud Hotline: 1-800-876-7060, Mon.-Fri. 9-5, EST.

Identity Theft and Identity Fraud from Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

Identity Theft: What It Is, How It Happens & the Best Protection by Odysseas Papadimitriou, WalletHub CEO, Oct 18, 2017. How Common Is Identity Theft? How Does Identity Theft Happen? Identity Theft Protection. What to Do If Your Identity Is Stolen. Ask The Experts: Tips and Future Outlook. Bottom Line: Identity theft and fraud are terrifying prospects for consumers, as they can lead to financial losses and credit score damage. However, these types of crime are far less common than you might think, and you can further reduce the likelihood of falling victim to them by taking a few commonsense measures to protect your personal information.

National Fraud Information Center. To Call from Canada or the United States, including Puerto Rico, use the toll free number: 1-800-876-7060. Topics covered: Telemarketing Fraud, Internet Fraud, Scams against Businesses, Fraud against the Elderly, How to Report Fraud and Ask Questions, Fraud Alerts, Links, and more.

Protect Yourself from the Three Biggest Types of Homebuyer Fraud by Redfin Guest Blogger, 28 Oct 2016.

Scams and Fraud from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Identity Theft and Identity Fraud, Payment Card Fraud (Debit Card Fraud, Credit Card Fraud), E-Mail Fraud / Phishing, Mass Marketing Fraud (Charitable donations, Advance Fee Fraud, Prize Pitch (Lottery), West-African letter, Telemarketing Fraud), Internet-related Fraud (Email Fraud / Phishing, Advance Fee Fraud, Online Shopping, Technological Crime [Cyber Security Tips]), Investment and Securities Fraud (Counterfeit), Counterfeit Currency.

364.6 Capital punishment

Capital Punishment: All Points of View on the Death Penalty from Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

A Catholic Defense of Capital Punishment by James Jacobs, Crisis Magazine, August 17, 2017.

Death Penalty: The Ultimate Denial of Human Rights from Amnesty International.

Death Penalty Information Center. Includes searchable Execution Database (United States), Crimes Punishable by the Death Penalty by State, and more.

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. John Stuart Mill: Overview from Internet Encyclopedia of Philosopy. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) includes Utilitarianism and On Liberty. Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment by John Stuart Mill.

Shrinking Majority of Americans Support Death Penalty. According to a 2013 Pew Research Center survey, 55% of U.S. adults say they favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder. A significant minority (37%) oppose the practice. From Pew Forum, March 28, 2014.

365 Correctional institutions, Prisons

How Did Our Prisons Get That Way? By Roger T. Pray, American Heritage Magazine, Vol 38, Iss 5, July/August 1987. The penitentiary was invented in the United States as a more rational and humane way of punishing. It quickly ran into problems that still overwhelm us.

Mega-prison in El Salvador for 40,000 suspected gangsters - which has only 80 beds for every 100 inmates - welcomes its first new inmates with vow 'You will never walk out of here' by Matt Powell and AFP, DailyMail.co.uk, Feb 24, 2023. El Salvador has the highest incarceration rate in world with 2 per cent of their population currently in jail. Recently the government has cracked down on gangs and arrested 63,000 people under state of emergency.

The move to the high-tech prison follows President Nayib Bukele's 'war' on crime. Bukele tweeted that 'at dawn, in a single operation, we transferred the first 2,000 members to the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT)' - which he claims is the largest mega-prison in the Americas. Bukele added: 'This will be their new house, where they will live for decades, all mixed, unable to do any further harm to the population.'

Prison from Wikipedia.

Prison Cruelty by Frank Tannenbaum, The Atlantic, Apr 1920 issue. "The prison cannot be changed as long as the old basis of suppression and isolation is maintained ... to those who are acquainted with prison organization, brutality is a constant factor - constant as the prison itself ...

Historically, cruelty has always marked prison administration. We have records of brutality in prisons stretching over all written history, and including practically every nation of which we have written records. Prison brutality is both continuous and universal. Publicity, public indignation, investigation, removal of officials, and the institution of reform methods have, up to the present time, been ineffective in eliminating brutality from prison administration."

366 Secret societies

The 7 Most Exclusive Secret Societies in Historyby Alex Grecian, HuffPost, Jul 28, 2014. "Not much is known about these groups, yet they all might be controlling the world from behind the scenes."

The 10 Most Elite Secret Societies in History by Robert Anthony, Elite Daily, Mar 22, 2012.

Top 10 MYSTERIOUS Secret Societies. YouTube video, 16.48 min. Published on May 27, 2015 by Strange Mysteries. "Top 10 Most Mysterious Secret Societies in the World including organizations, groups, and more such as the Illuminati, Knight's Templar, and Freemasons."

The 10 Most MYSTERIOUS SECRET SOCIETIES on Earth! YouTube video, 7:50 min. Published on May 24, 2014 by MatthewSantoro.

Top 10 Real Life Secret Societies. YouTube video, 11:38 min. Published by WatchMojo.com, Mar. 30, 2016.

25 Biggest Secret Societies to Ever Exist posted by David Pegg, Jan 3, 2018, List 25. Among the secret societies listed and described are:
● 1. Skull and Bones
● 2. Rosicrucians
● 3. The Sons of Liberty
● 4. Thule Society
● 8. Woodmen
● 11. P.E.O. Sisterhood
● 12. Freemasonry
● 14. Bilderberg Group
● 15. Ku Klux Klan
● 17. Knights of Columbus
● 23. The United Ancient Order of Druids
● 25. Ancient Order of Hibernians.

The Hidden History of China's Secret Societies by Mehmet Sabeheddin, New Dawn Magaine, Nov 18, 2014.

Chinese Secret Societies: Getting a Handle on the Big Picture edited by Silent Thunder from Above Top Secret (ATS). "... a very brief overview of the incredibly complex world of Chinese secret societies."

What are some secret societies in China? from Quora.

Secret society from Wikipedia. "A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members." Characteristics, Politics, Colleges and universitie, Internet, Popular culture.

Secret Societies: a very short history. History of "A Dozen Societies" from International Institute of Social History (IISH) - An Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, Carbonari, Burschenschaften, Grand Firmament, France, Germany, Russia, United States, Asia, Precursors.
Introduction. "Historically speaking, the term 'secret society' (in the alliterative form also known from 'société secrète' and 'geheime Gesellschaft') is closely connected to the turbulent final quarter of the eighteenth century and the conspiracy theories that became ever more venomous and popular in the wake of the French Revolution."
Artists' Impressions.
Literature. "The literature on secret societies is immense and of extremely unequal quality."

Top 10 Secret Societies by Jamie Frater, Mysteries, Listserve, Aug 27, 2007.

368 Insurance

3 things that will drive your life insurance premiums through the roof by Les Christie, CNNMoney.

6 Ways to Capture the Cash Value in Life Insurance by Amy Bell, Investopedia.

Amortization Calculator for loans.
Amortization Schedule Calculator. This loan calculator - also known as an amortization schedule calculator - lets you estimate your monthly loan repayments. It also determines how much of your repayments will go towards the principal and how much will go towards interest. Simply input your loan amount, interest rate, loan term and repayment start date then click "Calculate".

Auto Insurance Learning Center from Esurance. FAQs, Auto Insurance Glossary, Interactive Auto Insurance Coverage Counselor, and Esurance Insights.

Auto Insurance Quotes Canada from Kanetix.ca - Compare car insurance rates online. Include: Canadian Insurance Directory, Critical Illness Insurance Quotes, Term Life Insurance Canada, Motorcycle Insurance Quotes, Home Insurance, House Insurance, Property Insurance Quotes, Travel Insurance Quotes.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) - Health Insurance Information. List of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Companies. See also: How to Spot Health Fraud from FDA Consumer magazine.

Canadian Banks - Insurance: Note: Read and understand ALL fine print before signing anything!

BMO - Bank of Montreal Insurance Solutions. Life Insurance, Mortgage Insurance, Loans and Lines of Credit Insurance, Mosaik MasterCard Balance Insurance, Accident and Illness Insurance, Travel Insurance.

HSBC. Creditor Insurance - Mortgage Insurance,Line of Credit Insurance, Personal Loan Insurance, Travel Insurance.

RBC Insurance (Royal Bank of Canada). Property Insurance, Auto Insurance, Life & Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Loan & Mortgage Protection, Credit Card Insurance.

TD Canada Trust - Products & Services - Insurance. Free Online Quotes. Auto Insurance Quote, Term Life Insurance Quote, Home Insurance Quote, Critical Illness Insurance: Survivor's Financial Plan, Motorcycle Insurance Quote, Travel Medical Insurance Quote.

Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA): Consumer Assistance Centre (CAC). CAC provides information about industry practices, life and health insurance companies, and their products; assists family members to locate lost policies of a recently deceased, and more. Call toll free: 1-800-268-8099. In Toronto: 416-777-2344. Contact info. Contact the Ombudservice for Life & Health Insurance, Offices in Toronto, Ottawa, or Montreal.

CLUE and You: How Insurers Size You Up from Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, Nonprofit Consumer Information & Advocacy Organization. Claims you file can appear in a database called CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange). Your insurance "score," which is largely based on your credit rating, can determine how much you pay for homeowner's or automobile insurance. The CLUE report and the insurance scoring system are tools insurers use to decide your risk profile, i.e. how likely you are to file a claim against your policy.

Get an Online Insurance Quote Without Using Your Own Personal Information from Insurance Hotline.

The History of Insurance from FindLocalInsurance.com. In 2100 BC, traders in Babylonia assumed the risks of the caravan trade through loans that were repaid after the goods had arrived safely. The Romans used burial clubs as a form of life insurance, providing funeral expenses for members and payments for survivors.

Home Insurance Claims - Four Traps and How to Deal with Them. Posted by InsurEye under Ask the Pros, Guest Posts, Zoocasa.com, 29 Mar 2017.

Insurance 101 from Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). How to Buy Insurance, Buyer Beware - Read your policy carefully, How Insurance works, How Premiums Are Calculated, Insurance Myths, Insurance Premium Allocation, Re-Insurance.

11 Car Insurance Myths Debunked from InsuranceHotline, updated September 24, 2015.

QuickQuote. Get a quote online for Life Insurance (Term Life, Final Expense Life), Auto Insurance (Automobile), and Health Insurance (Individual Health, Small Group Health, Dental/Vision, Medicare Supplement, Short Term Health, and Travel Health). U.S. only. For more information, estimators and calculators, media presentations, and articles on life, health and auto insurance, visit the Resource and Information Centers.

Structured settlement from Wikipedia. "A structured settlement is a negotiated financial or insurance arrangement through which a claimant agrees to resolve a personal injury tort claim by receiving part or all of a settlement in the form of periodic payments on an agreed schedule, rather than as a lump sum. ... Structured settlements have become part of the statutory tort law of several common law countries including Australia, Canada, England and the United States."

Structured Settlement FAQs from My Structured Settlement Cash. Site includes a Structured Settlement Calculator which gives you an Instant Quote for your Structured Settlement.

369.4 Scouts and scouting, (Boy Scouts), (Girl Scouts), (Girl Guides)

Scouting from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Boy Scouts of America (BSA) National Council. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Girl Guides of Canada. History, Mission, Vision, Values, Promise & Law, Girl Guide Cookies.

Girl Scouts. Who We Are: Girl Scout History. See also: History of Girl Scouts from Girl Scouts-Lone Star Council. Girl Scouts: Building Confidence, Courage & Character, providing Girl Scouting opportunities to girls, ages 5-17, in 19 counties in Central Texas.

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