A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Research, Writing, and Style Guides

(MLA, AAA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, CGOS, CSE)
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Links to related pages:
1. How to Format a Research Paper in MLA Style, 7th ed
2. How to Format a Research Paper in MLA Style, 6th ed
3. Quoting Passages Using MLA Style, 7th ed.
4. Quoting Passages Using MLA Style, 6th ed.
5. Content Notes and Bibliographic Notes in MLA Style, 7th ed
6. How to Write Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA Style, 6th ed.
7. Footnotes and Endnotes - Examples in MLA Style, 6th ed.
8. Footnotes in MLA Style, 6th ed. - Sample Page
9. Endnotes in MLA Style, 6th ed. - Sample Page
10. How to Write Parenthetical Documentation in MLA Style, 7th ed.
11. How to Write Parenthetical Documentation in MLA Style, 6th ed.
12. Parenthetical Documentation in MLA Style, 7th ed. Sample Page
13. Parenthetical Documentation in MLA Style, 6th ed. Sample Page
14. Works Cited, References, and Bibliography: What's the Difference? MLA Style, 7th ed.
15. Works Cited, References, and Bibliography: What's the Difference? MLA Style, 6th ed.
16. Guidelines on Writing a Bibliography or Works Cited Page in MLA Style, 7th ed
17. Guidelines on Writing a Bibliography or Works Cited Page in MLA Style, 6th ed.
18. How to Write a Bibliography or Works Cited Page - Examples in MLA Style, 8th ed.
19. How to Write a Bibliography or Works Cited Page - Examples in MLA Style, 7th ed.
20. How to Write a Bibliography or Works Cited Page - Examples in MLA Style, 21. Works Cited in MLA Style, 7th ed. - Sample Page
22. Works Cited in MLA Style, 6th ed. - Sample Page
23. Research, Writing, and Style Guides (MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, CGOS, CBE)


1.    Citing Sources - General
2.    Citing Electronic Sources
3.    AAA Style (American Anthropological Association)
4.    APA Style (American Psychological Association)
5.    APS Style (American Physics Society)
6.    Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian Style
7.    CGOS Style - Columbia Guide to Online Style
8.    CSE Style - Council of Science Editors (Formerly CBE Style - Council of Biology Editors)
9.    Harvard Style
10.  MLA Style (Modern Language Association)
11.  Resume Writing, Cover Letters, Thank You Letters and Thank-You Notes
12.  Writing - Grammar Guides
13.  Writing - Proofreading
14.  Writing - Research Guides & General Style Guides

1. Citing Sources - General

Academic Integrity - Introduction from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Contents include: Challenge of Original Work, Acknowledging Your Sources, When to Cite Sources, Nonprint and Electronic Sources, Not-So-Common Knowledge, Examples of Plagiarism, Misrepresenting Original Work, Question of Collaboration, Working Habits That Work, Disciplinary Process, Sample Citation Styles - Literary Studies (MLA), Psychology (APA), History (CMS - Chicago).

BibMe. Automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills for MLA, APA, Chicago, or Turabian styles. Just type in author, title, publisher, date, etc. Results are immediate. Option to download citation to Word. FREE.

Citation Generator from QuillBot. Create Accurate Citations for Free.
Citation Generator from BibMe, Powered by Chegg. Styles: MLA, APA.
BibGuru Vancouver Citation Generator. Styles: Vancouver, APA, MLA, Chicago, and more.
Citation Builder from NC State University Libraries. Styles: APA6, APA7, MLA8, MLA9, Chicago, CSE/CBE.
Scribbr Citation Generator. Accurate APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard citations, verified by experts, trusted by millions.
MLA Citation Generator from EasyBib, Powered by Chegg.
MLA Citation Generator from Citation Machines, a Chegg Service.
Citation Machine® - Write Smarter - a Chegg Service.
Citation Generator from CiteThisForMe. Powered by Chegg. Styles: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, ASA, IEEE, AMA.
Generate formatted bibliographies, citations, and works cited automatically from MyBib. Styles: APA 6, APA 7, Chicago, Harvard, Harvard (Australia), MLA 8, MLA 9.
Free Citation Generator from Grammarly. Get well-formatted APA, MLA, and Chicago-style citations with a citation generator built by writing experts and powered by AI.
ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you quickly create a bibliography in any citation style. Example: Enter URL "www.bydewey.com". Citations generated:
MLA9 - A Research Guide for Students with Virtual Library. https://www.bydewey.com/. Accessed 26 June 2024.
APA7 - A research guide for students with virtual library. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2024, from https://www.bydewey.com/
Chicago 17th ed. - "A Research Guide for Students with Virtual Library." Accessed June 26, 2024. https://www.bydewey.com/.
Turabian 9th ed. (full note) - "A Research Guide for Students with Virtual Library." Accessed June 26, 2024. https://www.bydewey.com/.

Citation and Reference Management from University of Alberta. Citing Your Sources: ACS, APA, Chicago & Turabian, CSE, Ecology, Economics, Harvard, IEEE, Legal Citation (McGill), MLA, Vancouver (ICMJE) & AMA.

Citation Guides. Library Guides at Westfield State University. Information on properly formatting papers and citing sources in several different styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago, CBE, and Citing Legal Materials (Supreme Court Decisions, Lower Federal Courts, Massachusetts Court Decisions, Federal Statutes, Massachusetts Statutes, State and U.S. Constitutions, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Bills, Federal Legislative Reports and Documents.

Citation Guides by Style. ACS Style - American Chemical Society, APA Style - American Psychological Association, ASA Style - American Sociological Association, Chicago Manual of Style, CSE (CBE) Style, Harvard, MLA Style - Modern Language Association, Turabian, Vancouver, and Additional resources.

Citation Style Guide: Know Which Style to Use from The Library's Subject Guides. Citation styles:

• AAA - American Anthropological Association
• ACS - American Chemical Society
• AIP - American Institute of Physics
• ALWD - Association of Legal Writing Directors
• AMA - American Medical Association
• AMS - American Mathematical Society
• AP - Associated Press
• APA - American Psychological Association
• APSA - American Political Science Association
• ASA - American Sociological Association
• Bluebook
• Chicago
• CSE - Council of Science Editors
• Harvard Business School
• LSA - Linguistic Society of America
• MLA - Modern Language Association
• NLM - National Library of Medicine
• Turabian
• ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
• IEEE - Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Citation Machine. Citation Machine™ automatically generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, and thousands more! Online tool that creates citations instantly. This web tool was created by David Warlick of The Landmark Project on October 29, 2000 and is part of the Landmarks for Schools web site for teachers.

Citing Sources - Quick Guide from Ohio State University. See APA and MLA examples. General Rules, Citing Web Pages for Individual Work, Citing Parts of Individual Works, Citing Online Articles, Citing Postings and Messages, Blog Posting, Personal E-Mail Message: Cite these elements:
● Author/Sender
● Date of message
● Title/Subject line of message (MLA only)
● Description/Recipient

Citing Sources from Duke University. Links to APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Assocation), Chicago, Turabian, CSE (Council of Science Editors) and other styles.

Citing Sources, Traditional and Electronic from Henry Buhl Library, Grove City College, Grove City, PA. Site consists of links to citation examples for: APA Style, MLA Style, Chicago Style, Turabian, ACS (American Chemical Society), AIP (American Institute of Physics), APSA (American Political Science Association), ASA (American Sociological Association), CSE (Council of Science Editors), IEEE Style. Includes Guidelines for Citing the Bible and other Biblical Resources. Cite the Bible, and Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, commentaries, and atlases in APA Style, MLA Style, Turabian Style, and Chicago Style.

Citing Sources in the Text of your Paper: In-Text Citation and Notes from Coates Library, Trinity University. MLA Style, APA Style, Chicago Style, ASA Style, Turabian.

Cite Right, Third Edition: A Quick Guide to Citation Styles - MLA, APA, Chicago, the Sciences, Professions, and More (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) by Charles Lipson, Oct 26, 2018.

Cite Right, 3rd edition: A Quick Guide to Citation Styles - MLA, APA, Chicago, the Sciences, Professions, and More (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

Complete Discipline Listing compiled by Dana Lynn Driscoll and Allen Brizee. Exhaustive list of style guides for documenting sources in different disciplines. Includes link to main organizational website and online guide to using that style.

• Anthropology
• Biology
• Chicago Style (used in many disciplines)
• Chemistry
• English (and some disciplines in the humanities)
• Engineering
• Geology
• Government
• History
• Information Sciences and Computer Science
• Journalism
• Law and Legal Studies
• Linguistics
• Management
• Mathematics
• Physics
• Psychology (and other social sciences)
• Political Science
• Sociology

A Pocket Style Manual - Ninth Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers, Sep 15, 2020

A Pocket Style Manual, 9th edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers, Sep 15. 2020

EasyPaper: User Manual from Turabian Examples, APA Examples, MLA Examples, AMA Examples, Format Quotations, Bibliography - Note: Error in Bibliography - "The University of Chicago" should be listed alphabetically under "U" for University and not "T" for "The" as Articles e.g. "A, An, The" should be ignored in listing the initial title.

Elements of Argument: A Text and Reader Thirteenth Edition by Annette T. Rottenberg, and Donna Haisty Winchell

Elements of Argument: A Text and Reader, Thirteenth Edition by Annette T. Rottenberg (Author), Donna Haisty Winchell (Author)

How to Cite Film, Video, and Online Media from Library, University of California, Berkeley. Citing Film and Video. Single Performances and Music Videos as part of longer DVD, video, or film. Citing TV and Radio. Citing Online Media Resources (web sites, online media files, podcasts, etc.).

How to Cite Online Resources from University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia. Citing websites and media sources using Harvard referencing.

KnightCite: A Project of the Hekman Library from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI. Free Citation Generator for MLA, APA and Chicago styles. Site created by Justin Searls, Student Intern, Teaching & Learning Digital Studio, Calvin Information Technology.

The Little, Brown Compact Handbook (10th Edition) by Jane E. Aaron and Michael Greer - An accurate, reliable, and accessible resource for writers of varying experience levels and in a variety of fields. The 10th Edition includes timely new student samples, new learning objectives, updates to MLA and Chicago style, a new chapter on writing about literature, and more.

The Little, Brown Compact Handbook (10th Edition) by Jane E. Aaron and Michael Greer

The Little Penguin Handbook (4th Edition) by Lester Faigley | Jun 26 2014

The Little Penguin Handbook (4th Edition) by Lester Faigley | Jun 26 2014

Multimedia Resources. Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, NH. Dartmouth College Library Research Guide. How to cite media. Sources for video, images, and audio; tips and tools for creating and editing media; and information on citing media sources.

Publication Manual (OFFICIAL) 7th Edition of the American Psychological Association Seventh Edition by American Psychological Association, Paperback - Illustrated, Oct. 1 2019

Publication Manual (OFFICIAL) 7th Edition of the American Psychological Association Seventh Edition
by American Psychological Association  (Author) Paperback - Illustrated, Oct. 1 2019

Referencing and Citation Style Guides: MLA. APA. CSE. Chicago. By Andrianes Pinantoan, InformED, Open Colleges.edu.au.

Research and Documentation in the Digital Age Seventh Edition, Spiral-bound - June 13 2018 by Diana Hacker and Barbara Fister

Research and Documentation in the Digital Age Seventh Edition by Diana Hacker  (Author), Barbara Fister (Author)

Resources for Documenting Sources in the Disciplines from Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). This handout will help you find resources for citing sources and formatting your paper in various disciplines.

Standard Documentation Formats from University of Toronto, ON. In PDF, 2 pages. Traditional Endnotes or Footnotes with Superscript Numbers (humanities) - with examples, MLA System: Parenthetical Author-Page References, APA System: Parenthetical Author-Date References, Numbered Note Systems (e.g., IEEE, Medical and CSE systems),Internet Sources. Updated 20 July 2010 by Dr. Margaret Procter, University of Toronto Coordinator, Writing Support.

The Student's Guide to Citation Styles: Here's When (and How) to Cite from HTML.com. Content: When to Cite a Source, When Not to Cite a Source, The Main Types of Sources, How to Cite, Programs for Creating Citations.

Top 10 Free Online Style-Guides in English Style Manuals for Writers in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia by Richard Nordquist, Grammar & Composition Expert, Grammar About.com.

Understanding Citation Styles:MLA, APA, CSE, Chicago, Turabian, oh my! YouTube video, 8:56 min. Published on Mar 15, 2010 by Kevin deLaplante.

What Are In-Text Citations? YouTube video, 2:50 min. Published on Sep 30, 2014 by Imagine Easy Solutions. Video explains what in-text citations are, why they are important, and examples of using them in instances of direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Citation for Beginners. YouTube video, 3:14 min. Published on May 29, 2014 by Imagine Easy Solutions.

Why We Cite: Understanding Citation Styles. YouTube video, 3:51 min. Published on Apr 9, 2013 by RVCCLibrary. Learning Objective: The learner will be able to describe why citation styles are important in scholarly communication.

  To Top

2. Citing Electronic Sources

Citing Primary Sources from Library of Congress. How to Cite Digitized Primary Sources. Chicago, MLA, APA.

MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications) from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).

3. AAA Style (American Anthropological Association)

AAA Style Guide. As of September 2015, AAA style follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, particularly in regard to reference citations, summarized on this webpage. See also: Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide from Chicago Manual of Style Online.

4. APA Style (American Psychological Association)

APA Citation Style & Format Model Research Paper (5th). YouTube video, 6:26 min.

Formatting a Research Paper in APA Style. YouTube video, 10:20 min.

Finding the APA format template (Word 2007). YouTube video, 0:33 min.

APA Format Citations-Sixth (6th) Edition. YouTube video, 9:32 min.

APA Format in Word 2016. YouTube video, 6:57 min. Published on Mar 12, 2016 by Colin Murphy, Ed.D.

APA Formatting : How to Create a Reference List in APA Style. YouTube video, 7:42 min.

College Research Papers : How to Write an APA Style Paper. YouTube video, 2:10 min.

APA Format Sample Video. YouTube video, 4:17 min.

APA Citation Style & Format . YouTube video, 3:21 min.

APA Citation Style from University of Alberta Libraries. Basic APA, In-Text Citations, Books, Articles, Web Resources, Multimedia Resources (Sample audio / visual sources: Movie, Podcasts, YouTube, Music Recording, Television Series, Television Single Episode, Painting, Illustration, Chart, or other image from a published work, Software, Map, Kit, Manipulatives, Toys, App), Curriculum, Tough Stuff.

American Psychological Association Style Guide
Ohio State University
Guide is based on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2010).
Include page numbers in In-Text style only when quoting from a source. When paraphrasing from a source, omit In-Text page numbers. Citation style for articles now includes the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) when available.
After first line, citations should be indented 1/2 inch on references list.
APA Style Guide - Articles, Books, Electronic Resources from Ohio State University - University Libraries.

APA Style Guide Resources from Okanagan College (OC) Library.
Reference System for Psychology, Business, & Health
APA Citation Guide (Short PDF guide created by OC librarians)
APA Citation Guide (Interactive online guide created by OC librarians)
APA Guide to Electronic References (Comprehensive guide to citing online sources)
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.)
APA Guide to Business Sources
Other Online APA Sources
APA Style Blog
APA Style Home Page
APA Style Guide from OWL (Purdue University)
Online APA Tutorials from the Library
Online APA Citation Tutorial
Cite it Right (Basic)
Cite it Right (Advanced)

APA Style Help and Learning APA Style. Resources from American Psychological Association (APA). APA Style is used by writers in many disciplines around the world for concise, powerful, and persuasive scholarly communication.

APA Style Tips from APA Online, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. FAQs About APA Style.

APA Style: Write With Clarity, Precision, and Inclusion from American Psychological Association (APA). Popular Style Guidelines: Reference Examples, Title Page Setup, Paper Format, Bias-Free Language, In-Text Citations, Sample Papers, and more. Based on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: 7th Edition, 2020 Copyright.

Citing Canadian government documents: APA style. Simon Fraser University (SFU) Library. Examples in APA Style, Citation Rules and Explanations.

Psychology with Style: A Hypertext Writing Guide (APA Style Guide)(for the 5th edition of the APA Manual) by M. Plonsky, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, WI. Topics include: Typing, Writing in General, Style Details in General, Abbreviations, Numbers, Citations in the Text, Quotations. Research Reports. Research Reviews. Examples included in Appendices.

5. American Physics Society (APS)

Reviews of Modern Physics Style Guide from APS Physics.

Physical Review Style and Notation Guide from American Physics Society (APS) by Anne Waldron, Peggy Judd, and Valerie Miller. Instructions for correct notation and style.

 To Top

6. Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian Style

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition Hardcover - Sep 5, 2017 by The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff (Author)


A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) Ninth Edition by Kate L. Turabian (Author), Wayne C. Booth Gregory G. Colomb Joseph M. Williams Joseph Bizup William T. FitzGerald The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff

A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers Paperback - April 16 2018 by Kate L. Turabian (Author), Wayne C. Booth (Editor), Gregory G. Colomb (Editor), Joseph M. Williams (Editor), Joseph Bizup (Editor), William T. FitzGerald (Editor), The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff (Editor)

Chicago-Turabian Footnote & Endnote Citation Formats, Part 1. YouTube video, 4:59 min.

Chicago-Turabian Footnote & Endnote Citation Formats, Part 2. YouTube video, 8:36 min.

How to Format a Paper in Chicago Manual of Style. YouTube video, 8:18 min.

How to Start a Thesis or Dissertation in Chicago (Turabian) Style. YouTube video, 7:13 min.

Chicago Manual of Style from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History, Overview, Links.

Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). General Format, Books, Periodicals, Web Sources, Film and Television, Interviews, Personal Communication, Lectures and Presentations, Public and Unpublished Materials, Author Date Sample Paper, Chicago's Notes and Bibliography - Formatting and Style Guide PowerPoint presentation.

Chicago Manual of Style Citation Guide - Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide from University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
University of Chicago Press: Art Submission Requirements

Chicago Manual of Style: Documentary Note or Humanities Style
Williams College Libraries, Williamstown, MA
Notes and Bibliography Examples for Books, Articles, Media, Web/Online, Government Information, Unpublished.

The Chicago Manual of Style Online, Fifteenth Edition
Includes Contents, Chicago Style Q&A, Tools: Manuscript Preparation, Index A-Z, Proofreading Marks, Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide with examples for two basic documentation systems, the humanities style (notes and bibliography) and the author-date system.

Chicago/TURABIAN: A Manual for Writers - Chicago Style for Students and Researchers from Chicago Manual of Style. Source citations in the Turabian manual come in two varieties: (1) notes and bibliography (or simply notes) and (2) author-date. These two systems are also sometimes referred to as Chicago-style citations, because they are the same as the ones presented in The Chicago Manual of Style.

Citation Guide: Chicago Manual of Style (Author/Date System) from WAC Clearinghouse, an open-access, educational website supported by donors, sponsors, and the Colorado State University Open Press.
Citation Guide: Chicago Manual of Style (Notes System) from WAC Clearinghouse.

Citing Canadian Government Documents - Chicago Style. Simon Fraser University (SFU) Library. Examples in Chicago Manual of Style, Citation Rules and Explanations.

Citation Guide: Chicago/Turabian (17th ed.) Examples on How to Cite.
Citing lectures: Chicago/Turabian (17th ed.) citation guide.
Citing custom courseware: Chicago/Turabian (17th ed.) citation guide.

Citing Electronic Information in History Papers. Turabian style by Maurice Crouse, Department of History, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.

Citing - How to Cite in Chicago/Turabian Style: A Three Minute Tutorial. YouTube video, 2:51 min. Published on Sep 8, 2014 by Conestoga College Library. A quick tutorial explaining Chicago/Turabian's notes/bibliography style for Conestoga College students.

Turabian Citation Quick Guide Notes and Bibliography: Sample Citations from Chicago Manual of Style.
Turabian Citation Quick Guide: Author-Date: Sample Citations from Chicago Manual of Style.

Turabian (Chicago) Style Guide: How Do I Cite in Turabian (Chicago)? AMcMaster LibGuide from McMaster University Library Research Guides. This guide is based on the 7th edition of Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations and The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.

Writer's Handbook - Documentation: Chicago Style from Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. Sample Notes, Works Cited Page, Citing Electronic Sources.

7. CGOS Style - Columbia Guide to Online Style

Citing Online Media Resources (web sites, online media files, etc.). Adapted from the Columbia Guide to Online Style, by Janice R. Walker and Todd Taylor. Citation styles described are Humanities Style. With examples by Gary Handman, Media Resources Center, Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

The Columbia Guide to Online Style, 2nd Edition (October 24, 2006) by Janice R. Walker and Todd W. Taylor (Paperback)

The Columbia Guide to Online Style (Columbia Guide to Online Style (Paperback) 2nd Edition by Janice Walker (Author), Todd Taylor (Author) Oct 24 2006

8. CSE (Council of Science Editors)

Note: CBE (Council of Biology Editors) changed its name to CSE (Council of Science Editors) effective January 1, 2000.

Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Eighth Edition by Council of Science Editors | May 7 2014

Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Eighth Edition, by Council of Science Editors | May 7 2014

Council of Science Editors (CSE) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Council of Science Editors Documentation Style from Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. The Council of Science Editors (CSE) [formerly CBE] offers three systems of documentation. In all three systems, a reference list at the end of the paper provides all the information your reader needs to track down your sources. In-text references in your sentences show your reader which sources support the claims and information of that sentence. Includes: A Quick Overview of CSE Styles.

Citation Guide from PennState University. Examples for citing: Books, Articles from Print Periodicals (journals, magazines and newspapers), Internet Resources, Web Sites, Interviews and Other Personal Communication.

Council of Science Editors (CSE) Style Guide from Writing Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison. "The Council of Science Editors (CSE) offers three systems of documentation. In all three systems, a reference list at the end of the paper provides all the information your reader needs to track down your sources. In-text references in your sentences show your reader which sources support the claims and information of that sentence."

CSE Style - Council of Science Editors Documentation Style. The Writer's Handbook CSE Citation Style from University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

CSE Style: Examples for a List of References from McNeese State University Frazar Memorial Library. Based on 7th edition of Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. Examples on this web page follow the "name-year system" (p. 492). Books, Conference Proceedings & Papers, E-Resources, Print Journals, Technical Reports, Theses & Dissertations, In-Text References.

CSE Citation Style Guide from Dalhousie University Libraries. The CSE style originated in the 1960s, when it was known as the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) style ... Over the decades, its scope grew to include many fields of scientific research in both the life sciences and physical sciences. In 2000, the organization became known as the Council of Science Editors (CSE). The style then became known as the CSE style.
CSE Citation Style - Quick Guide in PDF.
CSE Documentation Style Tutorial - YouTube video, 8:08 min.

CSE/CBE Style: In-text Citations (Name-Year System) from UNC Library's Guide to Citation, Summer 2010.

CSE Quick Citation Guide from Penn State University Libraries. This guide contains some examples of common citation formats in CSE Style (Council of Science Editors, formerly called the CBE Council of Biology Editors).

Scientific Style and Format Online, 8th Edition: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors and Publishers. "The indispensable reference for authors, editors, publishers, students, and translators in all areas of science and related fields has been fully revised by the Council of Science Editors (CSE) to reflect today's best practices in scientific publishing." See Scientific Style and Format Citation Quick Guide.

9. Harvard Style

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 21st Edition by Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, et al. | Sep 1, 2020

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 21st Edition by Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, et al. | Sep 1, 2020

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition Spiral-bound - May 1 2015 by Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, Yale Law Review

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition Spiral-bound - May 1 2015 by Harvard Law Review (Author), Columbia Law Review (Author), Yale Law Review (Author)

Interactive Citation Workbook for The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation Perfect Paperback - July 18, 2019 by Publisher's Editorial Staff

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation 21st Edition by Columbia Law Review (Compiler), Harvard Law Review (Compiler), University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Compiler), Yale Law Journal (Compiler).

Citing References - How to Cite References from Bournemouth University (BU), Academic Support, Library, UK.

Referencing - BU Harvard. The Harvard System (Author Date Method), Citation in the text, References at the end of a piece of work, and Related topics.

Harvard referencing et al. How to reference 'et al' in Harvard style from London Proofreaders. "Et al. is short for 'el alia' that literally means 'and the others'. So it is important that you use the full stop at the end to complete the abbreviation."

How to Harvard reference a YouTube video from London Proofreaders. Two examples are provided: 1. Referencing a YouTube video Harvard style in text; and 2. Referencing a YouTube video Harvard style in the reference list.

Harvard Style: UseIt in PDF from University of Queensland, Australia. Examples of Harvard style based on AGPS (Australian Government Publishing Service) Style Guide 5th ed.

Harvard System. Guide to the Harvard System of Referencing from Anglia Ruskin University Library, Cambridge & Chelmsford, UK. Citing references in text using Harvard System, Compiling reference list and bibliography.

10. MLA Style (Modern Language Association)

The MLA Handbook from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

MLA Handbook (OFFICIAL) 9th Edition by The Modern Language Association of America (Author). "Relied on by generations of writers, the MLA Handbook is published by the Modern Language Association and is the only official, authorized book on MLA style. The new, ninth edition builds on the MLA's unique approach to documenting sources using a template of core elements—facts, common to most sources, like author, title, and publication date—that allows writers to cite any type of work, from books, e-books, and journal articles in databases to song lyrics, online images, social media posts, dissertations, and more." ~ Amazon.com.
MLA Handbook, Ninth Edition

MLA Handbook, Eighth Edition. The Modern Language Association, the authority on research and writing, takes a fresh look at documenting sources in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. Works are published today in a dizzying range of formats. Shorter and redesigned for easy use, the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook guides writers through the principles behind evaluating sources for their research. It then shows them how to cite sources in their writing and create useful entries for the works-cited list. More than just a new edition, this is a new MLA style.
MLA Handbook, Eighth Edition

MLA: The Easy Way! Updated for the 8th Edition by Peggy M. Houghton, Timothy J. Houghton, et al. Provides the most commonly required MLA rules in one easy-to-use guide, which does not require the user to search in multiple reference locations (i.e., book and website). Included in the book are document set-up instructions utilizing Microsoft Word, specific instructions and examples related to in-text citations as well as the Works Cited page, and a sample paper.
MLA: The Easy Way! Updated for MLA 8th Edition by Peggy M. Houghton, Timothy J. Houghton, et al.

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by Modern Language Association of America, 7th Edition (Jan 15, 2009) Paperback

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Sixth Edition by Joseph Gibaldi

MLA Handbook, 6th ed. by Joseph Gibaldi

MLA Rules for Format & Documentation: A Pocket Guide [Conforms to 7th Edition MLA] Paperback - Jan. 1 1997 by jill-rossiter

MLA Rules for Format & Documentation: A Pocket Guide [Conforms to 7th Edition MLA] Paperback – Jan. 1 1997 by jill-rossiter (Author)

How to Cite MLA Format (website, book, article, etc.). YouTube video, 12:47 min. Published by Xamplio, Dec. 8, 2019.

MLA Style Essay Format - Word Tutorial. YouTube video, 10:00 min. Published by David Taylor, circa 2013.

Changes to the MLA Handbook, 7th Edition. YouTube video, 9:08 min.

How to cite Page / Work on a Website in MLA 9th Edition. YouTube video, 4:05 min. Published on Aug 24, 2022 by Lisa Ausburn.

MLA Style Essay Format - Word Tutorial by David Taylor. YouTube video, 10:00 min.

MLA Citation Format - Put Your Papers & Essays in Perfect MLA Style: P1. YouTube video, 5:26 min.

MLA Style Essay Formatting Tutorial for MS Word. YouTube video, 4:01 min.

Setting your essay to MLA format in Word 2007. YouTube video, 5:46 min.

How to make a works cited page. YouTube video, 2:28 min.

How to create a Works Cited page in MLA 6 - Part I. YouTube video, 3:36 min.

How to Cite a Website Using MLA Style. YouTube video, 1:47 min.

Citing Websites using MLA 7th edition. YouTube video, 8:21 min.

MLA documention. YouTube video, 8:15 min.

Bibliography Formats (in PDF) from McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center. Citation examples in MLA and APA format.

General notes: MLA (8th ed.) citation guide from Simon Fraser University Library. Introduction, General notes on MLA style, Approach to citation, Parenthetical (in-text) citations, Works cited, Additional resources.

Citing Canadian government documents: MLA Style. Simon Fraser University (SFU) Library. Examples in MLA Style, Citation Rules and Explanations.

Citing Film and Video in slightly adapted version of MLA style - with Examples

Citing TV and Radio - with Examples by Gary Handman, Media Resources Center, Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

Citing Sources: Internet Sources - MLA from St. Paul's High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This guide indicates the appropriate form for layout, in-text citations, and bibliography for MLA, APA, and Chicago formatted papers.

Guide for Citing Electronic Resources from William Patterson University, NJ. Links to citations in MLA and Turabian/Chicago style.

Guidelines on How to Write a Bibliography in MLA Style
Works Cited, References, Bibliography - What's the Difference?
How to Write a Bibliography - Examples in MLA Style - Based on MLA Handbook 7th ed.
How to Write Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA Style
First Footnotes and Endnotes - Examples in MLA Style
Parenthetical References - Examples in MLA Style
Footnotes in MLA Style - Sample Page
Endnotes in MLA Style - Sample Page
Parenthetical References in MLA Style - Sample Page
Works Cited in MLA Style - Sample Page
Quoting Passages Using MLA Style
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School Library, Mississauga, ON

How to Convert MLA Sources to APA Format by Art Corvelay, eHow Contributor.

Library of Congress Guide to Citing Primary Sources Using MLA Style. MLA citation format plus examples for citing: Entire Web Site, Articles and Essays, Cartoons and Illustations, Films, Government Publications, Manuscripts, Maps and Charts, Newspapers, Oral History Interviews, Photographs, Sound Recordings.

MLA - What Is MLA Style? from Modern Language Association.

MLA Documentation Guide. Modern Language Association (MLA) Documentation based on 2016 MLA Handbook (8th ed.) from Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. MLA Handout in PDF. Orientation to MLA, Creating an MLA works cited page, Using MLA in-text citations, Abbreviating references to your sources.

MLA Formatting and Style Guide from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). General Format, Paper Format, General Guidelines, Formatting the First Page of Your Paper with Samples.

MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics
MLA Formatting Quotations
MLA Endnotes and Footnotes
MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format, Basic Rules, Capitaliztion and Puntuation, Listing Author Names
MLA Works Cited Page: Books
MLA Works Cited: Periodicals
MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications)
MLA Works Cited: Other Common Sources: An Interview, Speeches, Lectures, or Other Oral Presentations (including Conference Presentations), Published Conference Proceedings, A Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph, Film or Movies, Recorded Films or Movies, Broadcast Television or Radio Program, Recorded Television Episodes (e.g. DVD, Videocassette), Sound Recordings, Spoken-Word Albums, Digital Files (PDFs, MP3s, JPEGs),
MLA Abbreviations: Upper and Lowercase letter abbreviations, Abbreviations in citations (time, geographic names, scholarly abbreviations).
MLA Sample Works Cited Page
MLA Sample Paper
MLA Tables, Figures, and Examples: Examples - Documenting source information in "Note form", MLA documentation for tables, figures, and examples.
MLA PowerPoint Presentation
MLA Undergraduate Sample Paper.
MLA Classroom Poster. The MLA poster is a printable jpg file you may download and print out at different sizes for use in classrooms, writing centers, or as a pocket reference.

MLA Formatting and Style Guide from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics, MLA Formatting Quotations, Endnotes and Footnotes, MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format, Books, Periodicals, Electronic Sources, Abbreviations, MLA Sample Works Cited Page, MLA Sample Paper, MLA Tables, Figures, and Examples, MLA PowerPoint Presentation, MLA Undergraduate Sample Paper, MLA Classroom Poster.

MLA Sample Works Cited Page from OWL Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.

MLA Style - Citation Help from Ohio State University. This guide is based on the MLA Handbook, 8th edition (Modern Language Association, 2016).

Modern Language Association (MLA) Style Guide. MLA Style Citation Guides from University of Arizona.

MLA Formatting and Style Guide. From Purdue University Online Writing Lab, West Lafayette, IN. See also Videos: Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting - The Basics (3:00 min.) and Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting: List of Works Cited (8:17 min.)

11. Resume Writing

17 Resume Tips that Will Get You that Job Interview by Anastasia, Cleverism.com. In this article, the role of the resume and the most commonly overlooked tips on improving your resume are explored. Follow these 17 resume tips and maximize your chances to impress the hiring manager and get into the job interview.

35+ Resume Summary Examples + Expert Tips by Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Editor: Maria Ratcliff, from My Perfect Resume.

How to List Education on a Resume in 2023: Full Guide + Examples by Eric Ciechanowski, CPRW (Certified Professional Résumé Writer), LiveCareer, Mar 1, 2023.

93% of employers want to see soft skills on your resume - here are 8 of the most in-demand ones by Gili Malinsky, @MALINSKID, CNBC Make It, Land the Job, Jul 13 2022.

ASCII Resumes: How to Create a Plain-Text Version of Your Resume from About.com - Career Planning.

Top 5 Resume Mistakes from Southeastern Louisiana University. 1. Grammar and punctuation errors. 2. Poor formatting. 3. Failure to communicate knowledge and skills. 4. Job descriptions that aren’t descriptive. 5. Using pronouns and articles.
Do's and Don'ts of Writing a Professional Resume from Open College.

Free Resume Templates from About.com

Free Resume Templates for Word from ResumeGenius.

Guide to Creating a Resume That Will Get You Hired by Allison Scott, Study.com. Learn how to make a resume with no experience. Read what a resume is and how it differs from a cover letter. See what to include in a resume to make it compelling.

How to Make a Resume: Secrets Your Employer Won't Tell You by Jack Milgram. Article provides excellent advice on how to build and develop an effective resume.

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out for the Right Reasons from Open Colleges.

How to Write a Resume from Open Colleges.

How to Write a Resume from ResumeCoach. Resume Writing Guide from Start to Finish. Site also includes: Resume Builder, Resume Templates, Resume Examples, Resume Format.

How to Write a Resume.org. Resume Writing Tips, Resume Writing & Distribution Services.

How to Write Resume in English from About.com - English as 2nd Language (ESL).

Prepare Your Resume for Emailing or Posting on the Internet from The Riley Guide: Resumes & Cover Letters.

Resume. Professional Writing Handouts and Resources from Purdue University, Online Writing Lab.

Resume Builder from LiveCareer.

Resume Builder from Zety.

Resume Examples from Susan Ireland's Resume Site.

Resume Samples from LiveCareer.

Resume Tips from Yana Parker.

How to Write a Good Resume from Job Bank, Government of Canada, Oct 13, 2021. Your resume must clearly, concisely and strategically present your qualifications to get a recruiter interested in meeting you. It should convey your skills, work experience and assets. The resume is used to describe what you can accomplish professionally in a manner that also illustrates what you can do for an employer.

Resumes and other Creative Job Search Articles from Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).

Resumes and Resume Samples from JobStar Central.

Writing a Resume When You Have No Work Experience from Open College.

11a. Cover Letters

About Cover Letters from JobStar.

Free Cover Letter Generator from LiveCareer.

How to Write a Cover Letter
by Amy Gallo, Harvard Business Reviews, Dec 23, 2020.
How to Write a Cover Letter (With Tips & Examples) by Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert, Editor: Maria Ratcliff, Apr 2, 2024.
Cover Letter Tips from How-to-Write-a-Resume.org.

Cover Letters from Liveabout.com.

Cover Letters & Correspondence from Yale University.

Cover Letters and Thank You Notes from Goodwill.

How to Write a Cover Letter from Grammarly. A cover letter, also known as an application letter, is a personalized letter from you to the person overseeing the hiring process for the job you're applying for. A cover letter is not the same as a resume. While a resume provides a clear, point-by-point map of your career thus far, a cover letter tells the personal side of your career story. How to write a good cover letter. Cover letter dos and don'ts.

11b. Thank You Letters, Thank-You Notes, Memos

Guide to Thank You Notes (With Examples and Tips) by Indeed Editorial Team, July 28, 2021.

How to Write a Thank-You Note by Leslie Harpold, The Morning News. A six-point formula to the proper thank-you: Learn it, know it, memorize it. 1. Greet the Giver. 2. Express Your Gratitude. 3. Discuss Use. 4. Mention the Past, Allude to the Future. 5. Grace. 6. Regards.

How to Write a Thank You Note in 7 steps, by eHow Culture & Society Editor.

How to Write Effective Thank-You Letters: 8 Tips from WriteExpress.

How to Write the Perfect "Thank You" Letter by Alice Feathers, M.A. TESOL, from WriteExpress.
Resignation Letters, Thank You Letters, Employment Letters from Job Searching, About.com.

Thank You Letters by Alison Doyle, from Job Searching, About.com. Writing a thank you letter, or thank you email, after an employment interview is a must. See also: Sample Thank You Letters

Writing Notes: Tips, Ideas & Samples. Include: How to Write a Thank You Note, Sympathy Thank You, Hospitality Thank You, General Thank You Note.

12. Writing - Grammar Guides
The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition by William Strunk, Jr

The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition
by William Strunk, Jr.


This classic book by William Strunk, Jr. on the Elements of Style includes: Elementary Rules of Usage, Elementary Principles of Composition, Words & Expressions Commonly Misused, An Approach to Style with a List of Reminders: Place yourself in the background, Revise and rewrite, Avoid fancy words, Be clear, Do not inject opinion, Do not take shortcuts at the cost of clarity, ... and much more. See details of The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. online at Bartleby.com.

50 Grammar Rules for the Unenlightened from The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz.

50 Tips on How to Write Good by Mark Nichol, Daily Writing Tips.

Capitalization Rules from GrammarBook.com by Jane Straus, author of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.

Example: "Rule 8. Always capitalize the first and last words of titles of publications regardless of their parts of speech. Capitalize other words within titles, including the short verb forms Is, Are, and Be. Exception: Do not capitalize little words within titles such as a, an, the, but, as, if, and, or, nor, or prepositions, regardless of their length."
Capitalize My Title is a capitalization tool. Type in a title, the site will capitalize the right words for you automatically. What to Capitalize in a Title: Capitalize first word in the title, last word in the title, and important words in the title. Words Not Capitalized in Title Case include short words and conjunctions. There are four main title capitalization styles: Chicago style, APA style, MLA style, and AP style.

Common Errors in English Usage: Third Edition Paperback - October 15, 2013 by Paul Brians

Common Errors in English Usage: Third Edition Paperback – October 15, 2013 by Paul Brians  (Author)

Common Errors in English. Numbers, A-Z list of Common Errors in English Usage by Dr. Paul Brians, Professor of English, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Based on Common Errors in English Usage: Third Edition by Paul Brians (15-Oct-2013) Paperback.

Common Mistakes in English, New Edition. Paperback - March 22 2000 by T.J. Fitikides

Common Mistakes in English, New Edition, Paperback - March 22 2000 by T.J. Fitikides

Most Common Mistakes in English: An English Learner's Guide Paperback – September 8, 2014 by Jakub Marian

Most Common Mistakes in English: An English Learner's Guide Paperback – September 8, 2014
by Jakub Marian  (Author)

Other Commonly Misspelled Words

English Grammar Guide. English Idioms, English Vocabulary Lists, English Quotes, English Test, English Names from EF - Education First.

English Tools. Over 25 useful tools for learning English.
● List Alphabetize
● Turn Numbers into English Words
● Text to Image (Change font, font size, text color, background color to image file).
● Convert Sentence Case from Uppercase to Lowercase and vice versa.
● Convert Txt Files from Uppercase to Lowercase and vice versa.
● Convert SRT Files from Uppercase to Lowercase and vice versa.
● Count Characters and Words - Count number of words and letters in your text.
● Text to Unicode - Convert English text to Unicode and vice versa.
● Change Text Orientation - Adjusts orientation of your text from left to right, or top to bottom (up and down) and vice versa.
● Turn English Numbers into Chinese Words (Characters) - This tool will turn three thousand five hundred and fifty-nine into 三千五百五十九 and do the opposite.

● Anagram Solver
● Find Words by Length
● Words That End With
● Words That Contain Letters

● English Verb Conjugation Worksheets
● Create Writing Sheets
● Word Search Creator
● Number Bingo Sheet Creator
● Random Number Bingo Sheet Creator
● Fill in the Gap - Create worksheets and print "answers" sheets for the exercises.
● Create Blank Spaces
● Word Scramble
● Jumble Up Sentences

● Conjugate English Verbs
● Type IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
● Convert English Words Into IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

Grammar Check from GrammarCheck.net. Choice of Free Check or Deep Check. To check your text, copy and paste or write directly into the online editor. Click the gray Free Check button to check grammar and spelling. Click on underlined area for correction options. Click the orange Deep Check button to detect difficult-to-spot writing mistakes. Wait for the check to finish, log in, and get the extension. Once done, reload the page to enable advanced features and suggestions within the online editor. Example: Result from Free Check for text that I entered: "No errors found." But result from Deep Check for the same text that I entered: "We've found 3 writing issues in your text and have also detected significant plagiarism."

Grammar Exercises from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) with answers provided. Adjectives, adverbs, appositives, articles, count and noncount nouns, prepositions, and tense consistency.
Punctuation Exercises - punctuation rules, basic punctuation marks, apostrophes, quotation marks, and commas.
Spelling Exercises.
Sentence Structure - sentence clauses, sentence fragments, sentence structure, and subject-verb agreement.
Sentence Style.
Writing Numbers.

Grammar Girl: General Grammar Tips.

Grammar Guide: Improve Your Spelling, Punctuation and Writing from Boom Essays.

Grammar Slammer Complete Contents from English Plus.

Grammarism. Never Make a Grammar Mistake Again. Practice English with tons of auto-generated exercises and learn English grammar flawlessly. 197 Topics - 15,074 Tests/Worksheets - 312,291 Exercises. Master the basics of English. Improve your speaking and writing! Practice English Grammar Online. Interactive multiple-choice tests and fill in the blank quizzes for beginner, elementary and intermediate level English learners. Download Printable PDF Worksheets. Free resources! Printable English grammar worksheets with answer keys for teachers, students, adults, ESL, TEFL and self-study. Learn and Master Every English Tense. Past, present, future verb forms with simple questions and answers!

Grammica. Check your English grammar with Grammica. Instant feedback.

Guide to Grammar & Writing. Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Charles Darling, Founder of the Guide to Grammar and Writing. "Charles developed The Guide to Grammar and Writing in 1996, originally to help his students write reports and research papers. In addition, he wanted to create a place where students could look up grammatical issues for themselves."

Guide to Grammar & Writing from Capital Community College. Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Charles Darling. Copyright 2002; Hartford, Connecticut. See also text only version.

Harbrace College Handbook: With 1998 MLA Style Manual Updates,
13th Revised Edition (Hodges Harbrace Handbook) by John C. Hodges.

Hodges' Harbrace Handbook: With 1998 Mla Style Manual Updates by John C. Hodges, Winifred Bryan Horner, et al. | Sep 1 1998

Grammar from Walden University Writing Center. Main Parts of Speech.
Sentence Structure and Types of Sentences
Run-On Sentences and Sentence Fragments
Parallel Construction
Relative, Restrictive, and Nonrestrictive Clauses
Verb Tenses
Verb Forms: "-ing," Infinitives, and Past Participles
Subject-Verb Agreement
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Noun-Pronoun Agreement
Count and Noncount Nouns

The Internet Grammar of English
University College London
An online course in English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates, it does not assume any prior knowledge of grammar.

Rules for Capitalization in Titles of Articles from Your Dictionary. "... generally, these parts of speech are capitalized in titles:
● Adjectives - angry, lovely, small
● Adverbs - slowly, quickly, quietly
● Subordinating conjunctions - as, because, that

... When in doubt and you do not have a reference guide in front of you, here is one general rule recommended by the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual: 'Capitalize all words in titles of publications and documents, except a, an, the, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or, and nor.'"

Sentence Checker. Free online spell and grammar checker based on LanguageTool - an open source proofreading software. Excellent unbias and honest checker, unlike some other grammar checkers which ALWAYS find something wrong with your paragraph and ask you for money or to sign up first before you can see the results.

Transition Words and Phrases Explained & Listed (Infographic) by Jennifer Frost, GrammarCheck, July 19, 2021. 138+ transition words and phrases that are categorized according to their functions: addition, cause, clarification, comparison, conclusion, contrast, effect, purpose, intensification, and more.

13. Writing - Proofreading

The Editing Process. Paradigm Online Writing Assistant.

A Guide to Proofreading Symbols from the No-Nonsense Proofreading Course.

List of proofreader's marks from Wikipedia.

Proofreader's Marks and Editing Guidelines from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

Proofreader's Marks from Public Works and Government Services Canada. Translation Bureau - The Canadian Style - Revision and Proofreading.

Proofreading marks and symbols from Wordy.
13 Proofreading and Editing Marks and Symbols - With Examples by Candace Osmond, Grammarist. Memorize the Proofreading and Editing Signs.

Proofreading Marks at a Glance from Biomedical Editor.

Steps in Editing (Proofreading) Your Papers. Handouts include: Proofreading Strategies, Editing and Proofreading Strategies for Revision, Proofreading Your Paper, as well as Proofreading: The Final Touches.OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

14. Writing - Research Guides & General Style Guides

4 Tips for Writing Stellar Virginia Tech Essays. SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips from PrepScholar. Posted by Hayley Milliman, College Essays, Aug 7, 2020.

The BBC News Styleguide - Journalism. Includes News style guide - searchable version, Grammar, spelling and punctuation, Military, Names Numbers, Religion, Articles A-Z.

BBC Radio News Style Guide.

Capitalization Rules for Titles adapted by Eric Rasmusen.
Rules for Capitalization in Titles of Articles from Grammar Your Dictionary.

The Changing Role of Libraries in the Digital Age by Steve Haber, President of Sony's Digital Reading Business, Updated May 25, 2011. Huffington Post blog.

Conjunctions from Grammarly.

Conjunctions from Towson University. Conjunctions are words used as joiners.

Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis from Cornell University Library. Ten things to look for when you evaluate an information source.

CustomWritten.com: College and University Writing Tips by Steve Svan, former student of WSB [Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu = Advanced School of Business] National Louis University, Nowy Sacz, Poland. Guide to organized and resourceful assignments, ranging from research papers, essays, and term papers to book reports, admission essays, dissertations, and Ph.D. theses.

General Essay Writing Tips from International Student.
Guide on How to Write University Essays, Courseworks, Assignments and Dissertations by Verena Vaneeva. Contents include: How to write an Essay, Coursework or Report, Marketing or Marketing Communications Campaign, Dissertation, How to define Issue or Argument, Research Methods, Dissertation Structure.
Guide to Essay Writing: 5 Steps to Write an Outstanding Essay from Grammarly.
How to Write an A+ Research Paper from A Research Guide for Students.
Strategies for Essay Writing from Harvard College Writing Center.
Writing a great essay. Tips from students at University of Melbourne, Australia. 1. Analyse the question. 2. Define your argument. 3. Use evidence, reasoning and scholarship. 4. Organise a coherent essay. 5. Write clearly. 6. Cite sources and evidence.

Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 2016 MLA Update Hardcover
May 5 2017 - by Cheryl Glenn and Loretta Gray

Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 2016 MLA Update Hardcover - May 5 2017 by Cheryl Glenn, Loretta Gray

Learn how to write effectively - how to choose the most effective information, how to arrange it effectively, and how to decide on the most appropriate language to use when writing for any audience. This grammar-first handbook comprehensively covers grammar, style, punctuation, and mechanics as situated around rhetorical concerns: the writer, reader, message, context, and exigence (the reason for writing).

How to Judge Reliability of Internet Information from Herald.co.zw.

When to Trust a Website from Windows Microsoft.

How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography: The Annotated Bibliography by Michael Engel, Reference Librarian, Cornell University Library, Sep 29, 2022. Explanation, Process, Directions, and Examples.

What Is an Annotated Bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Annotations vs. Abstracts. Abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in periodical indexes. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they may describe the author's point of view, authority, or clarity and appropriateness of expression.

How to Write an A+ Research Paper. St. Francis Xavier Secondary School, Mississauga, ON. Step by step guide on how to write an excellent research paper quickly and successfully.

How to Write a Research Paper. TeacherVision.com. Establish topic, look for sources, take notes, organize ideas, write first draft, use footnotes & endnotes, write bibliography, revise first draft, and proofread final draft.

How to Write a Research Paper Title with Examples from Wordvice, Oct 11, 2022.

A Letter to Research Students - 7 pages, in PDF by Duane A. Bailey, Department of Computer Science, Williams College, Williamstown, MA. Organizational hints include: Reading is fundamental, Writing is fundamental.

Library Resources and Methods of Research: Search Strategies from Ithaca College, NY. Before your start, Search Strategy, Evaluating sources. Emphasis on having a good search strategy, includes Flowchart of a Search Strategy.

Online Writing Lab from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Tutorial Center for Writers. Online Writing Labs (OWLs), Internet Search Tools, Resources for Writers and Teachers, Purdue Resources, Links to other WWW writing resources.

Practical Tips for Scientific Writing by Kagan, Physics 367, Energy in a Modern Society, Ohio State University. List of some common mistakes found in undergraduate writing.

Quick study guides from Monash University, Australia. Quick study guides for a brief overview of a topic. Most are presented as an infographic. Can download a PDF version for printing. Some include links to interactive tutorials and videos. Contents: Study skills for university (Scholarly sources checklist, Making useful study notes, Examination strategies ...), Research and writing assignments (Writing essays, Writing a critical review, Editing and proof-reading, Guide to oral presentations ...).

Research 101 from University of Washington Information Literacy Learning. An interactive online tutorial for students wanting an introduction to research skills. The tutorial covers the basics, including how to select a topic and develop research questions, as well as how to select, search for, find, and evaluate information sources.

Research and Documenting Sources - OWL: Handouts from Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Handouts and exercises on research skills and resources and the writing of research papers.

Research Using the Internet from University of Toronto Mississauga Library, ON. Basic principles, forms, and examples of citation are demonstrated using both the APA (American Psychological Association) & MLA (Modern Language Association) Style Guides.

Researchpaper.com produced by Bigchalk Corporation, New York, NY. Large collection of topics, ideas, and assistance for school related research projects.

The Seven Steps of the Research Process from Eastern Washington University Libraries.

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing with 2016 MLA Update by Rise B. Axelrod, and Charles R. Cooper. The Guide's acclaimed step-by-step writing guides to 9 different genres offer sure-fire invention strategies to get students started, sentence strategies to get students writing, and thoughtful revision strategies to help students make their writing their own, no matter what their major.

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing with 2016 MLA Update by University Rise B Axelrod and University Charles R Cooper | Jul 1 2016

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (9th edition 2010) (Hardcover) by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (9th edition 2010) (Hardcover) by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (8th edition 2007) (Hardcover) by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing (8th edition 2007) (Hardcover) by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing, Short Edition Paperback - Jan. 26 2010 by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper

The St. Martin's Guide to Writing, Short Edition Paperback - Jan. 26 2010 by Rise B. Axelrod (Author), Charles R. Cooper (Author)

Style guide from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Style Guide (22 pages in PDF) from Office of Public Relations, McMaster University. Abbreviations, Acronyms, Dates and Times, Initial Caps, Italics, Measurements, Numbers, Punctuation, Spelling, Usage, Terms for Inclusive Language and Imagery.

10 Steps on How to Write an "A" Paper by Kristopher Crawford-Dickinson, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Academic Essay Writing: Some Guidelines from Carleton University, Ottawa.

Term Paper Research: Getting Started from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. A brief and concise research strategy.

Writing and Study Skills Centre from University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Writing Answers include: How to document sources using APA, MLA, Chicago Manual of Style, General composition, Grammar and Style. Study & Studentship Answers. Include how to study, make presentations, take notes, prepare for tests and exams, read effectively, manage stress, manage time and avoid multitasking.

The Writer's Handbook from UW-Madison Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. Contents: Academic and Professional Writing
1. Writing Process and Structure
2. Improving Your Writing Style
3. Grammar and Punctuation
4. Cite Reference in Your Paper
    a. APA - American Psychological Association Documentation
    b. Chicago/Turabian Documentation - Chicago Manual of Style
    c. MLA - Modern Language Association Documentation Guide
    d. APSA - Style Manual for Political Science
    e. CSE - Council of Science Editors Documentation Style
    f.  IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Documentation Style
    g. Numbered References (Guidelines on how to format entries in a numbered reference list)
    h. Quoting and Paraphrasing - Acknowledging, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Sources in PDF.

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